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AIM: To create VI to calculate the speed by taking distance as input.

Numeric functions perform arithmetic operations, conversions, trigonometric, logarithmic
and complex mathematical functions. This pallet also contains additional numeric
constants such as pi.

In front panel, we have numeric control and numeric indicator.

Numeric control is used to provide input whereas numeric indicator is used for displaying
output. Using numeric indicator we can display the output in various forms (such as a
thermometer for temperature, an analog speed meter for displaying speed, an LED for on
and off etc.)
Step 1: Start the Lab view and select the blank VI.
Step 2: Create front and block diagram panel.
Step 3: Numeric controls are given as inputs and numeric indicators are given as output
they are selected by right clicking on the front panel.
Step 4: Different arithmetic operators such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division are generated in block diagram panel.
Step 5: Using wiring operation inputs and outputs are connected to the respective
operators in the block diagram panel.
Step 6: Input values are given in the front panel and the program is executed. Hence the
output is generated.

1) In front pannel, right click and select numeric control.
2) Select numeric control and rename it as distance(since it is an input).
3) Now select numeric indicator and rename it as speed(which is output).
4) In the block diagram select division function and now connect the distance terminal to
its upper input side.
5) Now create another numeric control and rename it as time and connect to the lower
teminal of the division.
6) Now go the front panel and select a meter which will help us indicating the speed on
the meter.
7) In the front panel, connect the meter block to the output terminal of the division
opampand connect it to the output block(ie. speed).
8) Goto debug, save and run the program.

CONCLUSION: Thus, we have studied to display speed using a meter by taking distance as

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