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Capstone Project Report
End-Semester Evaluation

Submitted by:
(101510049) Mohit Khurana
(101510050) Mritunjay Thakur
(101510062) Ravneet Kumar
BE Fourth Year,Computer Engineering
CPG No:74
Under the Mentorship of
Dr.Seema Bawa
Dr.Anil Vashishth
Assitant Professor”

Computer Science and Engineering Department

TIET, Patiala
November 2018


Our project ‘Secure Identity’ is a small step to enhance the campus security and reduce
the dependence on id card for student identification. Basically, it will digitize the
whole process of student identification through a mobile application which will have
the student details in its database.

The system could be used at main entrance, hostel entrances, library, during exams and
would be particularly useful at college fests to check and verify the identity of any
student. The application would be very simple and hassle free to use because the main
end users would be the college security guards who have little knowledge about

The main motivation behind our project was seeing the troubles that the guards and
students go through incase the students didn’t carry the ID card at college fests and
main entrance.


We hereby declare that the design principles and working prototype model of
the project entitled Secure Identity is an authentic record of our own work
carried out in the Computer Science and Engineering Department, TIET,
Patiala, under the guidance of Dr. Seema Bawa and Dr. Anil Vashishth during
6th and 7th semester (2018). “

Project Title Secure Identity

Roll No Name Signature




Dr.Seema Bawa
TIET, Patiala

Dr.Anil Vashisth
Assistant Professor
TIET, Patiala


We would like to express our thanks to our mentors Dr.Seema Bawa and Dr.Anil
Vashishth. They have been of great help in our venture, and an indispensable resource of
technical knowledge. They are truly an amazing mentors to have.
We are also thankful to Dr. Maninder Singh, Head, Computer Science and Engineering
Department, entire faculty and staff of Computer Science and Engineering Department,
and also our friends who devoted their valuable time and helped us in all possible ways
towards successful completion of this project. We thank all those who have contributed
either directly or indirectly towards this project.
Lastly, we would also like to thank our families for their unyielding love and
encouragement. They always wanted the best for us and we admire their determination
and sacrifice. “

Date: 19/11/2018

Roll No. Name Signature

101510049 Mohit Khurana
101510050 Mritunjay Thakur
101510062 Ravneet Kumar





2.1.1 Theory Associated With Problem Area
2.1.2 Existing Systems and Solutions
2.1.3 Research Findings for Existing Literature
2.1.4 The Problem That Has Been Identified
2.1.5 Survey of Tools and Technologies Used
2.3.1 Purpose Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions Project Scope
2.3.2 Overall Description Product Perspective Product Features
2.3.3 External Interface Requirements User Interfaces Hardware Interfaces Software Interfaces
2.3.4 Other Non-functional Requirements Performance Requirements Safety Requirements Security Requirements





5.2.1 DATA
5.3.1 Test Plan Features to be tested Test Strategy Test Techniques
5.3.2 Test Cases
5.3.3 Test Results







Figure No. Caption Page No.

Figure 1 Work Breakdown Structure 16
Figure 2 Context Diagram 17
Figure 3 Component Diagram 18
Figure 4 DFD level 0 19
Figure 5 DFD level 1 20
Figure 6 Class Diagram 21
Figure 7 Use CaseDiagram 22
Figure 8 Activity Diagram 23
Figure 9 Output1 24

Figure 10 Output 2 24
Figure 11 Transition Diagram 28
Figure 12 Test Output 1 29
Figure13 Test Case 1 29
Figure14 Test Output 2 29
Figure15 Gantt Chart 1 35
Figure16 Gantt Chart 2 36
Figure17 Plagarism report 41


Table No. Caption Page No.

Table 1 Research Findings 9-10
Table 2 Investigative Techniques 15
Table 3 Decision table Test 28
Table 4 Subjects 33
Table 5 Peer Evaluation 34
Table 6 Contribution Table 34
Table 7 A-K Mapping table 36-38


1.1 Project overview

Safety at universities and universities is one of the most important jobs that college can do. The
purpose of campus safety is to ensure that the campus is safe for all students from the beginning
to the end of college. All students should feel comfortable and secure on campus. Students
should not only feel safe, but also parents who send their children away from home should feel
safe to send their children to school. The safety of the college's campus should help the students
and create a healthy environment in which students can feel safe and learn.”

Biometric technologies are increasing safety, reducing risk and making us safer because we
know who's important if you really care about life security and safety. The use of biometric
technologies is the most efficient, safe and means of identification available today in many
applications. Biometrics establishes or verifies an individual's identity based on physiological
and behavioural properties. Examples include products which recognize the properties of face,
hand, finger, iris, voice and skin.” “

It evolves and becomes more nuanced than our understanding five years ago to determine what
constitutes human identity. Biometrics technology can quickly determine the identity of a person
by matching live person data, such as fingerprints, with a fingerprint database. These physical
characteristics can be converted quickly into mathematical codes to become unique and secure

Our project ‘Secure Identity’ uses facial recognition system to verify the identity of a student. It
matches the features extracted from the uploaded photo of the student with Database ,If the
system is unable to match the features it extracted from the uploaded photo with those in
database then it gives error message.

The projct will have two phases: -

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Pilot phase – In this phase, the project will implemented on a cluster of J hostel (14
students). Steps in this phase would be:-
 First, database of photos and details will be created by collecting information from
the students.

 Second, the model will be trained using the collected photos.

 Third, the model will be used to predict the person whose photo has been uploaded.

 Creating an android application for the project.

2) Full scale implementation – in this phase, the project will be implemented on full
campus. Steps in this phase would be :-
 Creating a database of photos and details of all students.

 Training the model in the photos in the dataset.

 Creating mobile application (android application) for the project.

In pilot phase, one of the laptops of a group member can used a server but in full
scale implementation, one of the university servers would have to be used.

1.2 Need analysis

Face recognition is a topic of immense interest technology in computer science and it has many
applications which basically use images to identify human faces. Face detection may also refer ,
in some cases, to the psychological process in which people locate and take care of their faces in
a visual environment. Face recognition has different advantages due to its contactless process,
i.e. face images can be captured from varying distances without touching the identified person
and do not require the identifier to interact with the person.
Our project is also based on face recognition algorithm and it being non contact process is
beneficial in this case.
Our project is applicable in the following scenarios:-

 At the main entrance to verify the identity if the student in case he/she is entering the
campus after 7:30 pm.

 At hostel entrance to verify if the student is of the same or other hostel or a day

Page 2 of 41
 At college fest our system would be partucularly useful because the outsiders try to
get inside the campus during the fest. Secure identity system would help to check the
details of any suspected outsider.

 If any student is in drunk state , the guards won’t have to detain him/her as our system
would quickly reveal his/her details

 If a student is not cooperatig with the guards and not showining his ID card then also
our system will useful.

 In library , it can be used to verify student’s identity.

 In exams also the invigilator can use our sytem to verify identity of any suspected

 Overall , our sytem provides an additional feature to college security.

1.3 Problem Definition And Scope Of Project

Students may not have i.d. card all the time if he asked to prove his identity in the institute
premises or it may be submitted in hostels or sports room.Some students also create bad
environment in events and fests held in college and they run away very easily without being
caught by security guards.Sometimes students forget to carry their i.d. cards in the examination
hall.With this application a user can simply click the image of a person he/she wants to identify
and details of that person will be on the screen of user.The user can get to know if the person
belongs to the college or not.In the examination hall,a teacher can use this application to verify th

student has filled the correct details in the answer sheet.It can alo be used at Hostel entry gate
and at Library.

1.4 Assumptions and Constraints

 Database over a cluster of J-Hostel will be taken in begining.

 Affect due to low light images are ignored.

 Neglected the effect due to noise in the images.

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 Mobile Camera will click clear images.
 Images to be recognised have a single face in the image frame.
 The uploaded image is clear and without much noise.
 The user have some basic knowledge to use mobile.
 The mobile phone have android version 6.0 or above.
 The user uses flash if its dark to get required clarity .

1.5 Approved Objectives

 To develop a Facial recognition system with high accuracy.

 To automate the id card based security and identification system – The objective is to
eliminate the dependence on ID card for identity verification in the campus.

 To develop an Android Application for the implementation of proposed system.

 Integration of Facial recognition system with Android App

 To improve the security in campus – A better and efficient identification system will
definitely bolster the security in the campus.

1.6 Methodology Used

 A Face Recognition Model will be built to recognise students.

 Database consisting of students details with their images will be built.

 The clicked image will be fed to the model which detects the faces in the image.

 Detected faces will be recognised by face recogniser using Local Binary Pattern
histogram algorithm(LBPH).

 Face recogniser will match the histogram of detected face with the database.

 Details of student will be dipslayed on the screen.

1.7 Project Outcomes and Deliverables

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 The proposed system focusses on the digitization of whole process of student
identificaton through i.d. card.

 It will reduce the efforts of security guards to check i.d. card of every student.

 It will help to improve the security system in institute premises.

 This application can also be used in events and fests held in college to check if student
belongs to college or not.

1.8 Novelty of work

Extensive research has been done in field of face recognition. There are many algorithms for
face detection and recognition. In our project the algorithm used for face recognition is LBPH
(local binary pattern histogram) which is a well known and robust recognizer.
Secure identity is a project to boost the security of college campus. It enables the user to detect
whether is person is a student or an outsider. The uniqueness of the project is about
application as there are not many machine learning based security systems being currently used
in colleges.

Page 5 of 41

2.1 Literature Survey

2.1.1 Theory Associated with Problem Area””

This project has been called man-machine because the individual human used the coordinates of
a set of characteristics from the images, which the computer used for recogniton. The person
uses coordinates such as the pupil’s center, eye’s inner corner , the eye’s outer corner, the point
of the window’s peak, etc. A total of 20 distances, like the width of the mouth and the width of
the eye, pupil to pupil, was calculated using the above coordinates.
Christoph von der Malsburg developed this method and by 1997most systems were surpassed by
graduate students from the University of Southern California in United States and the University
of Bochum in Germany. The software was "as robust as possible to recognize from less than
faultless face views”. It could also discern glasses, sunglasses, changed hair styles, beards and
recognize moustaches, through such obstacles.
In 2006, the performance of the most prior face recognition algorithm’s performance was
evaluated in the Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC). High quality face images, iris
images and 3D face scans were used in the test. The 2002 face recognition algorithms were 10
times less precise compared to the new algorithms and the 1995 ones were 100 times less precise
as compared to the new ones according to the results..”

2.1.2 Existing systems and Solutions

Face recognition is the process of identifying a person through the analysis and comparison of
patterns in images or videos. Face recognition algorithms usually extract characteristics and
compare them with a database in order to to find the best match. Face recognition is an important
part of most of security, biometric and monitoring systems and video indexing systems.

Page 6 of 41
Some of the existing face recognition algorithms are:-

Eigen Faces Algorithm

This algorithm considers that not every part of the face is equivalent in importance and helpful.
While seeing at somebody’s face, you identify him / her by their distinctive characteristics, such
as eyes, nose, cheeks, front and how they vary from one another. In fact, the areas of maximum
change are focussed (that is variance mathematically) at face. For instance, there are significant
changes from nose to mouth and the same is true for eyes to nose. When we see many faces, we
differentiate them by seeing at these sections of faces as they are of atmost importance and useful
sections of the face.They are important as they capture the utmost change in the faces, identify
the difference between the faces. This is exactly how EigenFaces is working

Fisher Faces Algorithm

This algorithm is improved version of the face recognizer of EigenFaces. Training faces of all
people are looked at simultaneously by Eigenfaces face recognizer and find the components of
them all together. By capturing the main components from all of them together, the
characteristics that distinguish one person from another are not focussed, but the characteristics
that show(represnt) all persons in the training data in general are focussed.

There are some drawbacks of this approach, for instance, images that have intense changes (for
example some unuseful feature like light changes) may overshadow other images.

Local Binary Pattern Histogram Algorithm(LBPH)

Idea here is that image is not to be observed as a whole instead the local features of the image are
to be found. The LBPH algorithm tries to find the local structure of the picture and it is done for
each pixel by comparing it with it’s neighboring pixels.

A 3x3 window is moved on image and at every step (every local part of image), the neighboring
pixels are compared with the pixel that is at the centre. The neighbouring pixels having value of
intensity less than or equal to center pixel are replaced with one and others with zero. Then these

Page 7 of 41
zero and one values in 3x3 window are read in a clockwise sequence and a pattern like 11101011
that is binary is obtained and the pattern obtained is local to some area of the image. This is done
on the whole image and number of binary patterns are obtained. These binary values are
converted into decimal and a histogram is plotted using these values.
Then the histogram of the given image is compared with those in database to get the closest

So for every image in the training dataset we will have one histogram. That is for example if
there are 50 pictures in training data set then LBPH algorithm will extract 50 histograms in
training and store them to perform recognition. Histogram belonging to a particular person are
also tracked by the Algorithm..”

In recognition, when we will feed a new image to the recognizer it will generate a histogram for
that new image, the histogram ios compared with other histograms it has in storage, histogram
which matches the most is selected and the person label associated with the histogram matching
the most is returned..”

2.1.3 Research findings for existing literature

TABLE 1:Research Findings

S. No. Roll Number Name Paper Title Findings Citation
1 101510049,10151005 Mohit,Mritunj Detecting Basics of how “Narendra
0,101510062 ay ,Ravneet Faces in face detection Ahuja,
Images: A algorithm works Fellow,
Survey and different “IEEE,
methods for David J.
facial Krigman,
recognition. Senior
IEEE, and
2 101510049,10151005 Mohit,Mritunj A Comparison Similarities and Yin-Shin
0,101510062 ay,Ravneet of Different differences Lin Wai-
Face between Lbph Seng Ng
Recognition ,eigenfaces and Chin-Wei
Algorithms fisher faces Liu

Page 8 of 41
algorithm. National
3 101510049,10151005 Mohit,Mritunj Face Basic By Md.
0,101510062 ay,Ravneet Recognition knowledge Abbdur
using Local about how Rahim,
Binary LBPH works ,its Md.
Patterns (LBP) advantages and Namul
drawbacks. Hossain,
Wahid &
4 101510050,10151006 Mritunjay,Rav Face Working of Yogesh
2 neet Recognition Eigen faces Taya1 ,
using algorithm and Prabod
Eigenface its drabacks. Kumar
Pandey2 ,
D. B. V.
t of
g Institute
nt Gwalior
5 101510049,10151005 Mohit,Mritunj Face detection Basics of face Mr.”
0,101510062 ay,Ravneet and its detection Suranta
applications algorithm,its Podder 1
working,areas and Mrs.
where face Surita Roy
recognition is of 2, 1 Ph.D.
great use and scholar,
advancement in CMJ
face recognition University,
techniques. Shillong,
, 2 Ph.D.
scholar in
the Dept.
Science &

Page 9 of 41
India. -793

2.1.4 Problem identified

There are drawbacks of the approach used in own areas and fishing grounds, for instance,
images that have intense changes (for exapmle features which are useless like light changes) can
overshadow other images and the features from external sources like light that is useless for
differentiating may be extracted. In the end, the main components represent light changes and
not the actual face characteristics.

Both light and real life affect Fisherfaces and Eigenfaces and perfect light conditions can’t be
guaranted. The LBPH face recognizer is better and it doen’t suffers from this disadvantage
because it compares neighbors with each other instead of looking at the picture as a whole. “

2.1.5 Methods and tools used

As mentioned earlier, LBPH algorithm is more robust as compared to other algorithms in terms
of eliminating light change effects. Since, our system would be used outdoors so LBPH is better
suited. Other features of LBPH are –

 LBPH is one of the easiest and robust face recognition algorithms.

 It works by extracting local features in the images.
 Results produced by LBPH are quite accurate .
 Monotonic gray scale transformations are handled pretty robustly by it.

ISO/IEC 25010:2011

ISO/IEC 25010:2011 defines:

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1. It is a quality model that consists of five features (some of which have been further
divided into their own subcharacteristics) that deal with the interaction result when a
product is being used in a specific context. The model can be applied to the entire human
and computer system, which includes both software products and computer systems in
2. A quality model forproduct consists of eight features (some of which have been further
divided into their own subcharacteristics) that deal with dynamic properties of the
computer system and static properties of software. The model is can be applied to both
software products and computer systems.

These features that are defined by both models mentioned above can be appied to all software
products and computer systems. These features and subcharacteristics provide a consistent and
efficient terminology to determine quality of software product and system, measurement and
evaluation. They also provide a set of quality features that can be compared to the stated quality
requirements for completeness. “

Developers, acquirers, quality assurance and control staff and independent evaluators,
particularly those responsible for specifying and evaluating software product quality can use this
model. Processes and activities performed in the develpoment of product that can can be
benefittde from applying the above the quality models are:”

 Identify system and software requirements;

 Verify the understandability of requirements definition;
 Recognize design objectives for software and system;
 Recognize testing objective for system and software;
 Recognize criteria for controlling quality as a part of quality assurance;
 Recognize software-intensive computer system and software product acceptance criteria;
 Establish measures for quality to support of these processes.

2.3 Software Requirement Specifications

2.3.1 Purpose of this Document

The document gives a explains our software product in detail which includes its
features,characterstics and its objectivess. The document states non-functional and

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functional requirements and also states whether any of these requirement are satisfied by a
particular attribute of the product. It also specifies constraints and standards applied in the
software of this type. It describes all software/hardware and third party dependencies in the
development of this software.

2.3.2 Scope of the Development Project

Creating a facial recognition system for the Thapar university with the help of which guards
will be able to student’s image as input using their mobile and the details of the student like
name,rollno,hostel etc. will appear on his mobile screen,thus enabling the Guards to know if
the student belongs to institute or not.This system can be used at various places in campus
like library, hostel. Another advantage is that the guards won’t have physically detain the
student and clicking a picture would be sufficient. Our system will be especially useful at
college fests when knowing identity of students is crucial. Also the system would be that the
person with almost zero know how about technology like the guards would be able to use it.

2.3.3 Functional Requirements

1.) Application
 The first functional requirement that the user should be successfully able to
login/sign up.

 For signup the user has to provide a correct id and select password. If invalid id
is provided then a message will be displayed stating the same.

 For login the user must provide correct registered id and password. If incorrect
id or password is provided then a message will be displayed stating the same.

 After login the main page with option to click photo will open.

2.) Face recognition system software

The face detection software must be able to –

 Receive image and detect face

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 Extract features

 Recognize face

If the system is not able recognize the face the face , a message stating that student details
not found will be displayed

If the system is able to detect and recognize face the details of the person will be
displayed on the screen.

2.3.4 Non Functional Requirements

 The response time of the application must be fast enough since the system is to be
used in real time security concerns.

 The system must be reliable and accurate to correctly recognize the face and
provide details.

 The application must be simple to use since the end user may not be very
profiecient with technology.

2.4 Cost Anlaysis

In the pilot phase:
 Since our project has no hardware components , so hardware cost
amounts to zero
 The coding and designing part will be done by the group member so,
labour cost is also nil.
 Laptop of one of the group members can be used a server,so server cost is
also zero.So , in pilot phase , total cost is zero
 But in campus wide implementation , a server would be required and labour
costs may also be applied.

2.5 Risk analysis

The main risk associated with the app is the it may an incorrect result by the application may
lead to trouble for the student. For example - if the application doesn’t identify a person as a

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student of Thapar at a college fest it would to expulsion of the student from campus. Also, if the
appsomehow doesn’t properly(due to overload or a bug) it would lead to breach in security
system of the college.

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3.1 Investigative Techniques

TABLE 02:Investigative Techniques Investigative Investigative Techniques Description Investigative Project Examples
1. Descriptive” This involves designing the Secure Identity Because it focuses on a new product
system that will be able to perform face our project comes under this
detection and recognititon and give
coressponding details.
2. Experimental Also, since our uses techniques like deep We are using these techniques to
learning and machine learning to implement better our performance by continuous
we use this investigative technique as well. trial and error.

3.2 Proposed solution

Step 1- Creating face recognition algorithm to check whether a person is a student of Thapar
institute or not. We have used LBPH(local binary pattern histogram recognizer) to do this task.

Step 2- Creating an android app for the system. This will increase the reach and ease of usability
of the project

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3.3 Work Break Down Structure (WBS)

FIGURE 01:Work Break Down Structure

3.4 Tools and Techonology used

 Languages Used-Python

 High Performance GPU/CPU to train the mode

 Android studio

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4.1 System Architecture

4.1.1 Context Diagram”

FIGURE 02:Context Diagram

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4.1.2 Component Diagram

FIGURE 03: Component Diagram

Page 18 of 41
4.2 Design Level Diagrams

FIGURE 04 :DFD Level 0

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FIGURE 05:DFD Level 1

Page 20 of 41
4.3 User Interface Diagrams

4.3.1 Class Diagram

FIGURE 06: Class Diagram

Page 21 of 41
4.3.2 Use Case Diagram”

FIGURE 07: Use Case Diagram

Page 22 of 41
4.3.3 Activity Diagram

FIGURE 08:Activity Diagram

Page 23 of 41
4.4 System Screenshots

FIGURE 09: Output 1

FIGURE 10: Output 2

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5.1 Experimental setup(Simulation)
The project consists of a real time setup in which our system(a mobile app) “will be used by a
person to recognize a student. We have already trained model in order to detect and recognize
face. We will click an image through an app in the system using mobile camera.
Further the algorithm will run and it will recognize the face and display the details on the screen.

5.2 Experimental Analysis

5.2.1 Data
The dataset has been created by us by getting pictures of people in our aquaintance, as guided by
our mentor. Our model is trained to work on images of dimensions 640*960. For the face
recognition task, we have taken the dataset in training (6 students, 72 images) test (6 students, 6
images). There is no students overlap between the sets.

5.2.2 Performance Parameters”

 Accuracy: The human face recognition and detection algorithm’s accuracy is the
parameter of the maximum importance which can create incorrect notifications if not
taken into account. The algorithm with higher accuracy, performs better in face
recognition system in identifying humans through the camera.

Ease of use: The end user will ultimately benefit from the systemif the system is simple.
So, make a system the user’s perception has to be taken into account. Our system which a
simple application that has simple interface and even a person with basic knowledge of
using mobile and even zero knowhow about technology can use the app takes considers
ease of use. “

5.3 Testing Process

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The features mentioned below have been tested thoroughly using the following test strategy
to make the system efficient.
 Correctness

 Usability Test Strategy

Black Box testing takes the sodtwarte as box and focuses on testing whether the input and output
of the system are coreect under verious conditions by changing various parameters is the right
testing strategy for testing these features. In black box, the tests are carried out by taking into
account user's perception and thus help to recognize fallacies in the features. In addition, the
testing operator does not need to know the underlying programming languages that have been
used in the making software product..” Test Techniques

We have used the below testing techniques :-
 Unit testing
 Statement coverage
 Branch coverage
 Integration testing
 Functional Testing
 Decision-table-test
 State Trasnsition Testing
 Equivalence Partitioning testing
 Boundary Testing

White Box Testing

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Unit testing:-
1) prepare_training_data function
1. statement coverage-
I. Test case – giving input as normal directory.

i/p:-“training data”

2. Branch coverage –
I. Test Case - Adding a file to directory that doesnot start with “s” for eg.
II. Test Case - Adding a file to the inner directory that is not and image .
2) detect _face function
3. Statement Coverage
(1) Test case- giving a face with normal image to check if output is correct.
4. Branch coverage
(1) Test case – to send an image with no face.
3) predict function
statement coverage-
Test case- send and image to predict face .
Branch coverage
Test case- to send an image with no face.
Integration testing :-
Between detect face and prepare_training_data function
Test case – send a folder to prepare_training_data
2.Between detect face and predict function.

Test case – send an image to predict function.

Black Box Testing :-

1) Face recognition system software

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Testcase-Receive image and detect face
 Testcase-Training of Recognizer
 Testcase-Recognize face
2) Application

I. The first functional requirement that the user should be successfully able to login.
Test cases :-

TABLE 03: Decision-table-test

ID Conditions/actions Test Case1 Test Case2 Test Case3 Test Case4

Condition1 Correct user Id T T F F

Condition2 Correct password T F T F
Action1 Homepage Execute
Action2 Show a message as Execute Execute Execute
”Invalid User
Credentials ”

State Trasnsition Testing:-

FIGURE 11:Transition Diagram

Test Results:-

White box

Unit testing

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“faces, labels = prepare_training_data("training-data")
print("Total faces: ", len(faces))
print("Total labels: ", len(labels))”
i/p:-“training data” ”

FIGURE 12 : Test Output 1

Branch coverage –
 Test Case - Adding a file to directory that doesnot start with “s” for eg.

i/p :-

FIGURE 13: Test Case1

o/p :-

FIGURE 14 : Test Output 2

5.4 Results And Discussions

 The project titled “Secure identity” detects and recognize faces with the help of a trained
model. Database consisting of students details with their images is stored. The clicked image
will be fed to the model which detects the faces in the image.

 The main problem that we faced while making it was integrating the whole system with app.

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Our observation is that when the images are not clicked in proper lightening conditons the
accuracy of the system decreases.

5.5 Inferences Drawn

System was designed so that it would be simple enough that a person with almost zero know
how about technology like the guards would be able to use it, using various concepts of face
detection and recogition by training various models using OpenCV interfacing through java
using libraries which has all the training datasets regarding the model and making an android

5.6 Validation of Objectives

1. Developing a facial recognition system which successfully detects and recognizes faces our
system can perform this.
2. Develop a mobile application of our system for easy use and we have integrated the system
with app and it successfully shows the details of the system.

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6.1 Conclusions
This report is intended to give the overview of our project. In the introduction we have discussed
the aims and goals of the project, scopes, beneficiaries and the approved objectives of the
project. And finally, in Design Specifications we mentioned about how we are proceeding in this
project. Detailed Flow charts, diagrams, system architecture are explained in this section.
Diagrams and Flowchart are explaining the sequence of the system. System components are also
the part of this section. Through this capstone project we are trying to help the colleges with their
security. This will reduce tension while the students are trying to disrupt college decorum and
ease the process of verifying identity of students for instance they can be use be professor during
college exams .The system requires to focus on the improvement of the algorithm used in the
face recognition and may be used in future for full automation of id card system in the

6.2 Environmental/ Economic/ Social Benefits

In the current system the guards and teachers have to look at each students id card to confirm
his/her identity,it’s not automatic. During the cultural events if a student disrupts the college
discipline or is in drunk state his/her identity can’t be known without looking at his id card or in
case he doesn’t have id card his identity can’t be known. Also incase the student doesn’t bring id
card during examination teachers can’t be sure about his identity . Our system provides the
means to not only gather evidences against the students but also to prevent the occurrence of any
such events . We provide the users a mobile application of our system for easy use. So our
system improves the security in campus, during exams teachers can click image of student to
verify his/her identity,students coming late at night can be easily checked if they belong to

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hostels or not, without identification card it becomes very difficult for student to prove his
identity .
6.3 Reflections
Projects like this are very crucial in a student's life as they widen our domain of practical
knowledge, help us to use our theoretical knowledge more efficiently and learn new concepts.
This project has helped us to increase our skill set. Choosing a project was a highly
brainstorming activity. Having healthy discussions among the team members after lot of research
made our knowledge domain a little wider. We studied and understood how to use different face
detection and recognition algoritms, train machine learning models on a dataset, test the test data,
camera module and also making mobile app. Apart from the individual techniques, we learnt
how to collaborate them.

6.4 Future Work Plan

We plan to further optimize our algorithm in depth, change parameters or further use different
algoritms to increase the accuracy of our model.

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7.1 Challenges Faced

 Selecting a face recognition algorithm

The first challenge faced was to select a robust and accurate face recognition algorithm that
can do its job in real condition.
 Training the model
After the pilot project, when the system is used for the whole university then training the
model would be difficult. This is because capturing , say 100 or more , images of each student
will be time consuming.
 Updating the system
Each year new students get enrolled in and final year student pass out, so the system would
to be updated accordingly.

7.2 Relevant Subjects

TABLE 04:Subjects
Subject code Subject name
UCS007 Computer programming (java)
UML406 Machine learning
UCS408 Image processing
UCS009 Software concepts

7.3 Interdisciplinary Knowledge Sharing

The Secure identity involved the knowledge application of various disciplines. The concepts
taught in Computer Programming helped to code in android application. Machine learning
helped us understand the concepts behind various face recognition algorithms and make efficient

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codes. Image processing allowed us to understand the techniques to enhance images and use
them in our model.

7.4 Peer Evaluation Matrix

TABLE 05:Peer Evaluation

Names Ravneet Kumar Mohit Khurana Mrityunjay

Evaluation 0-5 0-5 0-5


Ravneet kumar 4.5 4.5 5

Mohit Khurana 5 4.5 4

Mrityunjay Thakur 5 5 4.5

7.5 Role playing and work schedule

TABLE 06:Contribution Table

Name Contribution
Face detection and recognition algorithm
Mrityunjay Thakur
Android app
Mohit Khurana
Android app
Ravneet kumar

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FIGURE 15:Gantt Chart 1

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FIGURE 16:Gantt Chart 2

7.6 Student Outcomes Description And Performance Indicators (A-K


TABLE 07:A-K Mapping Table
SO Description Outcome

A1 Applying mathematical concepts to obtain Applied mathematical principles,

analytical and numerical solutions. histograms in feature recognition of

A2 Applying basic principles of science towards Using relative change in pixel values to
solving engineering problems. negate the effects of illumination.

A3 Applying engineering techniques for solving Used algorithm based on machine learning
computing problems. to extract features and recognize faces.

B1 Identify the constraints, assumptions and models The prposed model needd a stable internet
for the problems. connection, a mobile camera and screen to
display output.

B2 Use appropriate methods, tools and techniques for To find the appropriate software and other

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data collection. tools that fits our application.

B3 Analyze and interpret results with respect to the results were quite satisfactory. based on
assumptions, constraints and theory. the data set size and consistency

C1 Design software system to address desired needs operated android studio to create an app for
in different problem domains. face recognition using LBPH algorithm.

C2 Can understand scope and constraints such as Our project allows to identify the students
economic, environmental, social, political, of university without ID proof and will
ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and improve security of the campus.

D1 Fulfill assigned responsibility in multidisciplinary Partitioned the work in frontend and

teams. backend and interfacing. All the parts were
execcuted properly

D2 Can play different roles as a team player. Work was executed in proper team spirit.

E1 Identify engineering problems. Internet connectivity and database


E2 Develop appropriate models to formulate Created prototype to demonstrate face

solutions. detection.

E3 Use analytical and computational methods to To determine whether the student if of

obtain solutions. Thapar University with required accuracy.

F1 Showcase professional responsibility while We presented our project well In the

interacting with peers and professional evaluation and explained the answers to the
communities. questions from the panelists properly.

F2 Able to evaluate the ethical dimensions of a The project has capacity to reduce tension
problem. between students and security staff over
presenting ID proofs.

G1 Produce a variety of documents such as developed the SRS, documents, diagrams

laboratory or project reports using appropriate and the report according to the formats
formats. provided.

G2 Deliver well-organized and effective oral We gave presentation of our application

presentation. through powerpoint ppt and demonstrat ed
working prototype in the evaluations.

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H1 Aware of environmental and societal impact of The product will have overall positive
engineering solutions. impact on the individuals and society.

H2 Examine economic tradeoffs in computing Use of mobile phones camera instead of any
systems. extra hardware saves a substantial amount
of money.

I1 Able to explore and utilize resources to enhance We have learned from coursera courses,
self-learning. Youtube videos and various websites in the
learning and development phase.

I2 Recognize the importance of life-long learning. Team work, accomplishing work in limited
time, presentation skills, technical skills,
dealing with various errors with patience
will help us in future.

J1 Comprehend the importance of contemporary To improve the security system of Thapar

issues. University and reduce hassle for both
guards and students.

K1 Write code in different programming languages. Java is used to implement the project.

K2 Apply different data structures and algorithmic Machine Learning algorithms are used
techniques. along with various data structures.

K3 Use software tools necessary for computer Android studio and openCV are used.
engineering domain

7.7 Brief Analytical Assessment”

1. What sources of information did your group explore to arrive at the list of possible Project
The group was explained the requirements of the Capstone and some of problems that needed to
be explored from online websites from. We searched the literature mostly the technical journals
and technical magazines that have provided on IEEE. Finally, the scope was decided after
consulting our mentor.

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2. What analytical, computational and/or experimental methods did your project group use to
obtain solutions to the problems in the project?
Constructing a portable and cost-effective system was the most challenging task Since, the
project is meant to be deployed in real conditions so robustness and accuracy were also must.

3. Did the project demand demonstration of knowledge of fundamentals, scientific and/or

engineering principles? If yes, how did you apply?
In the project, we have applied the concepts of face recognition and detection and image
processing. Design, architecture and documentation principles were taught in the subjects
Software Engineering and Software Design and Construction.

4. How did your group shares responsibility and communicate the information of schedule with
others in team to coordinate design and manufacturing dependencies?
Our team of 3 members partitioned the project into subtasks, each individual taking one subtask
at a time. Moreover, all the team members are resident of same hostel so communication within
the group was easily managed.

5. What resources did you use to learn new materials not taught in class for the course of the
We took various online tutorials, MOOCs on websites like Coursera, Udacity and read multiple
papers and technical reports on IEEE and ResearchGate to learn new concepts that have not been
taught in class.

6. Does the project make you appreciate the need to solve problems in real life using engineering
and could the project development make you proficient with software development tools and
Our product addresses a real life problem using engineering. Working on this project has made
us appreciate the need to solve real world problems and has motivated us to take up new
problems in diverse fields. We were introduced to various new technologies during the course of
this project like Machine Learning and android. Working on these technologies has highly
improved our proficiencies with these technologies.

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FIGURE 17:Plagarism Report

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