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Vendor Rating

To list out all the Quality Documents available.

Purchasing Function

The following are the Quality Documents in Purchasing

Sl Document Name Compiled , Approved & Distribution Document No

No Controlled By
1 Quality Manual – Qd Quality Assurance ----
2 Quality Handbook - HB Purchasing Purchasing ----
Company Purchasing Quality Manual –
3 Purchasing ----
4 Supplier Quality development Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0001
5 Approved Suppliers List – Domestic Purchasing WP / C / 0002
6 Approved Suppliers List – Overseas Purchasing WP / C / 0003
7 Supplier Audit Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0004
6 Quality Verification Plan Quality Assurance ----
7 List of Forms & Formats Purchasing FF / C / 0026

To evaluate the performance of key External Providers

Ensure key external providers are identified and monitored for their performance and award
To constantly move in the direction of continual improvement
Vendor Rating

To list out all the Quality Documents available.

Purchasing Function

The following are the Quality Documents in Purchasing

Sl Document Name Compiled , Approved & Distribution Document No

No Controlled By
1 Quality Manual – Qd Quality Assurance ----
2 Quality Handbook - HB Purchasing Purchasing ----
Company Purchasing Quality Manual –
3 Purchasing ----
4 Supplier Quality development Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0001
5 Approved Suppliers List – Domestic Purchasing WP / C / 0002
6 Approved Suppliers List – Overseas Purchasing WP / C / 0003
7 Supplier Audit Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0004
6 Quality Verification Plan Quality Assurance ----
7 List of Forms & Formats Purchasing FF / C / 0026


External providers within the scope of QMS


Delivery schedule rating (Dc)

Vendor Rating

To list out all the Quality Documents available.

Purchasing Function

The following are the Quality Documents in Purchasing

Sl Document Name Compiled , Approved & Distribution Document No

No Controlled By
1 Quality Manual – Qd Quality Assurance ----
2 Quality Handbook - HB Purchasing Purchasing ----
Company Purchasing Quality Manual –
3 Purchasing ----
4 Supplier Quality development Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0001
5 Approved Suppliers List – Domestic Purchasing WP / C / 0002
6 Approved Suppliers List – Overseas Purchasing WP / C / 0003
7 Supplier Audit Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0004
6 Quality Verification Plan Quality Assurance ----
7 List of Forms & Formats Purchasing FF / C / 0026

Rating considered to understand the time schedule commitment by external provider

Volume rating (Vc)

Rating considered to understand the Quantity commitment by external provider

Delivery Rating (D)

Vendor Rating

To list out all the Quality Documents available.

Purchasing Function

The following are the Quality Documents in Purchasing

Sl Document Name Compiled , Approved & Distribution Document No

No Controlled By
1 Quality Manual – Qd Quality Assurance ----
2 Quality Handbook - HB Purchasing Purchasing ----
Company Purchasing Quality Manual –
3 Purchasing ----
4 Supplier Quality development Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0001
5 Approved Suppliers List – Domestic Purchasing WP / C / 0002
6 Approved Suppliers List – Overseas Purchasing WP / C / 0003
7 Supplier Audit Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0004
6 Quality Verification Plan Quality Assurance ----
7 List of Forms & Formats Purchasing FF / C / 0026

Weighted average of cumulative delivery schedule rating and volume rating

Quality Rating (Q)

Rating considered to understand the correctness of the products and service supplied as
per company
Rating is provided by quality.
Vendor Rating

To list out all the Quality Documents available.

Purchasing Function

The following are the Quality Documents in Purchasing

Sl Document Name Compiled , Approved & Distribution Document No

No Controlled By
1 Quality Manual – Qd Quality Assurance ----
2 Quality Handbook - HB Purchasing Purchasing ----
Company Purchasing Quality Manual –
3 Purchasing ----
4 Supplier Quality development Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0001
5 Approved Suppliers List – Domestic Purchasing WP / C / 0002
6 Approved Suppliers List – Overseas Purchasing WP / C / 0003
7 Supplier Audit Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0004
6 Quality Verification Plan Quality Assurance ----
7 List of Forms & Formats Purchasing FF / C / 0026

Vendor Rating
Overall performance of external provider, cumulative of Delivery rating and
Quality rating

4.1 Delivery schedule and volume rating.
1. Collect data of purchase order and delivery schedule of items and vendors of interest
from Navision
Vendor Rating

To list out all the Quality Documents available.

Purchasing Function

The following are the Quality Documents in Purchasing

Sl Document Name Compiled , Approved & Distribution Document No

No Controlled By
1 Quality Manual – Qd Quality Assurance ----
2 Quality Handbook - HB Purchasing Purchasing ----
Company Purchasing Quality Manual –
3 Purchasing ----
4 Supplier Quality development Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0001
5 Approved Suppliers List – Domestic Purchasing WP / C / 0002
6 Approved Suppliers List – Overseas Purchasing WP / C / 0003
7 Supplier Audit Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0004
6 Quality Verification Plan Quality Assurance ----
7 List of Forms & Formats Purchasing FF / C / 0026

2. Collect data of actual receipt date from GRN.

3. Calculate the difference of schedule date and actual date. Assign weightage to each item
4. For Imports: If delivery schedule is met Target + 15 days assign 1.0.
If delivery schedule is met Target + 30 days assign 0.5
5. For domestic: If delivery schedule is met Target + 3 days assign 1.0.
If delivery schedule is met Target + 7 days assign 0.5
6. Sum of assigned weights (A) is calculated and total no of line items considered is
counted (B).
Vendor Rating

To list out all the Quality Documents available.

Purchasing Function

The following are the Quality Documents in Purchasing

Sl Document Name Compiled , Approved & Distribution Document No

No Controlled By
1 Quality Manual – Qd Quality Assurance ----
2 Quality Handbook - HB Purchasing Purchasing ----
Company Purchasing Quality Manual –
3 Purchasing ----
4 Supplier Quality development Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0001
5 Approved Suppliers List – Domestic Purchasing WP / C / 0002
6 Approved Suppliers List – Overseas Purchasing WP / C / 0003
7 Supplier Audit Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0004
6 Quality Verification Plan Quality Assurance ----
7 List of Forms & Formats Purchasing FF / C / 0026

Delivery schedule (Dc) rating is calculated as ratio of A÷B x 100

7. Volume rating (Vc) is calculated as sum of total quantity supplied v/s sum of total
quantity ordered
Expressed in percentage.

4.2 Delivery rating (D)

Weightage to schedule and volume compliance is assigned and calculated cumulatively as
below formula
Vendor Rating

To list out all the Quality Documents available.

Purchasing Function

The following are the Quality Documents in Purchasing

Sl Document Name Compiled , Approved & Distribution Document No

No Controlled By
1 Quality Manual – Qd Quality Assurance ----
2 Quality Handbook - HB Purchasing Purchasing ----
Company Purchasing Quality Manual –
3 Purchasing ----
4 Supplier Quality development Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0001
5 Approved Suppliers List – Domestic Purchasing WP / C / 0002
6 Approved Suppliers List – Overseas Purchasing WP / C / 0003
7 Supplier Audit Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0004
6 Quality Verification Plan Quality Assurance ----
7 List of Forms & Formats Purchasing FF / C / 0026

Delivery rating = 0.7 x Dc + 0.3 x Vc

4.3 Quality rating (Q)
Quality rating is provided by QA and calculated as ratio of sum of accepted Qty v/s Sum of
received Qty
{Qty. accepted+(Qty.accepted under deviation x 0.5)+(Qty.accepted after rework x 0.25)
} x 100
Quantity received
Vendor Rating

To list out all the Quality Documents available.

Purchasing Function

The following are the Quality Documents in Purchasing

Sl Document Name Compiled , Approved & Distribution Document No

No Controlled By
1 Quality Manual – Qd Quality Assurance ----
2 Quality Handbook - HB Purchasing Purchasing ----
Company Purchasing Quality Manual –
3 Purchasing ----
4 Supplier Quality development Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0001
5 Approved Suppliers List – Domestic Purchasing WP / C / 0002
6 Approved Suppliers List – Overseas Purchasing WP / C / 0003
7 Supplier Audit Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0004
6 Quality Verification Plan Quality Assurance ----
7 List of Forms & Formats Purchasing FF / C / 0026

4.5 Vendor rating

Vendor rating is calculated as cumulative of Delivery rating Quality rating as below
Vendor rating = 0.5 x D + 0.5 x Q

From To Grade
5. Classification of grades.
≥ 96% 100% A Based on the rating each
≥ 90% 95.99% AB vendor is provided with grade
as ≥ 75% 89.99% B defined in table below
≤ 75% C
Vendor Rating

To list out all the Quality Documents available.

Purchasing Function

The following are the Quality Documents in Purchasing

Sl Document Name Compiled , Approved & Distribution Document No

No Controlled By
1 Quality Manual – Qd Quality Assurance ----
2 Quality Handbook - HB Purchasing Purchasing ----
Company Purchasing Quality Manual –
3 Purchasing ----
4 Supplier Quality development Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0001
5 Approved Suppliers List – Domestic Purchasing WP / C / 0002
6 Approved Suppliers List – Overseas Purchasing WP / C / 0003
7 Supplier Audit Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0004
6 Quality Verification Plan Quality Assurance ----
7 List of Forms & Formats Purchasing FF / C / 0026

6. Communication and Reaction Plan

1. Ratings are communicated to vendors.
Vendor Rating

To list out all the Quality Documents available.

Purchasing Function

The following are the Quality Documents in Purchasing

Sl Document Name Compiled , Approved & Distribution Document No

No Controlled By
1 Quality Manual – Qd Quality Assurance ----
2 Quality Handbook - HB Purchasing Purchasing ----
Company Purchasing Quality Manual –
3 Purchasing ----
4 Supplier Quality development Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0001
5 Approved Suppliers List – Domestic Purchasing WP / C / 0002
6 Approved Suppliers List – Overseas Purchasing WP / C / 0003
7 Supplier Audit Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0004
6 Quality Verification Plan Quality Assurance ----
7 List of Forms & Formats Purchasing FF / C / 0026

2. For grade C VENDORS, reaction plan is discussed and continuous monitoring is done. If no
Improvements is found block the vendor and find alternate.
3. For grade B vendors, Specific issues are discussed and actions are taken by vendor.

Vendor Rating

To list out all the Quality Documents available.

Purchasing Function

The following are the Quality Documents in Purchasing

Sl Document Name Compiled , Approved & Distribution Document No

No Controlled By
1 Quality Manual – Qd Quality Assurance ----
2 Quality Handbook - HB Purchasing Purchasing ----
Company Purchasing Quality Manual –
3 Purchasing ----
4 Supplier Quality development Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0001
5 Approved Suppliers List – Domestic Purchasing WP / C / 0002
6 Approved Suppliers List – Overseas Purchasing WP / C / 0003
7 Supplier Audit Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0004
6 Quality Verification Plan Quality Assurance ----
7 List of Forms & Formats Purchasing FF / C / 0026

8. References
1. Purchase order
2. GRN (goods receipt note)
3. Vendor rating form
Vendor Rating

To list out all the Quality Documents available.

Purchasing Function

The following are the Quality Documents in Purchasing

Sl Document Name Compiled , Approved & Distribution Document No

No Controlled By
1 Quality Manual – Qd Quality Assurance ----
2 Quality Handbook - HB Purchasing Purchasing ----
Company Purchasing Quality Manual –
3 Purchasing ----
4 Supplier Quality development Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0001
5 Approved Suppliers List – Domestic Purchasing WP / C / 0002
6 Approved Suppliers List – Overseas Purchasing WP / C / 0003
7 Supplier Audit Plan Purchasing WP / C / 0004
6 Quality Verification Plan Quality Assurance ----
7 List of Forms & Formats Purchasing FF / C / 0026

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