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SPE 88717

Simulation Study of Miscible Gas Injection for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Low
Permeable Carbonate Reservoirs in Abu Dhabi
W. van Vark*, S. K. Masalmeh, and J. van Dorp** – Shell Abu Dhabi,
M. Abu Al Nasr and S. Al-Khanbashi – Abu Dhabi National Oil Company

Presently with: * Shell International Exploration and Production, ** Petroleum Development Oman LLC,

Copyright 2004, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

HS&E management systems are implemented in the
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 11th Abu Dhabi International Petroleum development.
Exhibition and Conference held in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., 10–13 October 2004.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to The class of reservoirs that are the subject of this investigation
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at into the merits of alternative gas injection are large, high N/G,
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
about 50 m thick carbonate reservoirs. Water injection has
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is been the prime recovery process in these reservoirs that do not
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous have a substantially natural water drive. In these large
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. reservoirs properties vary and flank areas often show a severe
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
reduction in permeability. Vertically averaged permeability is
often more than 100 mD in the crest but deteriorates to less
Abstract than 10 mD at the periphery. With such low permeability,
In this paper we will present the outcome of a study waterflooding quickly looses its attractiveness, as it will
conducted to evaluate the feasibility of large scale injection of require a very dense well spacing or result in a protracted
sour and/or acid gas into a low permeable carbonate reservoir field life. The use of gas as an injectant alleviates these
to enhance oil recovery. drawbacks to a certain extent, but due to the lower viscosity
Other than for disposal, H2S containing mixtures have the gas injection process is less efficient than water injection.
rarely been injected as a miscible agent in oil recovery Moreover, injection of lean (high methane content) gas carries
projects. Moreover, the very few projects that have actually significant cost, as there is a market for gas in the region.
been executed are relatively small (generally less than 10 Large volumes of sour gas are encountered in the region
MMscf/d). and are often found directly below the oil reservoirs. Mainly
In this study different recovery processes were evaluated because of the vast HSE complexities associated with
such as water flooding, lean gas injection, sour gas (natural producing large volumes of H2S, these sizeable volumes are
gas with a large H2S content) injection, acid gas injection, so far untapped. Safe handling of H2S remains a challenge, in
acid gas (mixture of H2S and CO2) after a slug of sour gas and particular from a sustainable development perspective.
CO2 injection. To evaluate these different (EOR) recovery However, in-depth studies have demonstrated that the safety
processes, a detailed reservoir description is essential and for aspect can be managed within a sound economical framework
this purpose element-models were used. [1].
The critical importance of a thorough understanding of This paper reports about a simulation study that was
reservoir geology and rock properties for miscible gas undertaken with the objective of identifying the impact of
injection schemes has been confirmed by the experiences of alternative (gas) injectants on the recovery factor for the low
water breakthrough and over-ride in a number of reservoirs in permeable areas of these large carbonate oil reservoirs.
Abu Dhabi and the poor performance of some miscible gas
injection projects in the industry. Injectants
The simulation study shows that miscible acid gas A typical field in this region consists of a stack of reservoirs
injection is the preferred recovery mechanism for part of the where the type of hydrocarbon progresses with depth from
reservoir under study. This is a result of several key factors, relatively heavy oils in the shallow reservoirs, through light
including the favorable miscibility with the native oil (lower oils, rich gases to dry gases in the deeper closures. These deep
miscibility pressure with reservoir crude), better solvent for gas reservoirs contain very sour gases. For all practical
asphaltene, a more favorable mobility ratio due to high acid (subsurface modeling) purposes the gas from the deeper
gas viscosity and density and availability of large quantities of reservoirs can be considered to contain CH4, H2S and CO2 in
acid gas from the underlying formation. Acid gas is therefore the ratio 60/30/10. In this paper this mixture will be referred
an attractive, low cost, miscible, enhanced oil recovery agent, to as “sour gas”. CO2 is often an important ingredient of
provided fully adequate corrosion mitigation procedures and injection mixtures where a certain level of miscibility between
2 SPE 88717

injectant and reservoir oil is desirable. For the purpose of allows for mixing to take place at a sufficient scale. For this
achieving miscible conditions, H2S is a more suitable reason a numerical model with a great deal of geological
component than CO2. The toxic aspects though have detail is required to realistically assess the relative merits of
prohibited large-scale use of H2S in oil recovery processes so the various injection processes.
far [2-5]. However, this source of sour gas is still 60 % One of the common problems with gas injection is
methane, which has a substantial value. An alternative for asphaltene precipitation. This problem has been reported
straight injection of sour gas is applying a sweetening process, when injecting CO2 [e.g. 6-7, and references therein]. A
where the CH4 is separated out, and the remaining waste dedicated laboratory study was performed using both CO2 and
product, which is then roughly a 75/25 mixture of H2S and acid gas as injectants. It was found that addition of CO2
CO2, is injected. This latter mixture, which will be referred to renders asphaltene in the crude oil unstable. Both experiments
as “acid gas”, has excellent miscibility characteristics. and modeling work indicated that asphaltene onset pressure
The reservoir oil was characterized by tuning the decreases upon mixing with the acid gas while it increases
properties of pseudo components in a phase equilibrium upon mixing with CO2.
package. An accurate match with experimental laboratory test
data provides confidence that the thermodynamic description Reservoir Model
of the reservoir oil is sufficient to the extent that it can be The basis of all subsequent simulation work is a detailed
used to explore interactions with potential gaseous injectants. reservoir geological model. This static model has a vertical
Because of the reputation of CO2 as a suitable ingredient of resolution of one foot, and areal block dimensions measure
injection gas mixtures and the possibility of a future CO2 some 100 m. The strongly layered reservoirs do allow for an
source, injection of pure carbon dioxide was also included in adequate representation in a model with this resolution. All
this evaluation. The difference in the way CO2 and acid gas log and core data were honored and stochastic methods were
interact with the reservoir oil is illustrated in Figure 1. This applied in populating the space in between wells. Limited
figure depicts the saturation pressure vs. the concentration of vertical upscaling was applied in the construction of the
the injection gas in the mixture. In case of CO2 injection the subsequent dynamic model. Only blocks with the same
bubble point pressure increases gradually when CO2 is added properties were merged, in that way no geological detail was
to the oil before it reaches a maximum (it is a dew point by lost. Areally, the dynamic model grid is denser than that of
then). On the other hand, with acid gas as the injectant the the static model. The PVT description in the simulator is an
bubble point decreases monotonically with increasing eleven component Equation-of-State model. The proximity of
injectant concentration. For the relevant reservoir pressures the free water and the high capillary rise in the low permeable
and temperatures the mixing of acid gas and reservoir oil will bottom layers imply that a large portion of the reservoir
always result in a single phase fluid, i.e. acid gas is first segment is in the transition zone (see Figure 2). Therefore, it
contact miscible with the oil. Injection of CO2 will result in a was critical to ensure that proper modeling of the transition
miscible condition only after continued mass exchange zone that takes into account the impact of initial oil saturation
between the two phases have caused a certain convergence of on saturation functions was implemented [8].
the respective compositions. That process is called developed The reservoirs are traditionally developed by inverted five
or dynamic miscibility. spot patterns and as there are no obvious alternatives to this
Injection of lean gas (>94 % CH4) is currently taking place approach, the dynamic models were squares cut out of the
in dedicated areas of the subject reservoirs. This has the static model. Injector producer spacing is just over one km,
advantage of increasing the total system mobility, but mass and in order to appreciate the time factor in comparing the
exchange between the injection gas and the native oil is recovery processes the simulations were constrained by a
minor. The global properties of the four subject injectants fixed pressure difference between injector and producer.
with respect to interaction with the reservoir oil are Effectively a pressure difference of 1500 psi is imposed, in
summarized: line with current practice, where injection pressures are
limited by rock competence and at the producing end the
Miscibility ρoil - ρgas µoil / µgas pressures are not allowed to drop (too) much below bubble
(lb/cuft) point.
Lean gas None 27 6.0 The base dynamic model is therefore a square measuring
Sour gas Some swelling 20 4.4 750 * 750 m, with injector and producer at diagonal corners
CO2 Dynamic ~ zero 2.6 (quarter wells). The geological model of the reservoir is fairly
Acid gas First-contact -5 1.4 layer cake and the layer properties vary only gently over well
distances. However, a few wells encountered thin high
Not surprising, this indicates that the richer the injectant permeable zones. These high permeable streaks cannot be
the more easy to achieve an efficient microscopic correlated, but are expected to have a lateral extent of
displacement. Therefore, on the basis of injected pore hundreds of meters. It is unlikely that they provide a complete
volumes, the recovery factor might be expected to vary short-cut between injector and producer, but where these high
accordingly. However, there is also the factor of time (or well permeable events occur, they impact the flow profile and the
spacing) that is required for a certain recovery to materialize, (vertical) sweep efficiency. Therefore, as a sensitivity an
which would favor injection of a low viscosity gas. alternative simulation model was constructed that contained
Furthermore, excellent mixing results observed in a PVT cell such a high permeable streak.
will only turn into real value if the reservoir heterogeneity
SPE 88717 3

The simulations primarily address lean gas, sour gas and inversely with the viscosity of the injectant, and therefore
acid gas injection. The first process is currently practiced in would favor the leanest injectant, but that advantage is short-
selected areas and the latter two are potential resources from term and small (difference in initial rate between the lean gas
the deeper sour reservoirs. For completeness forecasts with and acid gas injection cases is some ten percent). Moreover,
CO2 and water injection were also carried out. and probably more important is that if the Recovery Factors
are compared using the realistic basis of a limiting GOR cut-
Modeling results off, injection of acid gas is the superior process.
Injection of lean gas results in a plateau off-take rate of about Miscibility primarily influences the microscopic sweep
2.5 % of STOIIP per annum. This rate can be sustained for efficiency, but frequently of equal or even more importance is
some ten years, but after gas break through, the GOR the macroscopic sweep. This study showed the potentially
increases rapidly (Figure 3). large impact high permeable streaks, known to occur in these
Sour gas injection yields qualitatively a similar production reservoirs, can have. The effect is that a relatively
profile. The latter displacement process is somewhat more homogeneous sector of the reservoir could yield an amount of
stable resulting in a 25 % longer plateau, but after gas oil that is twice that is achievable in an area where high
breakthrough the oil rate declines in a similar way, if permeable layers cause low vertical sweep efficiencies.
anything, the decline is even a little faster. The choice of injection process is eventually subject to
The production profile that results from acid gas injection economic screening, which is not the subject of this paper. It
shows a different character. The more viscous injectant causes is noted that switching from lean gas to sour or acid gas, will
a lower plateau rate, but lasts longer (60 % more than with result in progressively more oil for a certain amount of
lean gas) and importantly, the GOR increases much more injected reservoir volumes, but the operations become
gradually after breakthrough, which shows as a less steep similarly more complex and significantly more costly.
reduction in oil rate. Figure 4 compares these predictions on However, on the proceeds side there is not just the extra oil
the basis of injected pore volumes. The acid gas injection recovery. In case of sour gas injection, the lean gas that is
(first contact miscible) process results in a very high recovery currently injected will be available for sale. Injection of acid
factor in the areally fairly homogeneous reservoirs. gas has a further merit in that it generates vast quantities of
CO2 has properties that fall in between of those of sour methane as the gas resource contains 60 % CH4. Simulations
and acid gas, and the production response is similarly in also show that preceding acid gas injection by immiscible
between. Although not first contact miscible, in case of CO2 sour gas (one of the options under study) had only a marginal
injection miscibility develops relatively quickly and the negative effect on ultimate recovery compared to continuous
response is closer to the acid gas case than to that of sour gas. acid gas injection.
Simulations based on a static model that contains a high Well spacing and therefore off-take rates are also subject
permeable streak (see Figure 2) resulted in a higher (about to optimization. In this study well spacing has not been
twice as high) plateau rate, but the length of the plateau period addressed, but viscous forces dominate the displacement
is more than halved, resulting in a poorer ultimate recovery. process in this low permeable environment. Therefore the
Figure 5 illustrates the differences in the calculated oil rates. outcome is basically directly proportional to the well spacing.
Figure 6 shows the recovery on the basis of subsurface The base model is moderately homogenous, which results
injection volumes. Interestingly, the difference in in a fairly stable displacement and therefore (very) high
dimensionless recovery between the respective models is of recovery factors. In case of a more heterogeneous reservoir,
the same order as the difference between the farthest apart the process will be progressively less stable. If that results in
recovery processes (lean gas vs. acid gas injection) for the truly premature gas breakthrough, a Water-Alternating-Gas
same reservoir model. This illustrates that in this particular injection scheme where the water is used to stabilize the front
case the reservoir geological aspects are as important as the might become attractive. This opportunity has not been
choice of injectant. addressed. Slug size and composition of the injectant are the
Finally, a simulation with water injection was carried out. prime parameters that have to be optimized in a WAG
Results are shown in Figure 7. It will take 100 years to scheme. However, a classical miscible WAG scheme has as
achieve a Recovery Factor that can be obtained with gas disadvantage that it requires continuous disposal of the acid
injection in 25 years. Moreover, the ultimate waterflood gas. Moreover, different from most WAG operations, the cost
recovery will be limited because a finite fraction of the oil of the injection gas is low.
cannot be moved by water, whereas miscible displacements The PVT properties that are assumed in this work are the
do not suffer from such a limitation. results of calculations made with phase behavior programs.
Confidence in this approach is due to the fact that a number of
Discussion experimental PVT studies are available, and the 11-
The observation that the recovery factors achieved with component EOS model was calibrated on slim tube tests with
alternative gas injection processes correlate strongly with the lean gas injection and swelling tests of H2S and CO2 with live
degree of miscibility between injectant and reservoir oil when crude.
compared on the basis of injected pore volumes, is fully in The processes that are discussed in this paper are of severe
line with expectation. This study shows that this conclusion complexity (surface probably even more so than subsurface)
also holds if the comparison is made on a time basis (for the and contain many novel aspects. Indisputably, large scale
particular reservoir conditions, under same pressure application will have to be preceded by an extensive further
constraints and well spacing). The plateau rate correlates study effort, which will have to include field testing.
4 SPE 88717

Conclusions References
Reservoir simulation techniques were used to evaluate the 1- Kamath, A.R., van Dorp, J., Johnson, A., Alcock, A. and Keith,
relative merits of various gas injection processes that are I.: “Hazard Management Considerations for Sour Gas
considered for application at the less permeable flanks of the Development During Concept Selection”, SPE 88724,
subject reservoirs. To this end high-resolution element models paper presented at the 11th ADIPEC Annual Technical
were constructed. The PVT module is of the Equation-of- Conference and Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, Oct. 10-13, 2004.
State type and hence geological detail was combined with a 2- Davison, R., Mayder, A., Hladiuk, D. and Jarrell, J.L.: “Zama
precise fluid description. The main observations and Acid Gas Disposal/Miscible Flood Implementation and
Results”, paper CIM 96-96.
conclusions are as follows.
3- Jamaluddin, A.K.M, Bennion, D.B, Thomas, F.B. and Clark
M.A.: “Acid/Sour Gas Management in the Petroleum Industry”,
• Injection of lean gas, sour gas, CO2, acid gas and SPE 49522, paper presented at the 8th ADIPEC Annual
combinations thereof were found to result in similar Technical Conference and Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, Oct. 11-14,
sustainable off-take rates. 1998.
• Therefore the ranking of the various gas injection 4- Miwa, M. Shiozawa, Y. Saito, Y. and Taroom, I.O.: “Sour Gas
processes in terms of oil recovery is the same whether Injection Project”, SPE 78547, paper presented at the 10th
compared on the basis of elapsed time or injected ADIPEC Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Abu
(reservoir) volumes. Dhabi, Oct. 13-16, 2002.
• The sweep efficiency improves with increased degree of 5- Thibeau, S. Barker, J.W. and Morel, D.: ”Simulation of Sour
miscibility. This shows primarily in longer plateau Gas Injection in Low Permeability Oil Reservoirs”, SPE 84362,
paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and
periods, as the sustainable rates are similar.
Exhibition, Denver, Oct 5-8, 2003.
• In gas injection schemes it is usually the breakthrough of 6- Leontaritis, K.J. and Mansoori, G.A.: ”Asphaltene Deposition:
the injection gas that terminates the process. Effectively, A Survey of Field Experiences and Research Approaches”, J.
when applying a realistic GOR limit, injection of acid gas Pet. Sci. Eng. 1 (1988) 229.
could easily recover twice as much oil as is attainable 7- Sarma, H.K.: ”Can We Ignore Asphaltene in a Gas Injection
with lean gas. The recoveries that may be expected from Project for Light-Oils?”, SPE 84877, paper presented at the SPE
sour gas and CO2 fall in between. International Improved Oil Recovery Conference in Asia
• It was found that the presence of local but lateral Pacific, Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 20-21, 2003.
8- Masalmeh, S.K.: “High Oil Recoveries from Transition Zones”,
extensive (hundreds of meters) high permeable streaks
SPE 87291, paper presented at the 9th ADIPEC Annual
would have a pronounced impact on the recovery. Such Technical Conference and Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, Oct. 15-18,
phenomena make higher well rates possible but reduce 2000.
the ultimate recovery. Simulations indicate that the level
of heterogeneity has as much of an impact on the
recovery efficiency as the choice of injectant.

The authors would like to thank Abu Dhabi National Oil
Company and Shell Abu Dhabi management for permission
to publish this paper.
SPE 88717 5

5000 0

Saturation Pressure (psia)

3500 40

Depth (ft)
2500 H2S/CO2 (3:1)


0 140
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 1 10 100 1000
Concentration Injectant (mol %)
Permeability (mD)

Fig. 1. Saturation pressure of mixtures of reservoir Fig. 2. Typical permeability profiles at positions with
oil with carbondioxide and acid gas. and without high permeable streak.

0.04 20

Heavy lines : Acid Gas Injection
Intermediate : Sour Gas Injection 0.8
0.03 15
Oil rate (fr. STOIIP/y)

Thin lines : Lean Gas Injection

Fraction of STOIIP
GOR (MMscf/stb)

GOR 0.7

0.02 10 0.5
Lean Gas
Oil Sour Gas
0.01 5 Acid Gas


0.00 0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Year Injected Volume (Hydrocarbon Pore Volumes)

Fig. 3. Acid, sour & lean gas Injection - Oil rate Fig. 4. Cumulative oil vs. cumulative injected
and GOR vs. time. reservoir volume.
6 SPE 88717

0.09 18 0.7

0.08 16
0.6 Acid
0.07 14
Oil rate (fr STOIIP/y)

Heavy lines : Acid Gas Injection

Fraction of STOIIP
GOR (MMscf/stb)
Thin Lines : Lean Gas Injection 0.5
0.06 12
Lean Gas
0.05 10 0.4
0.04 8 0.3

0.03 6
0.02 4 Heavy lines : With high K layer
Thin lines : Without High K
0.01 2

0.00 0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Year Injected Volume (Hydrocarbon Pore Volumes)

Fig. 5. Acid & lean gas injection - Pattern includes Fig. 6. Impact of high permeable layer- Cumulative oil
high permeable layer. produced vs. cumulative injected




Fraction STOIIP



Lean Gas
0.2 Sour Gas
0.1 Acid Gas
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 7. Cumulative oil vs. time for alternative


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