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3 Poems 2/18

Poems, This story talks about a man on an adventure into the woods when he stumbles

upon a wild horse. He is then starstruck by the horse. For Years my Heart Inquired of You,

This person is talking about what they see in the metros station, the many faces that takes up the

metro station area. Twilight in Delhi This story is short but is about the fascination with the red

barrow that is outside near the chicken pen covered in rain. Langston is talking about the

American dream that is talked about in his point of view, how it isn’t what it is seemed to be.

APPLIED SLO- Read & Analyze

With the many different poems there seems to be a connection with the authors just

sitting and analyzing their surroundings. I feel as if a poet or an artist in general use their

environments for inspiration for their works. Imagery was for sure used in the first poem

showing the snowy outside imagination.

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