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My 30 Day Challenge was writing a Diary.

I wanted to write a Diary here in America anyway to

remember my time here and I started writing my diary before the 30 Day challenge, but it didn’t
go well. That means before the 30 Day Challenge I just didn’t find time to write it and it was very
irregular. When starting the 30-day challenge I was kind of “forced” to do it, what Actually
needed. From back at the beginning I wrote my Diary every day and it got kind of a habitat
writing it in the evening while watching TV with the family. Sometimes though we were not home
and did something in the evening, what throws off my habitat, so I just wrote it early in the next
day when we came home late from an event. I am glad I did that 30-day challenge because now
I have good documentation of what I did in America and I hope I keep it up with writing my diary.
The last days were very stressful though, because of snow coming week and we had a lot of
games, where I worked concessions. So in the last 2 days, I didn’t really write one entry for
those days, I wrote an entry for 3 days. I still think that was ok because my goal is it to
document my experience here. I also had another 30-day challenge, so I had a good
comparison if it went good or bad, and I really have to say that challenge went way better than
the other challenge I attended.

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