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Presidents Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Rzza Gillani,

Chief of Army staff, Chief of All Forces,
Director General Government Intelligence Services
Chief Ministers, Governors and Senior Ministers of all 5 Provinces
Chief Justice of all 5 Provinces
Inspector General of all 5 Provinces
And all Citizens of Pakistan

Please say with me; Goodbye to IMF and

all others who gave us loans
My Dear countryman
The Current Situation
Pakistanis are going to inherit a terrible mess: a US$15.5 billion deficit or much
more, along with two wars against terrorism, rising unemployment and
unprecedented crises in our banking system. The Pakistan Administration has
worked tirelessly to address our immediate problems of rising unemployment,
falling basic necessities prices and limping credit markets, while taking a longer
view in laying a strong foundation for future economic growth that benefits all
Pakistanis. Our Government is fighting for economic recovery on all fronts.

In my opinion; there is only one Solution to get the economy back on track:
President Islamic Republic of Pakistan and stakeholders has signed legislation to
jumpstart our economy, the Pakistan Recovery and Reinvestment possibilities Act.
The plan was to save or create new jobs, make critical investments in our
infrastructure and give working Pakistanis a tax cut.

But we need to rebuild our economy on a new, sustainable foundation:

By making bold and wise investments in healthcare, energy and education, and
restoring fiscal accountability to government spending, we will cut costs for
Pakistani families and businesses, create good jobs that can’t be shipped
overseas, give our children the education they need to be competitive in the
global marketplace and leave our grandchildren a legacy they can be proud to

With due respect, I know everyone has tried and still try to get solution of the
problems being faced by government of Pakistan.
I hereby, submit that I can pay off or write off all loans of Islamic Republic of
Pakistan with in a period of six {6} month.

I have an economics plan which can reboot Pakistan’s economy and I have
capability to strengthen the Rupee and to change the parity of Rupee verses US
Dollar. I can bring one US Dollar with a parity of Pak Rupees 30~35 only; more
than 60 percent cut down in its today’s parity

I can reduce the prices of all civic amenities to a bearable level of general public.
According to my plan, I can supply Wheat Flour below Rs. 5/Kg with A-Grade
grinding, I can supply electricity below Rs.0.25/unit for all customers or
Rs.250~300/house throughout the Pakistan.

I can manage the gasoline prices Rs.30~35/Litter; I can fix the Gold Prices a level
of Rs. 5,000/10 grams. I can manage the milk price Rs.12/gallon. According to my
plan we can feed our child a good food for a day with a cost of Rs.5~10/head.
I can create jobs for all jobless even old or youth despite of their sex.
I can reduce all tax to a zero by fixing a tax of Rs. 100/family despite of the status
and livings.

I can rebuild Pakistan.

I have capability to resolve the issue of terrorism. I can stop the war without any
defeat or victory between US and the world.

I can create Peace and Harmony among the world.

What I need to-do all of these and other problems solution, just a time of one
year from the date I start with. You have to provide me mechanism according to
my plan along with serious protection for all of my family and relatives with
indemnity of their all comforts.

If I fail to do whatever I am committing to do, I offer myself to hang till death even
for 100 times for wasting your time.

Please come forward and support me for survival of Pakistan.

Pakistan for ever:


Dr. Syed Hamid Hussain Naqvi Subzwari


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