Application For Businss Incubation Center

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Company Profile
1. Company Name
2. What stage is your company at?
3. Domain of work?
5. Principal Contact and Title
6. Principal Contact CNIC
7. Contact No.
8. Email Address

Company Overview
9. In one line, tell us the vision of your company.
10. In more detail, please state what your company will do or make (describe your product,
the problem you are trying to solve, what's new about what you are doing, and what
impact would it have on market).


11. When was this company started? (Write N/A if you are still at idea stage)
12. Why should we choose you?

13. How many founders are there?
14. How long have all founders worked together as a team.
This can include time that *all* founders have worked together on a prior project or company.

15. Besides the founders, how many additional employees are there?
16. What do you like most about your team?
17. What does you team lack at the moment?

Details about the founders:

18. How did you meet your co-founders?
19. What is your primary role in this business?

20. What are the skills and background of each founder?

21. If accepted, will you work full time with this startup with no other external obligations?
22. If you cannot commit to working full time with this startup if accepted, please explain why.

23. Please provide the url of your website or demo/prototype (if any). If username and password are
required, please mention them.
24. Who are your competitors?
25. What is different/ interesting/innovative about your product?
26. What is your target market and enlist your current (if any) and potential customers.
27. How do you intend to find customers?

28. How much has been invested to date in the startup?
29. How do you intend to divide equity amongst the co-founders?
30. Has your company raised any finances already? If yes, please provide details (write N/A if
not applicable)

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