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Facial recognition software was made by humans.

So, it would make sense that this

technology would have human errors built in them as well. Racial bias is a problem that
comes with using this technology. People could be using facial recognition software as
a way to surveillance people. In addition to this, the costs required to pay for this are
probably high since facial recognition is “accurate”.
According to researches at MIT and the University of Toronto, facial recognition
software can misidentify people and even have racial bias. This could be a problem if
this technology were introduced to law enforcement. Identifying criminal suspects using
facial recognition would most likely lead to police investigators capturing the wrong
people. The data that was collected from the research shows that facial recognition
favors white males. This could lead to the discrimination of minorities and could cause
an uproar nationwide.
Not everyone is ok with the idea of facial recognition software being implemented
into their normal lives. People fear that facial recognition would violate their privacy.
Facial recognition software could be used as a means to surveillance people without
them knowing it. Combining this software with public video cameras is also a bad idea.
Having the feeling of being watched and fearing the possibility of hackers watching your
every move can be frightening to think about. With today’s everchanging technology, I
wouldn’t be surprised if someone was already watching us.
What is the cost of using facial recognition software? I’m not talking about societal
or environmental costs, I’m talking about the economic costs. Having the technology
that is supposedly beneficial to law enforcement must be very pricy, right? Well, this
software requires top quality cameras and advanced software to ensure speed and
accuracy. The money required to pay for this is most likely going to come out of our
pockets in the form of taxes. Think about it. If the government isn’t going to pay for this
technology, they are going to make us pay for them by rising taxes.
No matter what we do, technology will always be flawed with the mentality of its
human creators. Racial bias, the economic costs, and invasion people’s privacy are only
a few problems that come to mind when people think about facial recognition software.
The idea of having this technology everywhere is something that I wouldn’t want to think
about in the future as I try to live a decent life.

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