Dear Sam - May Makeover - AFTER

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Fuel OD / OE through culture shaping, strategic planning, process improvement, and change leadership
Experienced in generalist matters with a focus on talent management, training, and performance management
Develop and deliver diverse training programs from diversity and inclusion to supervision and employee relations

rovided strategic leadership to drive organizational development, optimize talent management, and improve
efficiencies and effectiveness across diverse entities and employee cultures. Record of success throughout career with
State University, gaining broad-based respect and a reputation for organizational advocacy, professionalism, and expert
collaboration skills. Understand the big-picture and the most detailed tasks, with strengths in identifying organizational
needs, championing continuous quality improvement actions, and securing support for change initiatives.

— Additional Core Skills —

■ Talent Acquisition & Management ■ Train-the-Trainer Facilitation
■ Associate & Management Development ■ StrengthsFinder Administration
■ Continuous Quality & Process Improvement ■ PeopleSoft, People Admin, & MS Office
■ Organizational Development & Effectiveness ■ Training Program Development & Delivery


“…continues to serve in the lead role on all of the training initiatives…produces top quality output…works independently with
Business and Finance units on training needs for their areas…initiates process improvements and associated
training…temperament, strong work ethic, skill sets, and leadership style have contributed to the development of a high
quality training and employment function looked upon favorably by the university.”
— Excerpts from recent reviews

State University – Los Angeles, CA
Education & Employment Manager, HR Service Center n 2002-present

Support the Office of Business and Finance through development and coordination of education and training initiatives,
recruitment and talent management, performance management plans, employee coaching, and culture shaping activities.
Develop and deliver human resources and customer service training, in addition to job specific training in support of
professional development and succession planning. Evaluate the effectiveness and quality of training programs to identify
opportunities for further development and associate engagement. Build campus-wide partnerships to fuel training initiatives
and support staffing needs, cultivating positive, professional relationships to drive solid outcomes across the organization.

— Selected Highlights —

■ Led a cross-department team charged with designing a new performance management instrument for 350
employees, additionally developing the job descriptions, training, and tracking systems to fuel engagement and results.

■ Member of the HR team tasked with piloting implementation of a new Human Resource Action system,
standardizing HR systems and allowing for centralization and alignment of personnel actions and processes.

■ Received certification through APPA to instruct the Supervisor’s Toolkit training program, working cross-
functionally to implement and facilitate this training program focused on facilities supervision and management.

■ Commended for strengths in “hiring the right people in the right positions at the right time” and working with
hiring managers to understand the importance and benefits of the recruitment and selection process.

■ Redesigned the Vice President’s bi-annual orientation program and designed and facilitated ongoing retreats
focused on key organizational development and effectiveness initiatives.

Los Angeles, CA n 555-234-5678 n

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