Results of Two Assessments From Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Unit Plan Agawam High School, 10 Grade Miss. Powell

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Results of two assessments from Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Unit Plan

Agawam High School, 10th grade

Miss. Powell

Results of two assessments adminsitered during the Alcohol,

tobacco and other drugs unit plan

Media and Ad. Assignment Nearpod Quiz

Media and Advertising Assignment: This assignment was administered after going over notes

on what influences tobacco, alcohol and illegal drug consumption. I had the students work in

discussion groups at first to determine what they thought some factors were that influenced

use. I then told them three important ones known as family, friends and media and advertising

and went around the room asking students why they thought these factors might have a large

influence. Instead of printing out pictures and having them work on the assignment individually,

I asked students to form groups. They then grabbed their laptops and went onto Nearpod

where they worked on an interactive Power Point where they had to look at advertisements,

express what the false claims were and explain how the advertisement could influence
someone to use alcohol. I could then go into the report of the Nearpod and look at their

answers on my own time and we could also go over them in class. I believe everyone got

perfect scores (100%) because we dissected each influence piece by piece in the correct order;

as a teacher I had great sequencing. It was also done in class and every student was there on

that day, so every student should have had it completed. The most important reason that

everyone got a high was because the directions were written on their note sheet, on the Power

Point slides and were verbally communicated. I did this activity because on the pre-test people

stated that addiction and stress were the main factors which they do account for some

influence, but they are not the most important to know and to get across to the students. Out

of 40 students 39 students got the question wrong on the pre-test.

Nearpod Quiz: This assessment was administered after going over introduction notes on

alcohol. The point of the Nearpod quiz was to serve as an exit slip but it was pushed to the next

day. I had the assignment done on paper at first but because I was given the extra day I saw

that one of my students had a 504 plan that stated they do better on computer, so I changed it

to a Nearpod quiz. Students answered 10 questions on alcohol. They were formatted as true

and false questions or multiple choice. No questions were missed by the same people. For the

questions that were missed I turned them into review questions for the next day. The average

score of the Nearpod quiz was a 97%. For the students who scored 80% and 90% to help them

do better I would adjust me lesson by doing a short review at the beginning of class before

jumping right into the quiz to get their mind thinking on the topic a bit more. Since so many

students did well I think if I had incorporated a review I could have made the questions more

difficult to challenge the students to think more and evaluate the questions deeper. A lot of
students finished in an extremely short period of time (5-10 minutes) which tells me the quiz

was not as hard as I thought it was (I assumed it would have taken them 15-20 minutes).

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