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180 F ‘ No. 14. Aprite, presto aprite 14 Unlock the door and hurry! Duettino | Susanna and Cherubino | (Susanna runs out of tho alcove.) Allegro assai a ‘ Susanna (at the door of the small room) ‘A pri- te, pre-stoa- pri-to, a-priteje Ia Su- san-ma; sor-ti-te, sor- Un-lock the door and hur-ry! Ifs I, it is Su san-na, come out now, and via sor - ti- te, an-da-te via di sor- ti- te, ver-y min-ute, you must get out of come out this qua, an- da - to via di qua. you must get Cherubino (coming one of the Oi - mb! che seo-ma or- Oh, Lord, what a ca 181 CS SSS gniett room,confused and breathless) ~ bile! Che gran fa - ta~ Ii ~i-ty, howeaa I get a Che gran fa- ta~ li Tve got to get a- SSS SSS S| i a ee =F SE vs ee te defn Bat = 5 = wv — = s s ¥: La ew ———s SSS SS = = = es =| ra = te, out - side, oho Heav ra - eho mai in Heav te, out - side, anaes ri, che m name, what ¢ che what do, can the mai what can do, we cho mai = ora, che mai sa- rh, cho mai what can what can we do, what can we cho mai - 1, Sa- a, che mal sa - what can ee we do, what can we cho mai what can che mai - Qui per- der - si non what can To stay is out of Vue - ci - de so vi tro- val ‘Then make a good sug - ges- tion! gio - va, ques- tion, a x

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