End of The Unit Assessment

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Pelagio 1

Omar Pelagio

Mrs. Stier

Junior English P 4

13 October 2017

End of Unit 1 Assessment

The Crucible is a play which portrays about a group of people who fear being caused of

witchcraft.This play was written by Arthur Miller. It happened in Salem Massachusetts in the

year 1692. Most of them were lying to protect themselves from being hang. Abigail Williams

was 12 years old at that time she was the niece of reverend Samuel Parris. Abigail Williams lies

to conceal her affair. The protagonist of the crucible is John Procter. He is a farmer and was

married to Elizabeth Procter. They have two sons. In this play, the people who fear being

accused of witchcraft so they were lying to protect themselves.

The Puritans were the people who believed in the devil and that hell existed. The puritans

keep his own and his neighbor’s behavior. They also believed that God might punish the entire

community. These people were not tolerant of Native Americans and they believed that life was

not important as the afterlife. Man can believe in Jesus and they can be leaded to a good life.

This play is a tragedy because Abigail made up so many lies that she hurts so many

people and also that got a lot of people killed. The teenage girls were in the forest and Reverend

Parris caught the girls dancing. Betty wouldn’t wake up because she was a spell and Reverend

Parris was scared that he was going to lose his daughter. Abigail Williams made up a lot of lies

and it was a possibility that Ms. Procter would go to jail. Procter ripped up the confession. Then

the story ended when everyone was getting hanged and died as well.
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In the play named The Crucible written by author Miller we are introduced to various

characters who take an important role in the play. Abigail Williams, niece of Rev. Samuel Parris,

participates in witchcraft and has an affair with a married man in Salem named John Proctor. She

is afraid of being hanged for witchery and therefore lied about being one of the town's believers

in the power of voodoo. Before the play started, Abigail Williams and John Proctor, a local

farmer, envy toward John's wife, Elizabeth when questioned why Elizabeth fired her while she

served as the Proctors' servant. In the part of the story Abigail shows us fear and envy “She is

blacking my name in the cold sniveling women, and you bend to her!” (Miller 146). This quote

shows us fear and anger because Elizabeth ruining her reputation because although Abigail

Denys she’s doing witchcraft Elizabeth knows she contributes to it. “She comes to me to go and

drink blood” (Miller 144). In this quote shows fear because Abigail fears that they will blame her

if she says that she does and drinks blood so she blames it on the other girls so she will not have

to be the one with the blame and have to deal with the consequences and her reputation will not

have to be ruined.

The play’s protagonist is proctor Elizabeth husband. He was the one that had an affair

although he had the affair, he regretted it and started being loyal to his wife. When he finds

Abigail is trying to make Elizabeth being guilty about witchcraft. John proctor contributes to a

major part of the story “you’ll speak nothing of Elizabeth” (Miller 146). As Abigail speaks about

his wife this quote is an example of fear and frustration. Later he becomes upset with Elizabeth,

because he has been remaining loyal to her, but she can’t seem to forgive him. “You will not

judge me more, Elizabeth I have a good reason go think before you charge fraud Abigail and will

think on it lets look to our own improvement before you go and judge your husband” (Miller

165). The quote shows us fear because he doesn’t want Elizabeth to find out about the affair and
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she already suspects thing about him and Abigail he is defending himself with lies and excuses

so Elizabeth doesn’t think otherwise and could believe him.

Arthur Miller uses figurative language to illustrate the fear of the characters and the

negative actions that they do. He used hyperbole to show fear “It’s a pity Ezekiel that an honest

tailor might have gone to heaven must burn in hell. You’ll burn for this do you know it” (Miller

17). The author also uses irony to express negative action “Is the accuser always holy now were

they bum this morning as clean as God’s fingers? I’ll tell you what’s walking Salem vengeance

is walking Salem” (Miller 173).

The Crucible is a good play because it can teach people that if you lie nothing is going to

go your way and also some dangerous things can happened to you. Something one learns from

this play is that people should never lie. The people were very fearless. This play showed us how

the lives of people use to be back then which can still happen in the present time.
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Works Cited

. Miller Arthur “ The Crucible” Massachusetts. 1692. Viking Press

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