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Omar Pelagio

Ms. Pinkelman

9-10 Block English

5th April 2017

“Antigone Analysis Essay”

Ismene and Antigone are foils of one another to highlight each other’s characteristics.

Antigone wishes to bury her brother but Ismene is too frightened to help her. “Antigone, I am

afraid for you, how can I go on living without you?” (Sophocles, Prologue, 138). Antigone is

brave and not afraid of death. She knows she will die and accepts her fate. Ismene is weak and

would rather stay alive than defend her family. Antigone holds all gods laws “You may do as

you like, since apparently the laws of the god mean nothing to you. (Sophocles, Prologue,161).

In this quote, it shows that Antigone doesn’t care about Creon’s laws she cares more about the

gods laws. Overall, because Antigone fights for her rights and Ismene follows the rules both

characters are complete opposites.

Antigone attitude changes and Creon’s attitude changes at the end of the story that what

makes them dynamic characters. According to Creon is Eteocles a trader “He made war on his

country Eteocles defended it” (Sophocles Prologue 112). In this quote, it shows that Creon’s

attitude against Antigone is disrespectful because he disagrees very strongly with her desire to

bury her brother. Creon also believes that Polynieces deserves to die like a trader ,that nobody

should burry him . According to Antigone she says, “That the rules of the world below makes no

such laws” (Sophocles, Prologue 162) In this quote, Antigone is meaning that in this world there

is no rule to bury her brother. She believes that ancient laws exist that trump Creon’s laws. That

compassion is more important than following rules. Overall, Antigone still buries her brother

herself since Ismene didn’t want to help her.

Haemon knows that Antigone is an innocent person because they say “please don’t kill

my fiancée. According to Haemon they say “Do not believe that you alone can be right the man

who thinks that the man who maintains that only has the power” (Sophocles Prologue 74). In this

quote, it is basically trying to say that to not think that only if you’re alone that you can do

everything by yourself because you can’t. He believes that the king should listen to other people

about Antigone and her fate. That she can have power just as a man. According to Haemon they

say that “No woman’s has ever so unreasonably died so shameful a death for a generous act”

(Sophocles Prologue 78) I think that in this quote, they are trying to say that no woman has ever

died so shamefully. She died an honorable death because she value compassion and family. Her

death should have been viewed as shameful and disgraceful to the king. Overall, Haemon did

not believe that just because he was king he knew everything, that Antigone death was transgress

to the laws of heaven.

Antigone alludes to Persephone the goddess and the princess Danae. These goddesses

and princess are compare to Antigone conditions. According to this quote “ I shall see my father

again and you mother and dearest polyneices” ( Sophocles Prologue 60). This quote basically is

trying to say that just because she lives in the under ground Antigone believes that she would be

in hell with goddesses Persephone. And addition that Antigone believes that its to bury her

brother and spend internate in hell. This quote shows that chorus, Antigone is compare to the

princess Danae. “ All Danae beauty was locked away in brazen cell where the sunlight could not

come” (Sophocles Prologue ode 4). This quote is comparing to Antigone because they were both

beautiful they were both locked away and finally there both father where the ones to prison them.

Overall, Antigone had many things in common with this play and the play aloud to this many


Two possible themes for these story are, actions have a consequence and loyalty to

family is more important than following the laws. This quote shows that Antigone is ready to

accept her consequences, “Action has consequences bring the women out let her die before his

eye”. (Sophocles Prologue 79). In this quote Antigone is trying to bury her brother and just

wanted her brother to be at peace. Nobody wanted to bury Polynieces so Antigone buried him

herself. According to Antigone she “Choose family over law, he is my brother and he is your

brother to.” (Sophocles Prologue 33). Antigone choose to bury her brother instead of following

Creon’s thoughts. Antigone didn’t listen to nobody on burying her brother and buried it herself.

Because Ismene didn’t want to help her either. Overall, Antigone has different thoughts but the

very important thoughts that she followed through with was she choose family over loyalty over

the common law.

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