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Aiden Potts 
Video Game Designer 
4-H Adventure Club, Lawrenceville​ - Pet food drive 
March 2019-April 2019 
● Helped my local 4-H club collect can goods for dogs and cats. 
● Held a food drive at Walmart. 

Rabbits, Sumner​ - Caretaker 

May 2018- Present 
● I take care of feeding, watering, grooming, and making sure they are in 
good health.  
● Show them at the fair and get blue ribbons which means that they won. 

FCA, Bridgeport​ - Wrapper 

December 2018- December 2018 
● Helped wrap gifts to deliver to kids who would not have a christmas or 
could not afford the money to buy gifts. 
Red Hill Jr.Sr. High School, Bridgeport ​- High school diploma in 
August 2016- Present 
I am currently a freshman with a 3.9 GPA and im am expected to graduate in 

Played at the EIU honor band and got a certificate of thanks.  
Went to the state fair with my video filming project and got a superior. 

Extra Curricular Activities 

I am in band at the high school.  
I am in a club called 4-H adventure club and take care of six rabbits at home. 
I love to play video games. 

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