Teachers' Strategies in Improving English Vocabularies For Children at A Kindergarten in Yogyakarta

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Teachers’ Strategies in Improving English Vocabularies for

Children at a Kindergarten in Yogyakarta

Chapter One


In this chapter will explain about the description of the research. Firstly, the researcher
will be present about the background that include the reason why choosing the title. Secondly,
the researcher explain the research question and then the purpose of the study. And the last is
about the significan of the study.


PAUD program is one of the important thing for children. Because in PAUD they can
learn about ever almost the children have high curiosity that they don’t know before. Language
education for children have important role for their development and growth. Because of
language, they can speaking, singing and story telling. Teaching about the language for chidren
will be easier than to teach about logic. So, the teaching of english is one of thing that should
gave for them.

As a teacher, we can teach english vocabularies for children earlier by using some
methods such as singing, drawing, and story telling. We can use some interesting methods so
they don’t get bored. The purpose of the method is to enable them to use english vocabularies
although only introducing about basic of english and for helping in the higher level. The
methods used in learning of kindergarten should cover all aspect. In implementation of the
methods should have a lot of media so that they interest to learn english vocabularies.

Statement of the problem

Teacher strategy is a way to make the students understand the material provided. A lot
of the teachers have been try to develop their own teaching strategy and make the interesting
material for their student, especially for children. Teachers try to use the strategy that makes
their students’ interest in teaching the material. The teachers try and try to get intersting strategy
to make the activity in the teaching learning process can stimulate the students’ interest. So,
the researcher tries to appear this study that entitled “Teachers’ Strategy in Teaching
Vocabularies for Children at a Kindergarten in Yogyakarta.
Research Question

Based on the above, it can be argued some formulation of the problem as follows:

1. What are the problem in teaching vocabularies for children at one of the kindergartens
2. What are the strategies in teaching vocabularies for children at one of the kindergartens

The Purpose of the Study

Based on the problem above, the purposes of the study could be formulated as follows:

1. To find out the problem in teaching vocabularies for Students at one of the
kindergartens Yogyakarta.
2. To find out the strategies in teaching vocabularies for Students at one of the
kindergartens Yogyakarta?

The Significant of the study

The coming of this research are expected to give positive contribution and useful for
the researcher and teachers.

1. For Researcher
a. To give information both written or literature the other researchers who have
similar topic research
b. To give knowledge for the reader the methods of giving English
vocabularies for children.
2. For Teachers
a. To provide an overview to the teacher about strategies handling English
vocabularies for children.
b. To provide feedback for teachers to improve their personality and good
professional to create an effective learning.
Chapter Two

Literature Review

This literature review defines significant things related to this research. There are some
important points that will be mentioned in this chapter. This chapter will explore about all
of that have relation to the improving vocabulary for young learner, besides it will also talk
about conceptual framework and hypothesis related to this research.

A. Language Development of Young Learner

1. The important of language for young learner

Language is one of the important thing in our life, because it is so important to be

communication instrument . People think by using the brain, but the other people know the
idea and the idea should be revealed. Language as an instrument to express the idea, feeling
and people desire to the other people. Language also give a big constribution to young
learner. Young learner grow and thrieve to be adult that can be interact in the society by
using the language. This opinion based on ( Suhartono, 2005: 8) that said “ by using
language, child grow from biology organism become a active personal in a community”. (
Suhartono, 2005:8) assume that “ Language is a symbol of mind, feeling, and behaviour”.
Children language have a purpose that is used by them to express the desire, idea, wishing,
request and so on for their individual” (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2007:65). Because of language
is an instrument that is so important., so every child should be gave the lesson appropriately
and the children can master the function of that language.
Based on explain above, so we can conclude that language is a symbol of mind,
feeling, and behaviour”. Cildren language have a purpose that is used by them to express
the desire, idea, wishing, request and so on for their individual. Beacause of the language
is really important, so every child should be gave the language lesson appropriately.
2. The function of children language
Halliday in Suhartono (2005:9) declare that the language function is a using the
language based on young learner personally. Based on the result of the research, so
Halliday clarify the children to be seven points:

1. The function of instrumental, including in language expression, including in baby

language to ask something (food, thing, and so on)

2. The function of regulatory is expression that asks someone to do something.

3. The function of interaction, including in expression to create a relation one each

4. The function of personal is including in expression that express or close the


5. The function of heuristic including in expression to ask or express question for

problems or issues.

6. The function of imaginative is an expression that persuades the listener to pretend or

simulate the situation like the children did when they play a roleplay about house or

7. The function of informative is to tell information to the other people.

Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that from the seventh points
of language that has a relation each other. So, the introduction of the language is so
important for the children and based on the function above, hopefully.

B. The process of young learner in language acquisition

According to Maksan (Suhartono, 2005:70) the purpose of language acquisition

is a process of language mastery that done by someone unconsciously, implicit, and
informal. Then Stork and Widdowson (Suhartono, 2005:70 said that “language
acquisition is a process where the children achieve the fluency from their mother. Based
on that opinion above, so it can be stated that language acquisition is a conscious
process by the children to get the language.

Suhartono (2005:81) said that first language acquisition is the first that children
got in their life and did a communication in their field. The first language of Indonesia
child is mother language, especially in the village. While the children in the big city use
Bahasa as their first language.

Young learner will get second language after she/he got first language.
Basically, L2 of Indonesian is Bahasa and foreign language. Child’s language
acquisition acquired from their life and school. Basically, language acquisition acquired
from informal and formal education (Suhartono, 2005: 85).
C. Bilingualism of Indonesian child

Someone can have two or more language skill well. That person is said to have
bilingualism. Lado (Suhartono, 25: 102) stated that “bilingualism is the ability to speak
two languages well. While, Mackey (Suhartono, 2005: 102) declared that bilingualism
is the use of two languages interchangeably with the same and almost as good. While,
Hartman and Stork (Suhartono, 2005: 102) stated that bilingualism is the use of two
languages by the speaker or public.

Based on the expert above, the limitation of bilingualism includes some aspects
on the using of two languages, it can be good or better, the use can be productive and
individual or public. Therefore, the limitation of bilingualism can be defined as the use
of two languages interchangeably. It can be both productive and receptive by individual
or society. The bilingualism of child Indonesia is classified into three types (Suhartono,
2005: 84):

1. Local and Indonesia language

According to (Suhartono, 2005: 108), the use of bilingualism could happen because:
a. Local languages have a good place in the culture of Indonesia
b. Mixed marriages between tribes
c. The movement of people from one region to another
d. The namely inter-ethnic interaction in trade and socialization
e. Motivation is driven by the interests of the profession and the business office of life
2. Indonesian and English

Indonesia as a state of the world needs to interact in order to still exist. The
interaction performed internationally for the sake of the country’s progress in the field
of culture, political, and trading by using English. Thus, it can be said that mastery of
English and Indonesia are a must for many people who want to contribute to the
country’s progress.

3) Indonesia language and foreign language (except English)

3. Bilingualism (Indonesia language and English)
Bilingualism (Indonesian and English) is usually mastered by someone who has
relationship with the owner of those languages. There are children who are able to speak
by using Indonesian, English, Mandarin, and Arabic. Based on the theories above,
children’s language acquisition is a process to master the languages. As for the first
stage of language acquisition is mother language and the second is foreign language.
Besides the language acquisition, the children also master the bilingualism such as
Indonesian, Local language, English, or the other foreign languages. Because the more
languages that child mastered, so they’ll more aroused the intelligence of the child’s
D. Introducing foreign language for young learner
1. The purpose of introducing foreign language for young learner
Language is one of the important things in our life, because it is so important to be
communication instrument. People think by using the brain, but the other people know
the idea and the idea should be revealed. Language is an instrument to express the idea,
feeling and desire. Language also gives a big contribution to young learner. Young
learner grows and thrives to be adult that can be interacting in the society by using the
language. This opinion based on (Suhartono, 2005: 8) that said “by using language,
child grow from biology organism become a active personal in a community”.
(Suhartono, 2005:8) assume that “Language is a symbol of mind, feeling, and
behaviour”. Children language have a purpose that is used by them to express the desire,
idea, wishing, request and so on for their individual. The introducing of foreign
language is one of the important aspect as a main capital to be quality human resources.
English is considired as international language. It’s so important to be learned and it
can be started from the kindergarten. Hurlock (1993:94) in the Pendidikan Penabur
journal No. 09/2 year ke-6/December 2007 stated that bilingualism is an ability that use
two languages. This ability not only in speaking and writing but also the ability
understands what is communicated to others orally and in writing. Based on the expert’s
opinions, so we can conclude that child’s language is language that is used by children
to convey a desire, mind, hope, request and so on.

E. The process of introducing a foreign language for young learner

The process of introducing a foreign language consists of several components

that are part of the language program. Basically, the language consists of three
components, such us grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Suyanto (2007:43) said
that “vocabulary is set of words that are owned by a language and give a meaning when
we use the word.
Linse (2005:121: stated that “vocabulary is a set word that is known by the
people. According to the expert opinion above, we can conclude that vocabulary is a
part of the sentence that is owned by a person. So, the children will be easier to learn
the vocabularies if they are facilitated by the props, in example pictures and things. The
learning of vocabulary and grammar will be better if the learning related to the children
context. So it can be easier to practice as a communication tool.

Linse (2005:121) stated that “very young children learn vocabulary related to
different central concepts that they learned. They are more often emphasizing the noun
because they are easier to describe. Besides that, almost of young children didn’t have
vocabulary, so that the words that easier to understand is noun. That is important to
help the student to expand their vocabulary through formal and informal instruction.
Formal instruction is to teach the students the meaning of words through direct
instruction. For example, teaching about the colors or days in a week directly. Informal
instruction is an approach that is not oriented to the rules and approach through
conversation. In example, through word games and then the students are asked to guess
the demonstration by the teacher. Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that
vocabulary is a parts of the sentence who owned by someone. Generally, the children
are easier to learn the words and vocabulary if it is supported by props, such us pictures
or things.

F. The materials of introducing foreign language for young learner

The learning of English for young learner cover all of the competence, such as
listening, speaking, reading, and writing (Kasihani Suyanto, 2008:23). The language
skills are presented in an integrated manner that happens in children’s lives daily.
a. Listening
Their vocabulary is still very limited, so some children find the
difficulties when they are listening. The difficulty will be helped if the
teacher uses their gesture (Linse, 2005:38). So, it can make the students
more motivated in learning process.
b. Speaking
Kids as young students of English have some instinct. One of which is
instinct to interact and speak. It is more important for English learning (Scoot,
Wendy, 2004:48). The children usually want to use the language that they
learned for communication.
c. Reading

The children need to get a purpose explanation from the reading activity. In
the implementation of reading activity, the children should understand the
purpose of the activity. The children don’t have to understand in every word,
the important thing is they can understand the purpose of the reading. The
activity should choose the topic that able to the children (Wina Sanjaya, 2009:
57). General knowledge and vocabulary have been owned. It really helps to
understand a reading.

d. Writing
Chapter Three


This chapter discusses the methodology that will be used by the researcher in
conducting this study. The elaboration of this chapter starts with the discussion on
research design. The next section will present the population and sample that will be
subjects of this study. Afterwards, the section will explain about the data collection
methods that will be followed the data analyses of this study.

Research Design

The research of teachers’ strategies in improving vocabularies at one of the

kindergartens in Yogyakarta used qualitative approach. “ According to Moleong,
2000:3, qualitative approach is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in
form of written or spoken words of people and behaviors that can be observed.

Regarding the forms and types of research methods used in a study are usually
used on purpose to be achieved in that study. Besides that, the user of method depends
on the problem that want to be explained. In the other word, the using of method should
be looked on the effectiveness, efficiency, and relevance of the method. A method can
be argued effective, if during the execution can be seen a positive change towards the
expected goals. Meanwhile a method can be argued efficiency if when the the using of
time, facility, cost and energy can be used economically and get maximun results. And
a method can be argued relevant if the usage time of processing results with the goal to
prevent deviation.

Setting and Participants

According to Aminuddin(1987:67), setting is the background of events in works

of fiction in the form of location, time or event, as well as having the function of the
physical and psychologicaal functions. so, the setting of this study was conducted on
December 08, 2017 at my participant house. Participant are people that we are
interviewed to obtain information or data related to the problem of our study. So, in this
study I have interviewed three participant to interviewed in getting the data. My
pasrticipants are the teacher of one of the kindergartens in Yogyakarta and they are
have a lot experiences that related to the study.
Data Collection Method

Data collection method of this qualitative method is using collection method

and analysis data. On data collection method, this research use research literature,
gathering, and recording. According to Subroto, research literature is a method that use
written text to get the data. As in this study, the data obtained from sources such as
books, articles, journals and articles on a website by searching or even specify a
keyword; Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching English Vocabularies for Children,
definition of English, the appropriate method in learning english vocab for children.
After the researcher get the data from the sources above, so the data should be listened
and the important data obtained from the library technique recorded to be used as the
theoretical basis of this research.

After reviewing and recording the important data from the related sources, after
that carried out an analysis of the data. This analysis was did by examining and
comparing that data with the theory that has been obtained.


For this study, I use interview as my instrument technique. According to

Sugiyono (2012:231), interview is a meeting of two people to exchange information
and ideas by using questions and answers, so it can be constructed meaning in a
particular topics. In this study, I have some questions for my participant and I used .
According to Sugiono (2009, 74), unstructured interview is an interview that
researchers did not use the interview guides that have been arranged in a systematic and
complete for data collection. So, my participant more flexible in giving opinions and I
also get more data from that.

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