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The related Factors of women’s knowledge toward morning sickness in pregnant women

Trimester 1 in Batoh health center Banda Aceh

Zuriah1, Cut Sriyanti2


During pregnancy there are physiological changes that are often experienced by
pregnant women. These changes can occur in any trimester of pregnancy, such as headaches,
vaginal discharge, frequent urination, fatigue, itching, food cravings, and the most common are
nausea and vomiting. Based on the data in the MCH health center visits Banda Aceh Batoh
period January to July 2013 data showed that 870 pregnant women checkups, while the first
trimester pregnant women totaled 228 people, the data of pregnant women who experience
nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy is 61 people.
To find out the Related Factors of Knowledge Against Mothers Against Morning Sickness
In Pregnancy Health Center Batoh Trimseter I In Banda Aceh Year 2013.
Analytic survey research, using a cross-sectional approach, sampling techniques
accidental sampling by 35 respondents. The study was conducted on 04 s / d June 11, 2013 using
questionnaires were then analyzed using univariate and bivariate 95% confidence level (α = ≤
0.05) using the chi-square test with SPSS version 16.0 computer program.
Of the 35 respondents mostly less knowledgeable many as 16 people (45.7%), aged <20
and> 35 years were 19 persons (54.3%), basic education as many as 17 people (48.6%). There
is a significant correlation between the age of the mother's knowledge about morning sickness in
the first trimester of pregnancy (p value = 0.045). There was no significant relationship
education meaningful relationship with the mother's knowledge about morning sickness in the
first trimester of pregnancy (p value = 0.029).
he result showed that There is a significant association between the mother's age and
education with knowledge about the mother's morning sickness in pregnant women trimester I. It
is suggested that the health center in order to improve the education and socialization of
morning sickness for pregnant women in order to improve the mother's knowledge, to further
research in order to conduct further research and develop the use of other variables as well as a
larger sample and measuring devices more valid, the educational institutions are expected data
from the results of this research can be studies and reference materials in the library adds to the
treasury and to improve the ability of students about morning sickness.

Keywords: Knowledge, Age, Education, Morning Sickness

Bibliography: 23 Books (2002-2011) + 17 Internet Site (2004-2011)
Number of Pages: xiii, page 56, figure 2, table 6, annex 14

¹ Students Prodi D-III National Midwifery STIKes Hope Foundation Banda Aceh Darussalam
Supervisor ²

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