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Roll No Total Pages : 2

MDQ/NI.18 6343
Paper ; Course-VII

Time : Threc Hoursl [Maximum Marks : 80

Note : Attemptfi've questions in all. Question no. I is compulsory.
Attempt one question from each of the four units. All
questions carry equal rrarks.

Compulsory Question

1. Write short notes in 150 wods on the following :

(a) Blade of Grass as a symbol in Whitrnan.

O) Character of Miss Watson n HucHeberry Finn.

(c) Characrcr of Wilson Harris in The Sun also Rises.
(d) Symbot of elysian fields in A Streetcar Narned Desire.


2, Dscuss Walt Whitman as a poet of Democracy.

3. Bring out the central theme in Emily Dickinson's poetry.

4. Bring out the theme of slavery it The Adventures of
Huckleberry Firn.

5. Write a note on the Intemational theme in The Portrait of a

6343/1,300/KD/951 [P.T.O.

6. Discuss Robcrt Frrost as a poet of nature and man.

7. Tlu Sun also Rises has bcen called a noval at out the [.ost
Gencration. Elaborate.


t. Discuss 77r, Hairy Ape as a tragedy.

9. Bring out the theme of appearance and reality rn A Steetcar

Named Desire.

634311,300/KD/951 I

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