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Emily Lamonica

Teacher Philosophy

Dr. Ellis

EDUC 1301.200

Paris Junior College

February 27, 2018

Teacher Philosophy

My teacher philosophy is that my students will learn and achieve the most with a positive

and creative environment, and to lead by example so that students may see first hand how respect

and compassion should be held in the classroom and the world around them. I believe these two

areas are important to the student at school and at home, so they will be able to seek the world

with knowledge, imagination, and kindness.

I chose to be a teacher so that I could leave a lasting impacting on students, whether it

would be through knowledge or encouragement. I want my students to have a sense of

excitement to learn, a creative outlook, and to have compassion and respect for those around

them at all times. My third grade teacher always wanted the best from me even when it was less

than average, which gave me the desire to strive for the best and more. While my second grade

teacher was compassion to every student and cared for everyone, for example, she knew that I

had a hard time learning, but she never was frustrated with me and hugged me instead. If i could

one day, be like those teachers with constant motivation and kindness, I believe I could change

many lives of students. However, it will not stop at that one student, kindness goes a long way so

that one student could make an impact to another and then another.

As far as learning styles goes, I believe that my particular style is one of many. I

appreciate the ideas of teacher centered teaching, but I favor student centered teaching because I

want my student to be able to create and reimagine through their own eyes. I only wish to be a

guide and role model, and to challenge their thoughts. I believe that the core curriculum is vital,

but also moldable. The core curriculum of math, reading and writing, and science have such

more potential than the basics we know, those subjects can be explored more and more everyday,

which I intend to input. Something I want to add into my curriculum is agriculture or nature, this

is a forgotten piece of education that I want to restore, because there is so much that can be

learned and used in life. Letting my students get out to nature and let them see nature will

develop a desire to save the Earth such as recycling. I also want to have my students constantly

using their hands and engaging in activities with each other. This hands on group activities lets

the students know more about what they are doing and how it works itself, and the groups will

allow the students to create relationships and learn from each other.

Additionally, I feel that if that there is an importance to create not only relationships with

other students, but the cultures that each one has, so that diversity is an exciting new exploration.

Today, there is a growing diversity that is being forgotten in every kind of race or ethnicity,

therefore I believe diversity should be recognized and invited. I want my students to show the

same kindness to someone that may be different than they are. This will also show students a

different perspective of the people around them, but I think diversity through race is all I will

teach my class. I do not believe it should be my duty as a teacher to teach students about social

controversies, because that is an issue that should be taught at home, however my students will

learn to treat everybody no matter what, that they deserve kindness and respect.

In conclusion, my philosophy may be different or not, but I will always strive to have my

students be excited to learn, to always be creative, see differently and to always be kind and

compassionate. I want them to remember that philosophy in class, but in any situation that they

will go through in their life and leave their own impact.

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