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Quiz A

Francinie Miranda Quesada

Video 1: ClassIn tutorial

1. Before going into the classroom, teachers need to check their equipment, what needs to be checked
in the system?
A. Poster check, camera ,headphone, microphone
B. System check, camera ,headphone, microphone
C. Material check, camera ,headphone, microphone

2. Where can you prepare and practice your class?

A. Enter classroom B. Practicing/preparation room C. Calendar

3. Regarding the ClassIn tool bar, which button needs to be clicked when you want to move or select

B. C. D.

4. Where do you find the class material and upload your own material?

A. C.
B. D.

5. When giving trophies, we click the ____ button.

A. C. D.

Video 2- 1st Class Observation

1. Which level do you think the students are?

A. K level B. Primary C. Middle school

2. What does this teacher do to engage students?

She starts by asking questions and asks them to play a game

3. How did she make her instructions easy?

She repeats them until they are very clear, she uses drilling too

4. What can you learn from this teacher if you are going to conduct this lesson?

Repetition is important, same as using gestures and performing the vocabulary and activities

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