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draft part 1 dec1 2016 1 V for T

The proper technique in technical philosophy

A technical philosopher with good technique is a

fraught, freight train that the truth, a

rambling man — all roads lead to roam — happens

to catch a ride on. Technically, the

philosopher can only reveal what happens beside

of her and on top of her and inside of her,

where the truth runs and crawls and sleeps.

Tomes of technical pseudo-philosophy have failed

to glimpse the truth by aiming directly for the

target and being blinded by the light. If these

so-called philosophers really loved knowledge,

they would have gleaned enough of it to know not

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to do that. Once blinded by the light, they can

only cobble up a theory that is so hard to

justify they must spend their whole life trying

to do so, only to have their arguments deposed

in the next generation, until, in the next

generation, those depositions are deposed, and

then their theory is recovered, until the next

generation deposes it again.

At least some technical philosophers leave it at

that, but others mix up their blind-sighted

technical theories with practical advice that

usually contradicts the theories, but as Hitler

advises, and it seems to work, the more self-

contradictory and absurd one's approach, the

more likely to garner a following. It seems

that regular bombardment with these

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contradictions so numbs the brain that it can

no longer recognize the same idea seen from

different perspective in different contexts —

though so far it can still recognize material

objects. It is a cyborg, but not yet fully a

machine. This mix of "humanist" and technical

philosophy can get very entrenched and difficult

to depose over many generations. It's like a

biological weapon causing widespread brain

damage in the educated classes that trickles

down to the population at large.

I might be a humanist, but that's not my job.

I'm a technical philosopher who uses the proper

technique. The proper technique is just to be a

freight train carrying useful cargo, and by a

fluke the truth catches a ride on one, and if

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not, the philosopher gains much knowledge

indirectly, just by performing a useful task and

earning the respect owed to a human being.

That was my intention, and no-one was more

surprised than, when of all things, the truth

started running along beside me, then hopped

aboard and wiggled inside of me. If I ever had

seen it coming right at me gazing into my

headlights and I into its, we would have

crashed, and I doubt I would have survived.

So please don't think that all personal stories

I tell represent any attempt to humanize

philosophy. I'm only showing the truth running

beside me or crawling inside, or hopping around

on the roof, as I glimpse it sidelong, or hear

it, or feel it inside of me. Those who see it

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out there, at a distance from themselves in a

world out there in which they are not visible,

and they're face to face with it, again, are

blinded by the light and then they run right

over it.

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…my whole life converged on this finding, but to

cut as quickly as possible to the necessarily

excruciatingly slow motion punch, as time is

running out on our rootless world, I'll begin in

the middle — nel mezzo del cammin di nostra


…mi ritrovai per

una selva oscura. Indeed, like Dante

confronting the gates of hell, I had lost all

perspective, and by all accounts others had too,

though they were better at faking it. Yet

simultaneously it occurred to me inchoately that

I'd been situated and situated myself

fortuitously to suss out the sources of

perspective, objectively speaking, however I

might have indeed to harrow hell to do it. I say

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inchoately, because when the question of the

origins of mathematical perspective in

Renaissance paintings grabbed me, it hadn't

occurred to me that visual perspective has

anything significant to do with psychological

perspective.  Mainly, while roaming around

greater Rome during the summers while in

architecture school, I fell in love with the

paintings in which perspective first appeared.

At that time of my life, again, I felt greatly

un-anchored, assaulted by the harshness and

unforgivingness of life when not subject to

meaningless flights of distracting joy that life

was sure to punish me for with the pain

seemingly (but only because I lacked all

perspective, let alone the hawk's supremely

evolved variety able to spot a prey that far

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away) resistant, however high I turned up the

flame on the Bunson burner in my laboratory, to

the chemical conversion that my marvelously

masochistic mom had mastered to turn pain into

gain. (She — the late great Missouri state

representative S. Sue Shear — took an ice cold

shower every morning and refused novacaine at

the dentist.

Suzy Shear — no sushi in the matrix stayed

pinker and more delicious to the bitter end, and

when the machine finally slurped her up, it

belched, smiled and got God to grace the heavens

with a night of shooting stars to welcome her

soul as we watched from the roof of the Park

Tower condominiums overlooking Shaw Park and the

endless sea of green where the Ozymandian you're

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about to meet had landed decades ago, he who

found himself lagging behind as that consummate

go getter, Sue, she herself, biked up ahead of

him, and his heart leapt into his throat as it

suddenly occurred to him — I'm going to marry

that girl!

Flash forward to June in the 1980's, when yours

truly, whose aforementioned daddy did well

enough by her with his modeling dough enterprise

— he manufactured the cheap imitation of Play-

doh on sale for half price at Woolworth's, but

it might have been closer to the Platonic play-

dohnic original, but that's for a flashback to

the flashback after I've saved the world's

perspective in the nick of time — to send her

back East for a higher education, booked a cheap

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flight via Iceland to Italy for the requisite

architect's tour.

It, as in Italy, rushed at her, who'd known and

grown into life as a bland midwestern suburb,

and crushed her like a tidal wave, the force and

impact of its difference back then unharnessed

by electronic mediation — the chirping birds of

all the Italian words gathering pecking and

swooping all around the grand squares made for

gods and men mingling, with the fountain waters

hushing in alto voce when not babbling with the

birds of the words, the maximally masculine

power of the rusticated palaces with the

maximally feminine grace of their elegant

ornament. A world made by and for art uber

alles, centuries old art like the music of its

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era so keen to take on the biggest and darkest

and soften every blow, every surface quite

perfectly balancing — it might sound high

falutin, but this is how it works — rationality

with sensuality and vice versa. To me it

justified my long standing spoiled brat refusal

to accept or invest seriously in the depleted

world I'd known, daydreaming of some place that

would not thwart every desire before its

ultimate fulfillment.

I hail from a long line of spoiled brats who get

everything we want, considering. Italy for me

was my version of the America that my immigrant

grandparents found — just what they always

wanted! — to escape from poverty and pograms, It

was the somewhere over the rainbow in the form

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of the premonition of the Saint Louis arch that

my father blew over from Kansas, to the greenly

glowing — due to lichen and moss in the river,

the tornado turbulent skies, the sea of green

treetops that ripples out to the horizon in the

view from the eyes in that aluminum rainbow's

keystone when you ride the ferris wheel elevator

up through its viscera — city where a grandly

doomed Ozymandian such as booming King Harry, a

gimmick and gadget man in his own circus, could

find his pot of gold — just what he always

wanted! —— and some cartoon characters to boss

around, save from wicked witches, and impart

confidence and wisdom to — just what he always

wanted! —— before ballooning back to Kansas,

though alas the balloon just went up up and away

to a place so distant this is the only show he

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so far stars in, by way of the unprecedented

resolution of my telescope. (And I'm commuting

between Kansas (my Brooklyn garden) and Oz.)

So you see I'd been genetically and culturally

conditioned to get exactly what I wanted — not

just believe in the land over the rainbow, but

also land there. What people, even my friends,

seem not to get, is that seeing through your

dreams and laughing at them only verifies their

resilience in surviving all manner of scorn and

deconstruction. They are that they are. These

however minorly mythic stories of ours are the

bones of being, and you can fortify your

illusions of the solidity of things all you

want, but in the end they are mere illusions

embedded in your very stilted arrangements of

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data filtered to sustain the illusions; but

dreams, the more they know themselves as such,

are as real as reality can ever get. There's no

escaping, either, the uncanny catholicity, as

you will see, of my cipher-hood. As Karl Jung

bravely insisted, evidence however defiant of

reason as we know it, cannot be ethically

suppressed. Such evidence suddenly pouring in

through a long unnoticed hole in the roof giving

way after decades of erosion has forced more

than one militant atheist suddenly to his knees

praying to avoid a death of cold in the downpour

that resists all cries of — gimme shelter! Calm

down ex-atheist graduated at least to agnostic.

As Buddha says, it's not about coming in from

the cold, it's about learning to dance in the

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I didn't need to learn, I was a natural born

Gene Kelly, where every beautiful boy I met

whose heart I broke or vice versa, gave

sufficient plot to warrant the tap dance. I was

working on the script, tearing it up over and

over, sometimes silently or openly sobbing in

grievous frustration, but I'd found the setting.

Italy back then verified that this ideal of

which I'd dreamt possessed a physical form and

so was in this manner too real, or potentially

real — though the gap between the usual world

and this world was so great only supernatural

events and characters could render it credible.

That was interesting — that the darkness of

usual reality had to be a thing applied, not

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reality itself, as reality could appear in such

a much lighter form.

Like Giotto, I studied and practiced

architecture because I like, trust, and believe

in making things not just tearing them apart and

deconstructing them, and perspective is a

construct you can construct things with. I

intuited what I came to believe overtly, that

nobody knows anything worth saying until he can

make something with it. I don't romanticize the

artist, I simply give the artist credit for what

the artist actually is and does. Those who call

this romanticizing would just prefer to deny it

as they shrink from the call of Martin Luther

King to everybody to ascend to an artist of

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whatever science or craft they master, the art

of medicine, the art of brick laying, the art of

mothering, the art of dishwashing, etc., and

also the art of art making, as likely as any

other to fail in its aspiration to art, but at

least by wearing the label it attests to the

aspiration, and maybe that's all art is, an

aspiration inducing movement from a relatively

un-dreamy here to a dreamier there, realized

instantly in the awakening of a mustard seed of

faith in the minimal difference awakening the

aspiration to leap over the hairline crack that

feels like an abyss — as who today dares to eat

a peach, not just process it? Among the

intelligentsia, a positive act is a travesty.

Artists only get away with it because critics

process it as a critical act made of positive

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gestures, rather than vice versa, which is the


I gravitated to the topic of perspective as a

topic of research when I decided to delay

construction for a while, widen my perspective —

such as it was — nobody lacks absolutely ALL

perspective, I only relatively did — and study

art history more deeply.

We now tend to disparage perspective as a tool

for stamping out deadly facsimiles devoid of any

aura, but that's because perspective's been

kidnapped, as it were, by the white slave trade

and forced into this degraded service. She

herself, not a thing, but a way of making things

relate to one another, such that even what gets

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upstaged or overlapped is still implied — and in

monocular, the most mathematical perspective,

whatever appears, near or far, is equally crisp

and clear as a harpsichord, even as the forms

diminish by the harmonic proportions that rule

musical harmony — is indeed just visual music,

how lovely! On visits to Venice I noticed that

Palladio creates in his luminous, numinous

churches visual music so purely perspectival you

can hear it with your whole body including your

ears — where, as you will come to see, I have a

fleeting form of synesthesia, where I can't

pinpoint, say, the enduring color of a sound,

but I know I see it intermittently, and then I'm

flooded with metaphors keen to chase down the

effect. Maybe I contracted it from getting mixed

up in perspective's origins, which can give you

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Lucy in the sky with kaleidoscope eyes syndrome,

especially if you're prone to flashbacks from

your hippy days or toddlerhood.  But sometimes

the trip starts going bad. I got good at playing

with perspective, but had no idea how to work on


You see, after contracting a sickness unto death

of being sick to death of adding up dimension

strings and wearing out toilet templates in an

architecture office, graduate school in art

history to me resembled the Renaissance

hospitals so relatively pleasantly equipped, the

Vasari reports in Lives of the Artists, that the

infirm preferred to languish there than recover.

The authorities, though, in both Renaissance

hospitals and modern graduate schools, keep a

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sharp eye out for imposter patients. I wouldn't

be allowed just to hunker down there, as I took

all the time it really takes to heal of all that

worldly wounding as I went on and on crooning

that quote of Uccello — oh what a lovely thing

is perspective! They called me to catch some

kind of fish that others too could consume, I

would have to learn the seas well enough to get

a bite on my line that would stir me into

feverish pursuit of the biter, and by this catch

a bug that would justify prolonging my stay in

the hospital, (And by the way, as a professional

phN (nurse of philosophy), I profess that the

whole world needs time in this hospital, time to

heal, including catching the bug that assures

there will be time here to perform all the tests

and get to the bottom of what ails us, that's

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why I'm inviting everybody into this hospital


So in quest of the best stocked waters for

catching the fish bug I needed never to finish

Huck Finnishly fishing, playing hookie as a

living, I read widely and deeply on the subject.

I study the psychology and metaphysics of

perspective, perspective as a symbolic as well

as physical form, perspective that rattles, then

squishes like melting marbles in the marble

mouthed mutter of the theorists, who

occasionally spit out a cloudy orb that

resembles and actually operates as a crystal

ball. The discovery of perspective, notes Irwin

Panofsky, signifies the birth of the modern,

scientific paradigm of knowledge.  That is, it

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officially enacts the transfer of truth revealed

in the sacred, living Word and the living,

rooted, poetic words that are its minions — this

wildly fluid sacred world ordered into some

submission by clerics — to the businessmen and

scientists for whom names boil down to

arbitrarily formed labels attached to measurable

phenomena pinned down to coordinates in a matrix

(and here you will get to choose the blue pill

or the real red pill).  At this transfer, the

world once one, shatters into fragments of that

merely remembered phantom of wholeness, as

hoards rush in to gain legal ownership of as

many fragments as they can, the sooner the

better, as the numinous glow of the fragments is

swiftly degrading. 
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Of course, it's not quite as simple as that.  In

truth, nothing is but thinking makes it so, and

the perpetrators of modernity, as of antiquity,

can only control the mind of humanity so far. 

Many clumps and clots of the sacred word made

world remain intractably un-mixable however high

you crank up the osterizer setting — because in

truth it takes two not only to tango, but for

either potential tangoer to exist.  Where

there's yang, there's yin. The attempted

homogenization of space and reduction of being

to an undulating screen saver pulls up out of

the depths the Renaissance proto-cowboy, the

rugged, untamable individualistic artist, who

evolves into the fully flowered American cowboy

of which the Italians are so understandably

fond.  The aforementioned white slave trade —

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that kidnapped perspective — after binding its

hands and feet, whisks perspective away from any

genuine religion and spirituality that the

market cannot exploit, but before that

kidnapping, the early discoverers and

practitioners of the method face backward to the

sacred source.

For these Renaissance cowboys, playing good,

God-fearing guys, like sheriff Matt Dillon on

"Gunsmoke", musical harmonies made optical mean

mystically inspired.  Heroes of their dramas,

the Renaissance artists turning the whole world

into very moving picture shows seize the spot of

the observed to fix the public at a distance

that brings them into perfect focus.  Before

Alberti publishes the method in 1414,

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Brunelleschi creates a demonstration reported by

Manetti. Brunelleschi has viewers hold up a

panel with a perspective painted on the back and

look through a hole in the panel at a mirror

reflecting the painting, then compare it with

the thing painted, in one panel the secular

Signoria, in the other the sacred Florence

Baptistery. Perspective creates a theater after

all, all the world's a stage, and you can freely

choose your perspective, your role in it, your

very identity, or, if they're not awake — so if

you're not, wake up! — choose them for another —

like when Brunelleschi and some pals find a

drunk carpenter asleep in the public square,

bring him to one of their homes, dress him in

fancy clothes, and when he comes to, address him

as a nobleman.
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In perspective the sacred word made world isn't

dead, it's just liberated from single readings;

a truth you take with a grain of salt is still


Oh what a lovely thing is this perspective! If

only we could get back to the bridge that those

Renaissance cowboys built to situate themselves

in the pre-post-erous present and have it all.

But Panofsky, Elkins, Edgarton, Crary, Damisch

etc. etc. have sliced, diced, blended, baked,

fried, and cried over perspective without

finding a way back to inhabit its heh dey, more

enlightened that the Enlightenment, which

privileged the rational over the sensual,

tipping to the right handed side as if drunk on

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reason. I certainly had no inclination to write

a theory thesis molded of minor observations

mingled in second hand quotes meant to verify

the dogmatic conclusion that conclusions are not

allowed, especially dogmatic ones.

In fact, I honor all that theory — nothing under

the sun doesn't have some good, as well as bad

in it — so when I noticed it wanted to devour

itself in its tangle of tautologies, instead of

serve as a cash source to lazy scholars, I

surrendered to its own impulse to do so. Good-

bye critical theory. Yes, your tropes helped me

scale some seriously steep slopes, up a thousand

plateaus, but now they're all frayed and cannot

even speak to a peek of the peak I seek, and so

— I permit you to check out of my life. Sigh.

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There she goes, down into the abyss. With

critical theory a lot more permanently dead to

my, by this resolution to drown her, newly

shrunk head even than God, whose resurrection

following an even more severe nailing is often

reported, what could propel a doctoral thesis to

the distant last page of itself? I required a

McGuffin, a thing a plot turns on, to catapult

itself up and down the parabola of the terrible

parable that everything is.

Or to put it another way, I just desired to make

a small, but real contribution to my field — as

a botanist seeks to discover a new species of

bacteria or fern, as in A New Leaf, where Walter

Mathau plays a playboy who marries an heiress

botanist, played by Elaine May, and carefully

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plots her murder, but instead of letting her

drown, as planned, he dives into the waterfall

and saves her, for he has fallen in love with

her, she who radiates the prospect of

immortality that accrues to one who discovers a

new species of thing that then takes on her

name. Such radiance alone could induce such a

rake to turn over a new leaf. So I decided to

radiate such irresistibly sexy, reasonable hopes

that my discovery of a new species of

perspective on perspective might one day be

published in an article or book that bears my

name — as sure as I left that slipper behind

after my dance with the prince from a

Renaissance fresco that night under the stars at

the summit of Siena gazing out over the Tuscan

countryside shrouded in magical mists.

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Seek and ye shall, leave no stone unturned, not

even one marked — beware scorpions, do not turn

over this stone! Just stand ready with your

scorpion spray, the march of knowledge, hair of

the dog that bit us, must go on. I guess a part

of me still clung to the ancient adage. In my

heart, though, I'd given up, but just kept

roaming around the library flipping through the

card catalogue and languishing in the stacks

until I could come up with another plan day.

One day I came upon an article that piqued my

interest. In it, the scholar William Hood

described an eleventh century Dominican prayer

manual called De Modo Brandi, or How to Pray

that Hood discovers in the archives of San

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Marco, where Fra Angelico paints his celebrated

frescos. The illuminations in the manual depict

friars spying on Saint Dominic as he gestures

before a Crucifix, and in so doing displays

consummately appropriate, pointedly legible

emotions and responses, these illuminations

precursors of the emoticons that are now

supplied above the facebook like button to

express sadness, wonder, horror.

Just as the facebook format limits one to the

generic, unambiguous response, so the text

instructs the friars to imitate the expression

and gesture of each emoticon illuminated in the

manual, and so achieve, one by one, the proper

series of emotions in the proper order. A

fascinating historical find revealing the early

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medieval roots of carefully controlled and

codified, contemporary emotional life, and also

going far to explain the otherwise curious

compositions with gesturing friars in Fra

Angelico's frescos. However, determined to catch

a bug that will allow me to languish in the

cushy Renaissance hospital of graduate school in

art history without selling my soul, I'm chiefly

taken with how perspectival the illuminations in

the manual appear, how spatially advanced, quite

similar to the frescos of Era Angelico, which

turn out to be not other than sophisticated,

refined illuminations of the prayer practice.

Piero della Francesca, centuries after that

prayer manual appears, defined perspective as

not other than the definition of the distinct

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roles of viewer, object on view, picture plane,

and here it was already happening. The manual

demands the friar desist from immediate response

and situate himself at a clear distance from the

subject on view, the mediating saint as imitator

of Christ playing a kind of picture plane on

which the image of the subject appears, a

telescoping perspectival space naturally arising

to illuminate the procedure. The friar imagines

himself in the role of the saint, the saint

identified directly with Christ, and by this the

friar projects himself into better and better

roles in the perspectival theater of the prayer


This is a new leaf, a novel vista — the Veronica

vista! — to the oldest origin of Renaissance

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perspective yet pinpointed. My advisors highly

approve, and I earn a grant to dig up more

examples of the prayer manual in the Vatican

Library — in the courtyard of which, by the way,

a fully stocked bar open in the morning — as the

library closes at one pm — assists in that

relaxation and openness so necessary for

research. Maybe a bloody Mary helps, where I

think it's in smelling and holding those

uncannily magnetic medieval manuscripts that the

holy grail begins to cast its spell over me. I

was also doing zen sitting at the time, and I

briefly ascend to enlightenment one afternoon,

when, after a sitting, I lifted my gaze and

widened it to embrace the space around me, and

suddenly it occurrd to me that — I AM! in such a

thunderingly obvious, yet utterly surprising way

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that nothing else mattered. I AM, and it is

good! It is delicious! — which really helped

(until the effect had fully dissipated in a few

hours), as my ex-boyfriend, who sent me off to

Italy with an ambiguous kiss, had once again

dropped the ball, making me feel like an even

uglier than usual American compared to the

insanely elegant Italians at large. To make

matters worse, it had been dawning on me that I

just was not cut out for, and was even ethically

against — for myself, as I clearly had no

special talent for it — wallowing in the purely

academic aspect of academia. In my heart I knew

I had no inclination whatsoever to cobble up a

dissertation out of some artifacts and an idea

that, however pretty good from a purely

academic, academic stand point, could, let's

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face it, really be explained in a few paragraphs

— just by piling on references and obfuscating

elaborations to so called clarify it, but just

make it prohibitively boring to read — as just

punishment for the luxury of getting to think

about what interests one, as one languishes on a

fellowship in the luxuriously healing,

government funded hospital of graduate school in

the humanities.

What secretly excited me about my finding of

Hood's article went beyond the albeit adorable

prospect of giving my name to a rare new vista

known only to eccentric students of the

herbology of art, I wanted to get back there, to

the fluent life that flowed in those Renaissance

paintings. I was just like that crazy guy who

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since a kid had been secretly working on a time

machine in his basement to reunite with his dead

father, (and though he hasn't yet found his

father there, he finally he got one to work)



I can't, and I didn't want to wrap the chicken

wire of my merely good enough idea, to them, in

gobs of gooey paper mache grotesque enough to

scare away the goblin of my failure to

communicate my deeper desire and ambition with

the prison wardens. It's not that I knew yet or

had even these failing words for what I was

actually feeling though. I still thought I was

seeking the well known passage to India of just

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another way to avoid writing up my dissertation

just yet; but in fact I was already hot on the

scent of a far far more novel America, the holy

grail, the very mysterious conception of

perspective, restoring the missing link between

ancient and modern worlds, returning our

fractured world to wholeness, the open sesame,

too, by which I could cross over from scholar of

art to artist, which is one who pulls the sword

from the stone. — accept no substitutes that

call themselves by that noble name. This would

be more like finding the cure for cancer while

trying to invent a better toothpick — the

Veronica toothpick!
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You see, some fairy dust from those medieval

manuscripts had indeed rubbed off on me, and I

was already slipping into their world, where

Peter the Chanter, preaching around the time

that the first manuals of the Dominican prayer

method appeared, remarks "he who prays is like

an artisan who knows how to use his tools."

Anyone who knows dogs knows that words aren't

needed for a creature to possess and act

according to all the most refined human

emotions; and meanwhile animals without language

tend to be a lot better at doing things and

finding things at a great distance than humans

tangled up in in language with its blindingly

prejudicial categorical hooks do. In the

creative act, one indeed reverts to a pre-

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linguistic animal. If one in this state susses

out and digs up a very distant thing by

seemingly super- or sub-(depending on your

perspective) human powers, uncreative people, or

even people not quite soooo…. creative

(descending to soooo… creative indicates the

word has fallen from its much admired height and

plunged to the pejorative, but don't be so sure

it can't hold its breath long enough to swim to

a distant shore, and climb the tallest mountain

over there; a prophet is never known in her own

country) tend to get quite mistrustful, added to

which creative (or receptive) animals

notoriously find it difficult to translate our

findings into human language, so please bear

with me. And do understand that my translation

of my process as a creative animal into

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descriptive human language, in retrospect, is

probably not even as accurate as the translation

of a dog's experience into human English in Call

of the Wild.

And so from a human perspective it might be

said, so to speak, that it had begun to dawn,

again, without words, on my then fully reverted

to creative animal self, that I sloughed off all

the other criteria and was concentrating on my

time machine. I wanted to get back there and was

seeking the genealogy of the modern world to

reestablish its roots and its rooted life.

Meanwhile, I was already making contact with

those seeking to perfect the sacred one, to

manifest its apotheosis, and necessarily give

rise to something novel strongly rooted enough

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to survive, We were seeking and converging on

the same spot. Moreover, in our doggy way,

while on the quest, we knew everything that

language, along with the merely five senses,

filters out to reduce the surely at least an

eleven dimensional world to only three.

Being lowly animals we knew and embodied the

highest truths that wordy humans had merely

glimpsed, that being on the quest we had already

arrived. I had already arrived at the origin of

perspective in just kicking away all the

temptations not really to seek it, but to seek

something else that would not require such a

deep regression, that would skirt what I took as

the divine decree to know myself as a cipher to

the the whole modern world admonished by its

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first father, Socrates, to know itself. As for

the medievals, the act of earnestly seeking to

perfect their tools of prayer and arrive at the

apotheosis of the sacred world was the most

perfect form of prayer already. Then magically

— yes this is how we animals, we sub-human

creatives, do it — the thing we seek appears in

the palm of our hands. Eventually in reading

this book, if you decide you want what it

offers, you will return to this spot to drink

from the holy grail at its fount, All that comes

later, returning to before, is just how it flows

from the fount, as it constantly recreates its

own beginning.

Of course there are many paths and many grails,

but this one has a peculiar feature. I am the

draft part 1 dec1 2016 45 V for T

wuss warm cipher, the sibyl, of, for what it's

worth, the mean cold modern world. My personal

quest is that of all of modernity, again, for

what it's worth. My redemption is that of

everybody who considers him her or itself a part

of everybody in the modern multiverse, as well

as being part of any of the indigenous universes

in it, those universes multiverses from their

own perspectives. I'm not too fond of the

modern world or proud of being its cipher, but

until I give it up and go live in the forests

foraging for nuts and bugs without a tv camera

following me, which is impossible, I've chosen

it in choosing not to commit suicide yet more

expeditiously than it might well be doing

already. For me it is that it is, the only is

available to me, and it is my charge to love

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what is. Not only because the "The only living

thing is yes." (ee cummings), but because love

can be magically redemptive. In my loving it, it

might even stand a chance for reform, or at

least to die nobly. Whoever participates in

this electronic elevator system to the summit

and the dregs has chosen it and to be a member

of its body. As per Muhammed Ali's — me we.

To return to the nuts and bolts of my quest lest

I lose the careful looking that is the perpetual

finding —

In those remarks above Peter the Chanter showed

respect to the aspiring artisan/artists in their

ongoing quest for the tool perfectly honed to

the task, the way a flute is honed to, and in

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fact creates, the previously unknown phenomenon

of flouting.

The thing that was sought, the tool so honed

that it would marry prayer to the instrument

that facilitates it would create a new kind of


The same way discovering the piano in the quest

for a better harpsichord creates a new thing

altogether with its own standards, something new

under the sun, yet clearly it's there from the

beginning, so easy is it to recognize as a part

of us, as a fulfillment of our desire to be all

that we are, softly softly, so every note can be

heard, no note lording it over any other, all

joyously serving the music, the chords and notes

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able to sustain themselves until they all bleed

into one another in consummate self-forgetting.

To recognize the artist's quest for the

instrument of prayer that would discover the

essence of prayer as much as the piano discovers

the essence of what makes us us — the thing all

these clamoring clicking keyboards would click

out if you asked them what they prefer to be,

its infinite nuances what all like buttons would

like to express — makes perfect sense if you

consider what's meant in this context by prayer.

It means not just to establish — or pretend, as

in act as if one is establishing in hopes to

rise to the occasion — connection with the

source of being, but, by the gospel

proclamations and admonitions, to imitate the

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source, to create presence out of absence in

partnership with it, to repair broken,

incomplete, or erring perception. In short, an

instrument transforming prayer into a thing

accomplished in the very use of that instrument

would amount to a toot of the magic flute in a

boot up the magic mountain, the trip a sip from

the holy grail.

So, while investigating the origins of

perspective, the eyes of the computer, that is,

a mechanical method translating optical input

into type-able dots defined by coordinates in

Cartesian space, I begin, as some evidence

disclosed already affirms, to track a very

different process with a very different goal,

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the quest for the holy grail which — spoiler

alert, and buckle your seatbelt — is more like

the quest for a hot poker to blind a guilt-

ridden king, release his inner vision, and set

his soul free, but then in this twist on the

tale, Zeus sends down this son to tell us the

gods are within us, but people don't like that,

they don't want the responsibility, so they nail

him; but Jesus so loves humanity that he asks

Zeus if he, not to waste a golden opportunity,

can stand as a sacrifice to cover all the

world's guilt. Zeus, though obsessed with

justice and retribution, is a nice guy at heart,

says — heh, good idea, okay! and by this, the

wall between inner and outer vision comes

tumbling down, and then the good king, his sight

restored, can have his cake and eat it too; and

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everybody would live happily ever after were it

not so hard to replace one operating system with

another when people confuse the operating system

with the thing itself.

It's like you need experience to get the job

that will give you experience, where the foolish

company thinks it's not a greater risk to avoid

all risk; so the new operating system, however

much brick and lip service is laid and paid to

it, just sits there in the box by the computer,

where even far and away the highest number of

card carrying Christians, not to mention

atheists and everybody, is lost in the archives

of paganism. That paradigm that gives birth to

modern science-ism, where you must put out your

eyes — that is, reduce them to scanners of data

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obtainable and verifiable by other means — to

tally up the results with the psyche ruled by a

chaos of irreconcilable conflicts obviating

vision, is the official one. It seems like

madness to put faith in the other, where, in

trust and love, the eyes have it — because

vision gathers thought and light and everything

together, and quite naturally matches the way we

are and live in the splices, before we're

transfixed into line drawings on vases embodying

the conflicts the gods inflict on us, or after

we're released from such transfixion by daring

to risk data loss by installing a novel, really

the original operating system and rebooting. Or

maybe we're in one of the transitional operating

systems. But we're skipping way ahead.

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As we descend back to where we were in order to

climb up properly, though, let me set up the

telescope at a different angle for one more

higher longer view.

You see, the reason I'm succeeding, as you shall

see if you cannot yet believe, in tracking the

most fully embodied and rigorously conceived

genealogy of perspective where others fail is

because, though I don't yet fully know it, I'm

an artist, by which I can identify viscerally

with the artists' quest in order distantly to

identify it and give words to it, as a scholar —

by which, as it begins to come together, my

advisor cries — my dear, you can't do

everything! That's greedy. You must leave

something for us. I'm bastardizing both, mixing

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up languages that to him are like oil and water.

And the art world, when I fly there, responds

similarly. Why explain how, you've arrived!

Burn the bridge, it's already far too crowded in

this corral. You're ruining the mystery. That's

what they used to say, and some still do say,

about science, but science, I mean science

itself not the worship of science, protects the

mystery. And just as art is spice of life, not

some other thing, so it is the soul and

intuition of science, not some other thing, they

are more like different states of the same

substance, one is ice or gas, one is water, and

to be scientific, demonstrations of this fact

are in order. So as you notice, I've set up a

table and am — cover your eyes, you'll be ruined

forever if you watch, the hairs of your soul too

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will turn white as a snowy night — tossing some

icey science into the water of art as you watch

it melt to appear as the very same thing, No no!

don't do it! It is prohibited! It will be the

end of the world! You will topple the sacred


Thus do the pigs who now run the chain of animal

farms manage to create their own intractably

mystifying mythologies to preserve all the

diverse, walled subdivisions of the subdivisions

of the subdivisions, with their vertical

pyramidal social orders by the wide muddy

riverism of nihilism. Don't get me wrong, I'm

not against pyramids that arise naturally when

the meritorious compete for the pinnacle, and

only one wins, then three manage runner up, nine

draft part 1 dec1 2016 56 V for T

come in third, etc., although I balk even at

that kind of pyramid scheme for some time.

You see, in first approaching the history of art

scientifically and anthropologically, charmed

more by anonymous illuminators than overplayed

canonic artists, I've succumbed to the trendy

idea that all artists, however high born, land

equal. I'm still seduced by science-ism, which

dispenses with the ineffable, which moves toward

reducing art to escape and entertainment. Here

science, allowing no exceptions to prove its

rule, no competition with its claim as the sole

instrument of knowledge, has begun to mystify

its own process of de-mystification, turn anti-

dogma into a dogma, Such over-stretching grows

self-destructive and eventually suicidal, and if

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an anomalous cell begins to heal against the

prevailing disease, the disease fights back and

punishes this pariah. The disease, trapped in a

limited set of dimensions, is healthy to itself.

So it takes a long long while for me to

assimilate and accept, and I'm still, as you

see, having quite a lot of trouble communicating

what my long long gaze finally worries out —

this golden thread running through the tapestry,

as the narrative emerges displaying artists

competing for the chance to plant the flag on

Mount Olympus — Giotto ahead, beneath him Simone

Martini, the Lorenzetti brothers, Fra Angelico

(on the other side of time) and so on down the

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This band of ever more self-aware and self-

defined artists pursuing the holy grail resemble

soldiers in the Oath of the Horatiai. To reveal

the transcendent and offer this gift to the

world, they agree to compete with animal fervor,

they'll play at a hunt by the rules of the game.

Unleashing a blood thirst for what quiets blood

thirst, they're serious and not about to be

stopped. Because they're not science-ists, they

can be scientists as well as artists. They're

systematically carving away and dispensing with

everything that is not the holy grail in order

to reveal it. At least by gradually coming to

define their project in this way, I'm able not

only to make sense of the continuous trajectory

that leads to the discovery of perspective, but

to find and sip from the holy grail, which

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accounts for what's either a halo or a

radioactive glow. And which allows me to slay

the dragon, that is, to hack away the hackery by

clip clip clipping at a clipper's pace over

these waters whose skein is so complex I could

be midway through grocery shopping at Red Hook

Fairway, my cart parked by the prepared food

concession, and now leaning over the rail gazing

into the infinitely layered veils, the

undulating diaphanous skin of the sweetly

lapping, mercuric tv static of the dusk drenched

glittering gown worn by the whale that's the

Gowanus bay.

Okayyy! Check the hull for damage after that

storm, smell the air, so clear, so bright, not a

cloud in the sky. Please, stand up and stretch

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and enjoy the view. Look there's an island that

must have amber waves of grain, cows, and grape

vines on the other side of those hills, for in

my periscope I behold a table spread with bread,

cheese and wine — and no cannibals that I can

see yet — way off there in the distance. We can

resupply there, before heading to our final

destination tonight, then in sight. Okay, back

to your stations mates. Anchors away! You don't

even know your knots? Lord have mercy! I guess

we better stay anchored while I teach you the

knots that hold up the sails of this vessel.

Now listen up, this is an important knot.

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We're taught that artists are forced to adhere

to the theological program; only in the secular

world are artists free to speak their own minds

in their work. All lovers of sacred art who

bother to look into it soon learn that is just

flat wrong. The artists back then study and

embrace the sacred content, as these tropes

could not be better woven ropes for climbing up

the mountain for the view they seek. In their

day, authorities and the market have not yet

crunched out of the data a rigidly codified

version of the poetic, fluid reality that

artists at work inhabit, Authorities and the

market have not yet systematically confined

"truth" to catalogued catalogues of puzzle

pieces classified by every imaginable criteria,

except the one that works, the one that

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recognizes the anomalous nature of each piece,

including the anomalous contours it shares with

a few fast friends for life, as it finds and

locks into the reassembled puzzle and reveals

the image of the whole, the epiphany, As long as

the eyes don't have it, or any other senses, you

take all the pieces you can stuff in your

pocket, and use them to illustrate your

classifying system, colorism, line-ism,

impressionism, expressionism, etc. These

classifying systems eventually work to suggest

patterns that adumbrate the image of the whole,

and one day — aha! — it dawns on somebody to cry

— it's a puzz… but before she gets the word out

the authorities have gagged her and dragged her

out of the lucrative art production factory. Art

does not mean anything! Art is! — they cry,

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which once was a good corrective, but now as the

sails waft sloppily, it's time to come about,

and veer in the other direction — because art

has widely regressed to optical stimulation and

decorative filigree with shallow, if any poetic

evocation, it stifles instead of triggering


However the clerics play the crude precursors of

the data crunchers that crunch out the presently

operating system, for pre-ism artists, the

sacred tradition, intrinsically a work of art

and an art practice itself, plays more than

works. Translucent to the original principles

and tricks of conjuring up something out of

nothing, this sacred tradition uniquely demands

and provides tools for the embodiment of the

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divine and visualization of the invisible. That

practical embodiment is also fraught with

alchemical magic in which all true artists

believe, because we have experienced it.

By contrast, there are many regulations of art's

content today that might not originate in the

artist's conscious choice or any understanding

of how an artist by nature thinks and functions.

To conform to current criteria of sanity,

artists add our stamps to authorize that dry,

codified world inherited from early medievals

however it discredits our experience and

proclivities and dismisses our intuitions and

responses as goofy and flakey — as if the

Renaissance never happens, as if its airy neo-

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platonic philosophy were not known by its

fleshy, marvelous fruits, but by the myopic

deconstructions of the envious modern

philosophers who don't have the guts or the

skill to base jump in flying squirrel suits.

It's as if an implacable, monomaniacal dark age

god just seamlessly flows into the implacable

monomaniacal principles of probability and

evolution. And artists, under the watchful eye

of science and its protectors spread through

high culture monitoring submission to this new

true god, are not so distant kin to medieval

ones allowed to blow off steam by scribbling up

obscenities in the margins of the manuscripts or

adding offensive appendages to the gargoyles

grinning ghoulishly on flying buttresses. The

artist can play the wild man, a sub-

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intellectual, emotional being, whose work with

her hands precludes minding her mind, just as

the hand specialist leaves the brain to the

brain specialist,

But the hand specialist in truth is just as

brainy, just as the brain specialist is hands

on. The art of anything, which the science of it

only serves, involves meticulously logical

processes that artists master while

simultaneously maintaining emotional

responsiveness, as when composing or learning to

play a complex piece of music. All these

archaic words we speak and language itself

appear to correspond to such an integral world,

but current usage scalps language to serve

science as thing apart, the ruler of the world,

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as if knowledge means anything at all until it

is applied. This rule of science confers on

everybody categories that do not fit the art-

made world we experience, and language at large

is discredited, incapacitating everybody.

A labyrinthine medieval bureaucracy under any

other authority is still just that. And is

mental torture really so much nicer than

physical torture? Boxers say that it's easier to

lose when there are physical wounds, not that

I'm ready to go there. My ego isn't that wound-

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At least some artists today run on a parallel

track with the resistant medieval artists, the

ones who in uncovering the holy grail are

gradually evolving a bludgeoning stick into a

hammer to build a house, but the authorities

don't notice and keep using it to bludgeon and

train everybody else to do the same, in fact,

prohibiting other readings of the stick — whose

handle, I mean what pulls you into the image's

field, can be softly curvaceous and

imaginatively wrought, however sharp the edges

of the facets of the womping part, which can

also be cut into a blade and sharpened, should

you be contemplating heresy against the

implacable source of being.

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And so, to recap and build a bridge to the next

island, at the changing of the guards of truth,

a modern prophet hears one of the fiercer agents

of a remote, implacable god who calls all the

shots — free will a likely scam by this scheme —

cry out from a host of vegetal and animal

tissue, then etch into stone the irrevocable,

implacable principles of evolution — discovered,

in fact, with the kidnapped, enslaved tool of

perspective, It's only right to mention here

that, however sadly sequestered, perspective as

a slave, a mere technique torn from the womb of

the gestating holy grail, performs many

beneficent and useful functions. To it we owe

the microscope, the telescope, and all the

microscopic and telescopic images of the tracks

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left by the present, and all the healing elixirs

addressing issues that appear in these images of

the tracks. The downside is that we've lost

touch with, and many no longer believe in, what

leaves the tracks, the fleeting staying naked

present, known only in true ("oh what does that

mean? get over it!") works of art, intuitions or

flashes in one's peripheral vision, conjured up

by parables and metaphors that elliptically

allude to it. And legend holds that a sip from

that holy grail, the present, has more healing

power than all the modern medicines we can

manage to get down. Having sipped some I can

taste the truth of it, but I still can't quite

digest it. At an early age my gut learns to live

on the bites of data, but maybe my work among

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others will inspire parents and teachers to feed

their children wholer fare.

So the formalists later analyze the ornamental

aspects of these images functioning as zennish

bludgeoning sticks and name the different gothic

schools by the qualities of the line, etc.

Sometimes an imaginative preacher reads

edifying, pious stories into the strange,

incomprehensible (All artists are crazy, that's

a given.) contours on the shape. Artisans with

technical ability win accolades by elaborating

contours in flamboyant frivolity, where total

surrender to the implacable releases its

merciful leniency, by which Saint Francis, say,

constantly sings and dances and calls his band

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God's fools, (Or, in the later evolution of the

ornately handled tool used to bludgeon us now

not with the dark age god, but with the

irrevocable implacable theory of evolution,

total surrender releases the free for all and

frenzy of sublimely meaningless and joyously

ridiculous post-modern art.)

Not there's anything wrong that. The artists in

quest of the grail, though, are in an Apollonian

more than a Dionysian mood. They focus on the

gospel passages that allow, if not demand, not

so much surrender, but negotiation and

partnership with the original ordering principle

and his principles. Not that the elixir wouldn't

have Dionysian qualities, but as I see their

quest for the tool of prayer almost aligning for

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some while with our quest for the origins of

perspective, I suspect that they'r after

intoxicants similar to those that induce the

aforementioned drunken ecstasy of the painter

Uccello, who falls in love, as I do, with the

pristine musical mathematics of it.

Still, all` the aforementioned obfuscation

enables the development of many different kinds

of ornate and beautiful, zennish sticks, some so

lovely they could never be used to bludgeon, all

the exquisite medieval works we see in museums

today; and it also mesmerizes the eye and mind,

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allowing these Apollonian artists to persist

unnoticed in their deviant desire not to deviate

or be distracted by any decadent delight, but to

hold to the straight and narrow path winding up

the mountain to the summit.

So with the flamboyant formalists, the

imaginative preachers, and all the ulterior

modes and manners, artists in quest of the

grail, their efforts and faith fed by the

encouragement in the gospels, could keep

developing the magic flute in the open, even

funded by corrupt or distracted authorities,

blind to the details, sight itself by many

considered an impediment to spiritual vision —

just as acutely attentive vision is generally

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considered an impediment in historical research,

though you can get away with it if you aren't

unlucky enough to stumble on the holy grail.

Meanwhile, more and more carefully controlled,

official modes of discourse form and reform

themselves to assure that if anybody then or now

ever happens to enter, retrospectively, into the

process that reveals the form, that tracker

could never be able to recognize this absolutely

anomalous phenomenon, the holy grail, if it were

right before his or her eyes. It would blend

right into everything else, its qualities

appropriated by known objects, such as works of

art, which are allowed to look like no known

thing without being the reconstituted, original

holy grail that jolts them all into unveiling

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their nature as just cut ups of the same

immortal jellyfish.

But there is a hole in everything, no place

under over or in the heavens above is so dark

and empty that there is not some light there, or

potential for light, as my finding of the holy

grail, in spite of all their colossal efforts to

hide and deny it, is presently already

attesting. Scientists onto this truth — that no

emptiness is so empty it does not harbor

generative potential — help explain to us how

something can come from nothing, which all

artists experience; and as artists humbly look

to science to verify our experience, so

scientists need to identify with artists to own

the experience they verify — thus to bring truth

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down to earth, back into the human heart, where

alone this implacable power can be tamed. The

creation of the universe out of nothing now and

now and now is within us, as Saint Thomas

Aquinas notes, riding the coattails of the

artists in quest of the holy grail, or some were

riding his until they climb up his back and take

off from his shoulders.

So all the aforementioned obfuscation enable the

development of many different kinds of ornate

and beautiful, hammer-like bludgeoning sticks,

some so lovely they could never be used to

bludgeon, all the exquisite medieval works we

see in museums today; and it also mesmerizes the

draft part 1 dec1 2016 78 V for T

eye and mind, allowing these Apollonian artists

to persistent unnoticed in their deviant desire

not to deviate or be distracted by any decadent

delight, but to hold to the straight and narrow

path winding up the mountain to the summit.

The artists in closing in on the object of their

desire begin to educate the whole world into

opening its eyes, but still, except possibly in

hermetic circles, everybody conveniently blinks

when the actual, desired object flashes into

view, and history rushes past it without

noticing. Had this aversion been averted, could

it have averted the black plague? Will history

learn? It sometimes does.

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It is like, actually, more than like, it is so

that the mainstream of history parts and goes

two ways around it, and if the branches are

being to reunite, I'm almost the only evidence I

see of it — so necessary it is to avoid all

contact with something so extraterrestrial.

Yes, all avenues were sealed, no chance of a

leak. Nobody would ever get there. Nobody. Yes

yes Emily, I'm nobody too!

Now remember, like a river, we've only been

talking about where we are to keep moving

forward. To recap where we are, if we're them —

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more properly, they — we're tinkering around

thinking we're looking for the holy grail, the

perfect tool of prayer with a hotline to the

source of the universe; or we'll say that in

retrospect, because nobody is consciously doing

that, they're just playing night watchman as the

paint makes its way to the canvas as the tool of

prayer, able to see through the walls and spy on

other efforts, gradually perfects itself. If

we're us — more properly, we — we're tinkering

around thinking we're looking for the origins of


Anyway, for now, let's go back to being they,

thinking that they're looking for the perfect

tool of prayer, or not so much thinking, or

looking, as being vehicles of a process

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unfolding through them. As they, we've already

arrived at the illuminated Dominican prayer

manual, the illuminations and written

description showing how to re-embody the best

living model of the best known model of the

corpealized divine — such a refined tool of

prayer that the manual is boldly entitled,

simply, How to Pray. The method by the way does

not require faith in anything but the human

imagination of the divine as a tool of the

manifestation and realization of the imagined on

earth here and now. It is a catholic as much as

Catholic practice. (Just because America lands

first on the moon, doesn't mean America has a

right to own the moon, and so too the holy

grail, but I suppose it does lay claim to the

vehicle it built. I'm not stealing the vehicle

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Catholicism built, just borrowing it, because

nobody there seems to be using it, and it's

getting rusty.) Is there a yet more perfect way

to pray, somewhat objectively speaking, one that

yet more automatically fosters maximum closeness

or identification with the source and outpouring

of everything, as one thing. and nothing, three

in one. To try to get the bugs out, that it

function as a tool of prayer more perfectly, let

us try to get inside the head of the paint as it

analyzes in order to perfect the process.

The world of roles the manual creates is a

stage, but the play's not yet the thing. The

friar is lost in the role, but he's also lost in

space. He only has the name of a character:

observer. The observer will play the observer.

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Then the friar will stop being that character.

He will then play the gesturer. The gesturer

will then allow himself to shift into the role

of the empathizer. The play is happening

nowhere. The constellation that joins these

nodes is a tale almost as remote to the

experience of them as a big dipper or an archer

is remote to Van Gogh's living, burning balls of


The Dominican procedure is a highly

contemplative practice, and completely

submissive to given language. That is, the saint

is looking to locate himself in one of the

approved, fixed roles representing known,

defined states of being -- observer, gesturer,

draft part 1 dec1 2016 84 V for T

empathizer, where the act of moving between

these states is a technical problem of no

concern. You want to get to the base as fast as

possible, and stay there, until being there long

enough catapults you instantly over to the next


So here the dance of prayer not only resembles a

baseball field, the game itself is similar.

That game similarly privileges contemplation and

stasis, where you want to get on a base, where

it's safe, a known, legal, authorized place,

described and approved by the trusted

authorities, as fast as possible, and you want

to get home, where it's even safer and quieter,

you want to get back to the quiet and safety

enough to steal a base. It's eternal

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damnation, the black void, you're fleeing when

you're between the bases. Where it's safe and

still, there's time to reflect, to contemplate

the situation. Meanwhile the field is charged by

subtle signals passing among the players spying

on each other, the way the friars spied on the

saint, to analyze, and imitate, and even

possibly one up the model. Many are called and

few are chosen to win salvation. There might be

a fixed number of places. You want your friends

to get there with you. Only one team will win

the world series. All the sages agree. It's a

hard path to the top of the mountain, and many

fall by the wayside. Facts are facts.

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Pretty most all modern life's processes are now

implicitly or explicitly codified in this

procedural way, as a discontinuous circuit with

defined nodes or goals. Take art reception. You

intercept the message from the artist, it

ricochets off you, you storm into the fray,

first sliding into the authorized base,

"observer", then you make or steal your way into

the authorized base of identifying with work,

then the base of doing something with it, then

getting somebody buy what you're doing with it

-- you're home! Don't get delayed between the

bases. That's not the game. This isn't soccer

or basketball. That's a whole different game.

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In seeking the grail, we are embracing the

illumination of the nodes, but disparaging the

discontinuity, and we are disparaging also the

exaggerated disparagement of the space between

the nodes in so privileging them. We are moving

toward the repleteness of an unprecedented, all

visual experience, the melting of crystallized,

physical signs and the condensation of vapid

significance in a single fluid field, a patch of

the visible world refusing to allow us to undo

its wholeness and fluidity, its un-fixity and

flux, where be is finale of seem. Somewhat

miraculously appearing on her canvas, quite

astonishing the night watchman, as if the paint

had really thought this through as carefully I

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had, the story that follows is the next tool for

getting us there, and we should not be presently

concerned with its literal verity or anything

else about it. This is not to say that it's a

metaphor; even modern science can accept the

proposal that the "god within Francis" produced

a vision, then an "hysterical symptom" arose

within his body, though the specific nature of

the symptoms stretch beyond the credible. But

anyway we're not interested in what the story

represents, but only what it can do to mediate

the appearance of the holy grail, which anyway

dissolves in its field the distinction between

word and world, fiction and fact (though

respectful of carefully gleaned historical

records involving first hand witness). And

remember that life first appears supernatural --

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I'm sure it quite scandalizes the proteins -- at

its origin, but they soon see that it can only

be the next logical step, and fall right into


Whatever species of thing the story is, it's the

next logical step in the full replenishing and

re-saturation of the visible with language long

strayed from its field, and vice versa. It's

the story of the Stigmatization of Saint Francis

of Assisi. A story which moves from base to

base but also defines the space between the

bases, mediates between a procedure and a tool

defined process that encapsulates the story.

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... one morning about the feast of the

Exaltation of the Holy Cross, while he was

praying on the mountainside, Francis saw a

Seraph with six fiery wings coming down from the

highest point in the heavens. The vision

descended swiftly and came to rest in the air

near him. Then he saw the image of a Man

crucified in the midst of the wings, with his

hands and feet stretched out and nailed to a

cross. Two of the wings were raised above his

head and two were stretched out in flight, while

the remaining two shielded his body. Francis

was dumbfounded at the sight and his heart was

flooded with a mixture of joy and sorrow. He

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was overjoyed at the way Christ regarded him so

graciously under the appearance of a Seraph, but

the fact that he was nailed to a cross pierced

is soul withh a sword of compassionate sorrow.

He was lost in wonder at the sight of this

mysterious vision; he knew that the agony of

Christ's passion was not in keeping with the

state of a seraphic spirit which is immortal.

Eventually he realized by divine inspiration

that God had shown him this vision in his

providence, in order to let him see that as

Christ's lover, he would resemble Christ

crucified perfectly not by physical martyrdom,

but the fervor of his spirit. As the vision

disappeared, it left his heart ablaze with

eagerness and impressed upon his body a

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miraculous likeness. There and then the marks of

nails began to appear in his hands and feet,

just as he had seen them in his vision of the

Man nailed to the Cross...His right side seemed

as if it had been pierced with a lance and was

marked with a livid scar which often bled, so

that his habit and trousers were stained.

I'm astonished on finding this story after a

vague hunch about the Dominican prayer procedure

bearing loosely on the origins of perspective

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leads me to look into other devout theories and

representations of imitation. I've assumed that

any origin found would be one of many equally

significant origins equally unworthy of the name

origin at all. But I seem to be spiraling into a

vortex more significant than others.

Yes, I think I must be dreaming when I notice,

on reading this story, that the hovering vision

in Bonaventura’s story is, in fact, not other

than the perspectival image, whose construction

from a vanishing point at the highest point of

heaven to hover at a fixed distance from the

arrested viewer, Bonaventura is careful to

delineate. The perspectival image appears at a

particular moment the cycle of un-reading the

image to return it to the body from which it

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projected. At this moment the image stops and

presents itself to Francis, lost in wonder

before the unfamiliar, composite, outlined form,

waiting for the viewer to undertake the

assimilating, integrating act of reading and

understanding. Behind it, still visible (if the

descent of the vision has been swift enough) or

visibly remembered, lingers the splaying trail

of the image as it has descended from its

vanishing point.

Here is born, in and along with perspective, the

modern work of art that arises in juxtaposing

contradictory forms to create initially

illegible chimera, and then critics and

historians come along and decipher the sub-

conscious narratives and drives that produce and

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lend meaning to these haunting dreamy images

working to disintegrate the disintegration, to

un-cohere the incoherence of the viewer's world.

Here is born the discipline of art history, the

arresting of the image to appreciate, wonder at

it, and to come to understand its meaning, and

the discipline of science, which reveals such

novel monsters, that they finally read as

functional instruments in the unfolding scheme,

and that of modern philosophy, when the image

fades away, and you begin to understand.

Indeed the whole modern world takes off from

this dreamy account of the archetypical story

appearing to mediate the transition of the honed

procedure of prayer into the perfected prayer

enabled by the holy grail. Where the Dominican

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procedure defining authorized nodes of

experience establishes the terms of

specialization, leading to the discontinuity of

modern experience, the Franciscan story puts

forth the perspectival construction that, as a

process, sews it all back together; but soon the

images that are products of the process, as

earlier mentioned, are kidnapped for the white

slave trade; but it isn't very nice for

iconoclastic moderns to call them trash or

kitsch. They just need to escape and find their

way home so the music and meaning of the method

shines from and within them again, as Bettina

Magi in her earnest, poetic perspectives from

cowboy film stills, does just by refusing to

call so long abused and raped perspective names

and make fun of her, but just flat loving her.

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Now Bonaventura's story begins to light up the

field and sew the modes together, but still it

also reaffirms the discontinuity demanded by the

temporal fixation in the procedure — first he

observes, then he understands, then he

identifies. In instrumentalizing vision, which

the story deploys only to discard — the vision

must first fade away to allow the important

event to happen — Bonaventura has not removed

the key roadblock on the path to the holy grail.

The so sought tool of prayer would have to take

the binding perspectival appearance, the

continuous verb — from the descent of the vision

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from the highest point in heaven to the

disappearance of the sewing needle behind the

fabric to its reappearance in the emergence of

the visible wounds — and bind it to a noun,

something like the way the piano takes the

binding practice of playing Bach on a

harpsichord and transforms it into a piano

playing Bach, and then Beethoven bound to

conduct the whole world in a Hymn to Universal

Brotherhood, but more so.

So in terms of the process that was unfolding,

the artists' quest for the perfect tool of

prayer, the holy grail, the story plays just a

way station, an embryonic form that as Saint

Francis said represented a scandalous secret. In

terms of the gestating tool of prayer, a fetal

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chimera half reptilian half human with the head

of science and the body of poetry, a weird mad

monster mother that the modern world would have

to hide in the attic as it groans grievously,

many suspecting it of conspiring to set the

house on fire. Oh no, we don't have a mad

mother hidden in the attic, protests the modern

world. We only have rational fathers like Saint

Augustine who carefully divide signs from what

they signify, and whose universal insights can

be clearly separated from the rationally willed

mystical faith that has nothing to do with them.

The father's sperm consists in a tiny fully

formed homunculus implanted in the womb of the

mother, a non-contributing receptacle. All

that's generative and and creative accrues to

the rational, projective yang element. Don't LOL

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too hard. Did you know that the first views

through the microscope actually crystallized

this theory, as the homunculus had never before

been witnessed, but those hellbent to see it

managed to with the help of the microscope.

Finally though the microscope won over its


And my microscope is winning too. In fact this

story by Bonaventura, this embryonic monster of

whose body we are all members, this schizoid

chimera that is the modern world, snatched from

the womb before it could develop into the holy

grail — luckily there's a twin left behind —

might have spontaneously generated without any

input from Augustine or any yang force besides

word itself. The mad mother is a metaphor. We

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ARE this chimera, this embryonic tool of prayer

wrested from the womb of the artists' quest and

kept alive first with magic potions, then with

electrically wired implants, as the cyborg in

spirit evolves to cyborg in substance.

Out in the world, that is, we're this doomed,

one can only hope, monster, but as the twin

still in the womb gestating into the tool of

prayer, the holy grail, we are consummately

beautiful, we are the very essence of hope.

Let's take another look at the echocardiogram.

Bonaventura's story, the story in which we who

are born again as the non-evil twin, are

sleeping peacefully in the womb awaiting birth

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as the holy grail, reflects not only on the

everyday, projective practice of reading space,

but also the ongoing practice of constructing a

common language, which determines what objects

exist in visible space, that is, what ideal

forms are mirrored below. Bonaventura not only

illuminates the construction of the sense date

of the observed, but he also shows us the a-

priori linguistic filter that determines which

forms vision will pick up, which lights will

break into the visible sphere.

In everyday life, the figural presences in the

act of appearing read as already existing

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objects -- evocations of past phenomena, fixed

and encoded in memory and indexed by words.

To create a common world, we cannot disinter

from language either ourselves or the figures

coming into presence around us, but we can

burrow through to the figures and scrape off

some of the dust around them. By showing

phenomena in the very act of consuming and

regurgitating language and vice versa,

Bonaventura finds a way to read the figure

directly from inside the thick, muddy medium of

absent, objective phantoms, or figures fixated

in language.

The attempt by Bonaventura to unrivet, rather

than to disinter the figure, in fact, has a

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precedent in the language of the Gospels read

not as a collection of signs and symbols of past

events, but as a tool for re-embodying language

and restoring presence (including the present

affect of absence). The evolution of language

from distancing weapon to a tool of reparation

of experience in the Gospels is similarly, but

far more thoroughly, analyzed by Elaine Scarry

in The Body in Pain, the Making and Unmaking of

the World. When I happened to read her book

right after I had written the first version of

this one, I felt as if I were acting by a script

she already wrote. Traumatized, I fell into a

death like sleep, then awoke refreshed and

relieved that she'd done that work, and now I

could go further.
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Bonaventura's story does not un-rivet the figure

by jerking it free of language. The figures in

the story defy language by offering themselves

to it and turning the other cheek. They perform

the counter-embrace that loosens the grip of

the opposition.

Bonaventura's novelistic fragment paints a

moving picture of the continuous process by

which the two lovers, words and things, come

together to produce newly authoritative words

and things. The nocturnal tryst climaxes at the

instant when an instantly legible whole, in

being read as such, displaces its components. To

waste the precious time of words and the

precious space full of things on haggling over

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the question of which came first, the word of

the text or the image of the thing, is an

exercise Bonaventura leaves to the rhetoricist

scribes and the materialist pharisees. He

surrenders to change, he seems to be a verb,

never to accomplish it finally, but always to be

accomplishing the shedding of the difference

between us and our so-called different stories

and so-called different theories and theologies,

as reading no more differs from becoming, even

becoming the story of making words itself

flickering and fading in and out of view, slowly

moving, ever-changing, quivering moon shadows

filtering through distant leaves, as we no more

differ from our changeling spirits, as art no

more differs from its history, as seeing no more

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differs from becoming, that is, loving, as the

bottomless fount of never pours into always.

We're observing something that is melting the

lens by which we observe it by bringing itself

into focus, rendering the lens that leads us to

it obsolete. The novel lens isn't yet, but is

becoming a kaleidoscope catching, dispersing,

and ordering the light, and that's all there is,

which we always knew, but now it must be sinking

in, because we're starting to see it, outside of

time, stolen into the heart of the enemy camp,

outside of self and other, then and now, them

and us...

Given that we live in language, the most

immediate, bodily, sensual thing we can do is to

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experience the bodily immediacy, the sibilance

and sensuality of words as they sink down into

themselves and point to their limits, the point

on the horizon and the line from us to it, just

a line to hang the zigzag of sailing on, so it

won't fall apart and become some other thing.

Meanwhile language in presence includes feeling

all the absence of it present, the tinkling of

thinking, the phantoms clinging to the winding

and twisting ladders of logic. Mother Mary

whispers, let it be.

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So as I'm now identified with the yet unborn

twin, I notice it is fast developing out of a

chimera into an integral self-sustaining being,

but it's not there yet.

The story is a way to evolve the procedure of

prayer with its voids between socially approved

bases or stations into an instantaneous enduring

phenomenon like flouting with a flute or singing

with a voice or dancing with a body, where the

dancer becomes the dance, the flouter the flute,

the voice the song, in this case the lover

becoming love or god, all manifest, all visible,

on earth as it is in Dante's heaven, the instant

you sip from the holy grail that hovers before

you, radiating. Not an abstraction but a

replete, embodied appearance that presents

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itself originally rather than representing

itself, though it must rise out of, and be

reflected, from somewhere not of this world, on

the shards of memory falling from, but some

still clinging to it.

But, to be practical, to turn around and cloak

oneself with another's being precludes seeing it

head on, that's why when Francis puts on the

wounds to make them happen from within, the

image seen from without disappears. A flute can

perfectly embody the desire for a flute's music

because music is invisible, because it's the

flute's way of playing not its image that

perfectly embodies the desire for the flute's

sound. But surely a visible thing cannot realize

the continuity of music, the way it confronts

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you and inhabits you all at once because music's

disembodiment, its nature as a fleeting,

invisible verb is the very essence of it,

whereas the opposite is the case with an image,

which crystallizes the verb into a noun. The

loop from base to base joining nodes of the

process must break to enable the transition from

watching to identifying with the watched. Come

on, There's no such thing as the holy grail,

it's only a symbol.

Understandably, that is the official take on

things, where, as you remember, the artists seek

the holy grail in defiance of the church

authorities interest in using images more like

zennish bludgeoning sticks.

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To this end, in a papal bull, Pope Innocent III

officially declares the authenticity of the

Stigmatization, but then, as if announcing a

miscarriage in the gestation of the tool of

prayer, advises all believers to imagine the

moment when a divine impress simply stamps the

saint from without, as if Bonaventura's story

has died in the womb.

The Pope does not just seem here to scorn my

quest for the holy grail as not other than a Don

Quixoti-esque farce, but goes further. He blocks

Bonaventura's reading of the Stigmatization as

an event produced interiorly, in the empathy of

the saint and his scandalous capacity to melt

into the being of Christ, having projected the

apparition from what Jesus insists is a god not

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out there but within us -- as if Francis,

receiving by giving, according to his famous

prayer, brings the Stigmatization on by his own

efforts. Instead, the papal bull features a

wholly passive Francis and an active Christ

coming down from the sky demanding surrender.

A series of vivid imaginings of the event

surrounded the Pope's declaration, but none more

perfectly obedient to the pope's bias than the

weapon, by the workshop Giotto and now in the

Louvre, of human subjection to the power of the

divine as carried by the church.

Here Giotto shows off that skill that causes his

master Cimabue to swat at a fly Giotto paints on

the panel. He uses and advances all the latest

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techniques to make the officially named bodies

appear as real as possible, and yet he could not

be more indifferent to any naturalistic

organization of space, the not yet named and

codified. Yet, when he binds Francis to Christ

like a puppet on strings with golden threads

that transmit the wounds, he takes great pains

to make sure the wounds are reversed, as would

happen in the case of a stamping from without,

the metaphor used by the pope. So the rays

connect the right sided wounds of Christ to the

left side of Francis, and the left to the right.

However irrationally the space is conceived,

with other objects presented as symbols rather

than bodies, this does open up some space in the

image, as it naturalistically conveys the effect

of a shower of rays from one body to another,

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just as it features the fact that an object must

appear at some distance from the viewer in order

to come into focus, the golden rays as they

mirror visual rays functioning as dividers that

insist on the visible as well as spiritual

separation of Christ and Francis even in their

communion, an imperfect one, as the image is

reversed. A perspective, by contrast, would

reconstruct the image of the wounds from the

original principles of its appearance. So all in

all, in thwarting the quest for the grail, this

image arrests both scientific and artistic

progress. By all accounts Giotto, disheartened,

abandons it and lets his students complete it.

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With the authorities convinced they've aborted

it, the gestating twin sleeps, dreaming of

paradise, like Wallace Stevens does on a Sunday

morning, mourning the fate of the twin, and

fearing it, And how will it react to the birth

of a competitor?

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