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English 12- senior portfolio Shayla


Goal statement

My ​career and academic goals are for me to go baker college and study their diesel

program and get certified and also get my associates degree, after that my goal is to get

a job as a diesel mechanic and work on diesels such as trucks and tractors.

My family goals is for me to have a healthy beautiful family which i can provide for with

my husbands help or just with my own help, my goals are to be able to be financially

stable and buy a big beautiful house somewhere warm or be able to build my own


My community goals are to be able to help out my community when in need and be able

to participate as much as i can in my community.

CHS has helped me shape my goals by numerous teachers have never given up on me

and has always steered me in the right direction when i needed it, also they helped me

with all my academic problems and helped me understand things.

CHS has helped me meet my goals now by helping prep me for the real world and help

me do a resume or cover letter they have helped me apply for college and help get

financial aid.
CHS has shaped me into the person i am today by letting me figure things out on my

own and being able to have me make my own decisions.

In conclusion i believe that the teachers and people in my life have helped shape me

towards my thinking and career choices by being there for me and never giving up on


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