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The Concept

The concept of sound waves is pretty straight forward, as it’s a mere subcategory to
waves as a whole but it (obviously) involves sound. After gaining knowledge of waves, it was
discovered that they consist of wavelengths, notches; which can help determine these lengths,
and frequency. Frequency plays quite an important role in all waves and can be determined by
the amount of notches in a wave divided by the time it takes for the wavelength to complete. But
it’s commonly used in the field of sound waves which was the concept that was discovered in the
lab provided.

Within our speaker lab we used the following materials to make soundwaves; two paper plates, 5
½ inches of copper wire, a magnet, two alligator clips, a “business card”, and a cell phone jack.
But how did we get these common items to make any sound at all?

Well first, we’ll need to discuss the basic principle of electromagnetism and how it functions to
gain a better understanding of some steps that will be provided down the line to make said
speaker function.
Magnets have both a north and a south pole, when two magnets attract this is due to the opposite
side of each magnet facing each other (north & south), this statement is the opposite for when
both magnets are facing each other on the same side (north & north / south & south). Now to the
basic principle, due to us using a copper wire a first step should be burning a bit of the isolation
off it so the electric current used will be more effective.

After coiling it around our magnets we can create what is known as a magnetic field with the
help of a flowing electricity current. The more wire used to create more coils the stronger the
magnetic field will be, which in turn would amplify the sound waves we create later on within
the lab. With these coils a current is flowing, so once the magnet is inserted into it, the magnet
will end up rappelling from both ends causing an up and down movement. This will be the
answer to making sound waves due to the vibrations of the magnet. We then take this magnet
which is wrapped around by copper coil 50 times and place it on a paper plate along with placing
another paper plate above,

Final Look
There also needs to be a base to keep the the plate we placed above it sturdy so the constant
movement from the magnet won’t interfere and cause the plate to move around, preferably make
a base without any metal so the magnet doesn’t have a chance of being attracted to it. This
movement is made a constant with the help of the cell phone jack and alligator clips causing an
electric current to coincide with the magnetic field, amplifying our magnets movement. With this
the magnet will hit the plate which was placed above it, ultimately creating soundwaves due to
the force of the magnet constantly bumping onto the bottom end of the top

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