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Ariah Hedges

Jonathan’s Escape

Jonathan took a deep breath, he sat on his bed and he just thought about how in the world

he will get out of there. He heard giggling outside of his door, his first thought was, “it was the

girls from a previous day. If so I'd better hurry and get out of here or I will be their dinner.”

Jonathan ran around his room frantically trying to figure out his best way to escape. As the

voices got louder, an idea popped into his head. “I will climb out my window and climb down

the wall. But if I fall I will die.” He grabbed the sheet from his bed and twisted it into a long rope

type thing. Jonathan tied it to a pole near the window. Just as he started climbing out the window

someone grabbed him and pulled him back into his room. He got up quick and crawled

backwards, fast, as soon as he realized it was one of the three girls. She slowly walks up to him,

one step after another. He pleads for his life, she quickly runs up to him, covering his mouth with

her hand.

“Shhh the others will hear you”, the girl says.

Jonathan looks up at the girl in disbelief and confusion. She slowly stands up and walks over to

his bed. She pushes it to the side and lifts the rug, revealing a secret passageway.

She then looks at Jonathan and says, “ come on, we will escape through here.”

Jonathan stands up, slowly and walks over to the bed cautiously. He looks at her then

looks at the dark staircase, wondering if he should follow her down there or make a run for it.

She can tell he is doubting her,

“ Look, Jonathan, I have been trapped in this castle for many years. I have been waiting for a

chance to make my escape for a long time and finally I have a chance, let's go before the other
two girls come.”

Jonathan takes a deep breath and starts walking down the stairs. She closes the door behind

them, in that moment all the light disappeared. He could hear the distant howling of the wolves.

Jonathan felt like he had been walking for a very long time, then a flash of light hit him. The end

of the staircase was right there, he began running down the stairs. She grabbed him and yanked

him back, right before he hit the light that leads to the outside world.

“Why did you do that, this is our chance to escape, let's go!”

She says, “ We do not know where the wolfs are let me go out first to make sure it is clear.”

Jonathan gives her a nod, she pulls her hood up on her coat and slowly takes a step out of the

tunnel. Five minutes go by, then ten, just as Jonathan starts to worry she comes back in.

“ It is all clear, but we have to move fast, follow me.”

She runs out of the tunnel and Jonathan follows, they run into the forest. He feels invincible and

free, they cross a river, go down a mountain. At the bottom of this mountain is a brick wall with

warning signs all over it. It is surrounded by large trees with beautiful branches full of leaves. As

Jonathan stands there admiring the beauty, she is already on the move.

“ Come on, we need to hurry,” she yells to Jonathan.

She disappears into the trees, Jonathan follows her, but he has this feeling in his stomach like

something bad is about to happen. She is standing near a little hole in the brick wall almost too

small to see.

Jonathan is standing there puzzled, “ What do we do now.”

She takes out a whistle, Jonathan I need you to blow this. Jonathan looks at her, puzzled, then he

blows it and a doorway in the brick wall opens. They are hit with a bright white light, blinding

“What is that?” Jonathan is confused and the light is blinding him.

She grabs his hand, “ oh I forgot to tell you, my name is Octavia.”

She pulls him in through the doorway, the door shuts quick. Jonathan has no words for what is on

the other side of the brick wall, all he knows is that his life has just changed forever.

Jonathan looks around and an is surprised by what he sees, beautiful blue sky with the fluffiest

clouds he has ever seen. In the distance he can see a village, which is surrounded by blue and

purple trees.

“Come on Jonathan we need to keep moving,” Octavia says.

“Where are we Octavia?”

“We are have just entered my homeland, but we have a long journey ahead of us before we reach

the village,” said Octavia.

Jonathan gives her a nod, then they start their journey. They go through rock piles, over rivers,

through little tunnels, they are only a short 3 hours into the walk when Octavia suddenly stops by

a beautiful river.

“What is wrong, why did we stop?” Jonathan said.

“We need to drink some water.”

Octavia picks a leaf off of a light purple tree and uses it has a cup, she leans down and picks

some water up.

“Here drink this,” she tells Jonathan.

Jonathan cautiously takes the water from Octavia and looks at it for a few minutes, still skeptical

if he should trust her. Then he finally drinks the water. Only a few minutes go by and he starts to

feel dizzy, sleepy.

“Octavia what is happening to me?”

Octavia is smiling, watching Jonathan try to walk and stumbling over his feet. Jonathan crashes

into the ground, at his last seconds of conciseness he hears her give out a loud whistle.

Then everything goes black. His vision is blurry when he finally awakes, but he can not move his

arms or legs. Jonathan is tied up onto a poll. He is going in and out of conciseness, but he can tell

there is many people around watching him.

Jonathan manages to spit out a few words, “ Where am I?”

There is a giggle from a girl behind him, “ You are home with me now, and you will stay here


When Jonathan awakes fully he realizes it is almost night time, and he is scared. Then he spots

Octavia out of the crowd, she begins to walk towards him.

“What are you doing?”

“We need to make a sacrifice for our god, so he will let us live.”

She turns around and speaks to the people.

“We all need to feed on this boy so we can survive, but do not be greedy, only a sip.”

Octavie walks up to Jonathan , “ It won't hurt I promise.”

She takes his arm and makes a little cut, the people make a line and one by one start feeding on

Jonathan. As Jonathan is dieing, he knows he only has seconds left. His memories start flashing

through his eyes. He whispers, “ I am sorry my dear Mina, I love you.” All of a sudden a great

force hit and everyone was flung to the ground. Someone ran up to Jonathan and grabbed him,

right before he passed out he saw a very familiar face. It was Dracula.

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