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Citizen Freewrite

The book was very profounding and gave an insight on problems many people have

never seen or heard in their life. Claudia Rankine is a woman who wrote about her personal

experiences in the white washed society that gave myself some insight on things and problems

that are uprising. One part of the book was about her on the plane and a family entering and

wanting to sit in their seats but the little white girl and her mother has a problem with Claudia

being there, maybe because the little girl has never been exposed to a person that looks like

Claudia, but her mother didn’t have to accept what the little girl said, but could’ve taught her

something in that moment. So to me Claudia Rankine is showing how todays society is towards

people of color and for her to the age that she is, shows how non-progressive the world has still

stayed (if that makes since.) I can relate with her on so many levels with this profound piece of

art. I LOVED IT!!!

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