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Story: you are a curious young lady.

Learning Story February 6, 2019 loves to try new activities whenever possible.
You started the Sort and Match activity, at first
you were a little hesitant to do it all by yourself.
Learning Outcomes: By doing this table top With a little help on the first few pieces seeing
activity I learned that even with visuals children there they go, you got the hang of it and took off
sometimes need extra support. With this on your own.
opportunity I was able to use different strategies
to help her keep going and not want to give up.
Through this experience she also learned way in
which to better help her complete a task. After
the second picture she was doing it all on her
own, with little to no help.

Follow up: I Feel that Tiena liked this table top activity
because she got to express herself not only with the colors
she used but also in the picture she wanted to complete as
well. Once she had seen the final product she was so
proud of herself, giving her the confidence to try more new

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