Angol Igeidők

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Az angol igeidők

Angol név Magyar név Példamondat Képlet Időhatározók, segítőszavak, tudnivalók

1. PRESENT SIMPLE = Egyszerű jelen → I usually write letters. → 〔V1〕 A+❐ +Á = always, usually, generally, often, A+Á+többi+❐= every day, in the
seldom, never, sometimes evenings, on Sundays
2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS = Folyamatos jelen → I am writing a letter now. → 〔to be + ing〕 Jelennél: now, at the moment, these days, Közeli tervezett jövőnél: this evening,
(Present Progressive) nomadays next summer, tomorrow, today, … (ha
reggelhez képest nézzük.)
3. PRESENT PERFECT = Befejezett jelen → I have written3 the letter. → 〔have (E/3 ⇨ has) since- for, ever- never, just, already- yet- not yet,
+ V3〕 before., … so far., recently, lately (12 db)

4. PRESENT PERFECT Folyamatos befejezett I have been living in Aszód since my birth. 〔have been + ing〕 (since és for) itt is lehet
CONTINUOUS = jelen → →

5. SIMPLE PAST = Egyszerű múlt → I wrote2 the letter yesterday. → 〔V2〕 A + Á + többi + ❐. =at 6 o’clock, on Saturday, in
the morning, yesterday, 2 years ago, in summer, on
9th April
6. PAST CONTINUOUS = Folyamatos múlt → I was writing the letter one hour long time. 〔was/ were + ing〕 two hours long time, during the afternoon = in the Egyidejűség: while, when, as soon as, as
(Past Progressive) → afternoon, the (w)hole night, all the day, for… to…, = mialatt, amint
until 5pm, all the time
7. PAST PERFECT = Befejezett múlt After I had3 woken3 up, I ate2 an apple. → 〔had + V3〕 by = 〔akkorra → by the time〕 Előidejűség: After (miután) + had3 +V3,
〔régmúlt〕 Simple Past
(előidejűség) →
8. SIMPLE FUTURE = Egyszerű jövő → I will write the letter this evening. → 〔will + V1〕 ● tomorrow, tonight, soon, next week, in an hour
(1 órán belül)
● I hope, I bet, I suppose, I guess, certainly,
probably, perhaps,
● When/ After/ Before/ As soon as/ Until + Present
Simple, will + V1

9. FUTURE PERFECT = Befejezett jövő → By the afternoon I will have written3 the 〔will have + V3〕 by = akkorra, by tomorrow = holnapra, by 2pm =
letter. → délután 2-re
10, 11, 12 → van még

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