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Surah ar-Rum, verse 39

“And whatever you give for interest to increase within the wealth of people will
not increase with Allah. But what you give in zakat, desiring the countenance of
Allah - those are the multipliers.” (30: 39)
Surah al-Nisa, verse 161

” And [for] their taking of usury while they had been forbidden from it, and
their consuming of the people's wealth unjustly. And we have prepared for the
disbelievers among them a painful punishment.” (4: 161)
Surah Al 'Imran, verses 130

“O you who have believed, do not consume usury, doubled and multiplied, but
fear Allah that you may be successful.” (3:130)
Surah al-Baqarah, verses 275

“Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except
as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity. That is because they
say, "Trade is [just] like interest." But Allah has permitted trade and has
forbidden interest. So whoever has received an admonition from his Lord and
desists may have what is past, and his affair rests with Allah. But whoever
returns to [dealing in interest or usury] - those are the companions of the Fire;
they will abide eternally therein.” (2:275)


ُ‫ قَا َل َرأَيْت‬،َ‫ع ْو ِن ب ِْن أَبِي ُج َح ْيفَة‬ َ ‫ع ْن‬ َ ،ُ‫ش ْعبَة‬ ُ ‫ َحدَّثَنَا‬،‫ب‬ ٍ ‫ان ب ُْن َح ْر‬ ُ ‫سلَ ْي َم‬ ُ ‫َحدَّثَنَا‬
،‫ب‬ ِ ‫ َوثَ َم ِن ْال َك ْل‬،‫ع ْن ثَ َم ِن الد َِّم‬
َ ‫ي صلى هللا عليه وسلم نَ َهى‬ َّ ‫أَ ِبي فَقَا َل ِإ َّن النَّ ِب‬
.‫ َو ْال َوا ِش َم ِة َو ْال ُم ْستَ ْو ِش َم ِة‬،‫الربَا َو ُمو ِك ِل ِه‬ ِّ ِ ‫َوآ ِك ِل‬
Narrated Abu Juhaifa: The Prophet forbade the use of the price of blood and the
price of a dog, the one who takes (eats) usury the one who gives usury, the
woman who practises tattooing and the woman who gets herself tattooed.
(Sahih Bukhari(English) reference Vol. 7, Book 72, Hadith 829; Arabic
reference: Book 77, Hadith 6009)

َ ،‫سلَ ْي َمانَ ب ِْن ِبالَ ٍل‬

‫ع ْن‬ ُ ‫ع ْن‬ َ ،‫ب‬ ٍ ‫ َحدَّثَنَا اب ُْن َو ْه‬،‫ي‬ ُّ ِ‫س ِعي ٍد ْال َه ْمدَان‬ َ ‫َحدَّثَنَا أَ ْح َمدُ ب ُْن‬
‫َّللاِ صلى هللا‬ َّ ‫سو َل‬ ُ ‫ أَ َّن َر‬،َ‫ع ْن أَ ِبي ُه َري َْرة‬ َ ،ِ‫ع ْن أَبِي ْالغَ ْيث‬ َ ،ٍ‫ثَ ْو ِر ب ِْن زَ ْيد‬
‫َّللاِ َو َما ُه َّن قَا َل‬
َّ ‫سو َل‬ ُ ‫ ِقي َل َيا َر‬. " ‫ت‬ ِ ‫س ْب َع ْال ُموبِقَا‬ َّ ‫اجتَ ِنبُوا ال‬ ْ " ‫عليه وسلم قَا َل‬
ِّ ِ ‫ق َوأَ ْك ُل‬
‫الربَا‬ ِ ِّ ‫َّللاُ إِالَّ بِ ْال َح‬
َّ ‫س ْح ُر َوقَتْ ُل النَّ ْف ِس الَّتِي َح َّر َم‬ َّ ِ‫ش ْركُ ب‬
ِّ ِ ‫اَّللِ َوال‬ ِّ ِ ‫" ال‬
ِ َ‫ت ْالغَافِال‬
‫ت‬ ِ ‫صنَا‬ َ ‫ف ْال ُم ْح‬ ُ ‫ف َوقَ ْذ‬ِ ‫الز ْح‬ َّ ‫َوأَ ْك ُل َما ِل ْاليَتِ ِيم َوالت َّ َو ِلِّي يَ ْو َم‬
. ٍ‫سا ِل ٌم َم ْولَى اب ِْن ُم ِطيع‬ َ ‫ث‬ ِ ‫ قَا َل أَبُو دَ ُاودَ أَبُو ْالغَ ْي‬. " ‫ت‬ ِ ‫ْال ُمؤْ ِمنَا‬
Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) as saying:
Refrain from seven (characteristics) which cause destruction. He was asked:
What are they, Messenger of Allah? He replied: To assign partner to Allah,
magic, to kill a soul (man) which is prohibited by Allah except for which is due,
to take usury, to consume the property of an orphan, to retreat on the day of the
battle, and to slander chaste women, indiscreet but believing.
Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) ‫صحيح (األلباني) حكم‬
(Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 2874; English translation: Book 17, Hadith

‫ان ب ُْن‬ ُ ‫سلَ ْي َم‬

ُ ‫ قَا َل َحدَّثَنِي‬،‫ب‬ ٍ ‫ َحدَّثَنَا اب ُْن َو ْه‬،‫ي‬ ُّ ‫س ِعي ٍد األ َ ْي ِل‬َ ‫ون ب ُْن‬ ُ ‫َار‬ ُ ‫َحدَّثَنِي ه‬
َّ ‫سو َل‬
ِ‫َّللا‬ ُ ‫ أ َ َّن َر‬،َ‫ع ْن أَ ِبي ُه َري َْرة‬ َ ،ِ‫ع ْن أ َ ِبي ْالغَ ْيث‬ َ ،ٍ‫ع ْن ثَ ْو ِر ب ِْن زَ ْيد‬ َ ،‫ِبالَ ٍل‬
َّ ‫سو َل‬
ِ‫َّللا‬ ُ ‫ ِقي َل َيا َر‬. " ‫ت‬ ِ ‫س ْب َع ْال ُمو ِبقَا‬
َّ ‫اجت َ ِنبُوا ال‬ ْ " ‫صلى هللا عليه وسلم قَا َل‬
‫ق‬ ِ ِّ ‫َّللاُ إِالَّ بِ ْال َح‬
َّ ‫س ْح ُر َوقَتْ ُل النَّ ْف ِس الَّتِي َح َّر َم‬ ِّ ِ ‫اَّللِ َوال‬ َّ ِ‫ش ْركُ ب‬ ِّ ِ ‫َو َما ُه َّن قَا َل " ال‬
‫ت‬ِ ‫صنَا‬ َ ‫ف ْال ُم ْح‬ ُ ‫ف َوقَ ْذ‬ِ ‫الز ْح‬َّ ‫الربَا َوالت َّ َو ِلِّي يَ ْو َم‬ ِّ ِ ‫َوأَ ْك ُل َما ِل ْاليَتِ ِيم َوأَ ْك ُل‬
."‫ت‬ ِ ‫ت ْال ُمؤْ ِمنَا‬ ِ َ‫ْالغَافِال‬
It is reported on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may
peace be upon him) observed: Avoid the seven noxious things. It was said (by
the hearers): What are they, Messenger of Allah? He (the Holy Prophet) replied:
Associating anything with Allah, magic, killing of one whom God has declared
inviolate without a just cause, consuming the property of an orphan, and
consuming of usury, turning back when the army advances, and slandering
chaste women who are believers, but unwary.
(Sahih Muslim(English) reference: Book 1, Hadith 161; Arabic reference :
Book 2, Hadith 272)

‫ع ِن اب ِْن‬
َ ،‫ي‬ َّ ‫ع ِن ال‬
ِِّ ‫ش ْع ِب‬ َ ،‫اص ٍم‬
ِ ‫ع‬َ ‫ع ْن‬ َ ،‫ان‬ ُ ‫صةُ ب ُْن‬
ُ ‫ َحدَّثَنَا‬،َ‫ع ْقبَة‬
ُ ‫س ْف َي‬ َ ‫َحدَّثَنَا قَ ِبي‬
‫ي صلى هللا عليه‬ ِِّ ‫علَى النَّ ِب‬
َ ‫ت‬ْ َ‫آخ ُر آيَ ٍة نَزَ ل‬
ِ ‫َّاس ـ رضى هللا عنهما ـ قَا َل‬ ٍ ‫عب‬ َ
ِّ ِ ُ‫وسلم آيَة‬

Narrated Ibn `Abbas: The last Verse (in the Qur’an) revealed to the Prophet was
the Verse dealing with usury (i.e. Riba).
(Sahih Bukhari(English) reference: Vol. 6, Book 60, Hadith 67; Arabic
reference: Book 65, Hadith 4586)

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