May 2019 PDF

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Preschool News

April was a busy month filled with lots of fun and learning. We learned about Outer
Space, Easter, Earth Day, and Bugs

Outer Space week would not have been complete without our very own Space Station!
The kids got to dress up like astronauts, "walk on the moon", and work the command
center. The rest of the room was set up with Space themed activities including letter
identification, measuring, sorting, building and much much more!

During Easter week we learned about the true meaning of Easter as well as the talking
about the Bunny! We ended the week with a celebration which included Peep tasting,
Easter Bingo and an egg hunt!

We celebrated Earth Day for an entire week by learning about recycling and taking care
of Planet Earth. The kids practiced sorting recyclable and non recyclable items and they
learned how items are reused to make new ones.

The last week of the month was all about Bugs! We sorted bugs, searched for bugs,
created bugs and of course learned about bug. We are waiting to receive our caterpillars
and ladybugs to put in the science/bug center.

As we get closer to the end of the school year, we are starting to work on
our Spring Program and Graduation which will be held May 29, 2019 @
6pm in the Sanctuary.

Rachel Johnson Firelands Preschool Program Director and Teacher

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