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I'uwer- ltllectron ics

l*lg!_(l I tlxpqri! l!,! lLi -

Il)xpcri*rc,t l: single plrase hall'wa'e u,co,trollctl rcctifier witlr resistive

ancl irrlucri'e loacl

Ilx;rerirrtcnl2: Single phase lhll-rvarre

nncontr,ltcrl u,ith resistive aud inducti'e loacl

ll)xllcritrtetrt 3: single plrase half

wave eoutrolled recti{'ier with resistive

llxpcri,retrt 4: single phase half war.,e corrlrollecl reclilier

lvith RC triggering (part I)
IIxpet'i,rc,t 5: single phase half r,,,a'e corrt.ollecl rectilier
with RC rriggeri,g - (part ll)

llx;lct'itneut 6: single trrllase full rvave contnrllcrl rectilier.rvith resistive triggering

li)xperirnent 7: singre phase fuil wave

contr,ilecr rectifier with RC triggering

Ilxperirue,t 8: Gate dri'er oirc,it fbr N-channer Mosri.E-t

Exgreriruerrt 9: Gate driver circrtit

lbr p-c.a,,er MoSFIrr

Experiment l0: PwM gensration fior

sarnpri,g purposes

ffixperiment I I : Series Voltage Itegulator

Ilxperiment IZI Use of Regulators lCs

Digittl [,ogic Design

l, i
t-UI lllperiln c1 r l_
llxPcrirnettt l: l]anriliarizalion with tlre A'f-7(lf) l)rirr.rl,lc Arralog/Digital l,alrorator.y
'l'rainer (tligitlrl logic tlesign prospective)
aud l('s ol all l'gic gates. Vcril'ication ol'lnrth
tablcs ol'all logic gates.

"l.])xpct'irtteul 2: Cotrstt'ucliorr oIall Logic Gates b1, rrsiug trrrivcrsal gatcs, Nr\Nl) gate and
N( )l( uirtc, antl verilying llreir resulls.

l)xptritnctrt 3: Design and implernentatiou of'll,\1.ll .{l)l)lilt, trUL},-ADt)}:lR, 4-t}t'l'

l)atallel Addel circrrit.
lix;lcrirrrerrt J: Design alrcl inrplenrcrrtuliorr ot llr\ r19l ltA(''l'()l(, lrULl--
StJ IJ'l'l(A(l'foIt 4-BIT Parallel STJBT'I{A(t-t'0lr circuir.
llxperirttetrt 5: I)esign ancl implemenlatiou o{'C}ra1,1o []C'l) colrverter..
Ilxpcrirneirt 6: To clreck the operation of 2-tu--l linc I)ecorler antl3-to-S line ])ecoder.
tJsing tlre 741,S I 39 IC, clesign a Binary C'orl: I )ecinral to llre geven segnrent decoclcr..
lixllet'itltcnt 7: Designing Binar), Corle f)ecirnal encocler, its rrntlerstanclirrg arrcl its

analysis. Design of octal to binary encocler ancl clcuinral to binary elcoder.

Ilx;rcrintctrt 8: Desiguing of 2-to-1, 4-to-l line mrrltiplexer and a quaclruple 2-to-l line
I\'ll lX. Also ilrrplcnrent l-to-4 lirre tlcnrrrltiplcxer.
Iixpel'itttent 9: Designing of 4-lllT Magnitrrcle c:omparator and magnitrrcle comparison
trsing 7-ll S85 IC.
lixPerirncnt l0: Introcluction, clesign ancl testing of'Basic flip flop oircuits -.SC or SIt,
.lK, I) arrcl l'-l;lip Flops using NAND galc. Also rvitlr lc7,l7 (t an<l 1C7474.
llxpcrinrcnt I l : Designing of SISO, SIP0, l)lS0 ancl ['ll,O shill rogister using I) F-l;.
llx;lcrinrctrt I2: Designing of simple ring counter circuits nncl .lohnscln counter circuits.
IlxPorintcllt I3: Introrluctiou and Designing of synchronous Up ancl Down counter ancl
its irnplcmentation o.1'using .l-I( flip flop lC.
Ilxpcrinrcnt l4: Analysis of Pre-settable counters.
Iillectronic I)evi(.es & flircrrils * II

Ugl_al lfxperinien1L

Ilxperimerrt I : B.l'l' llase-Biasing Circuit

llx;leriruent 2: IIJ'I' Emitter-Biasing Circuit

lixpc.i,rc, t 3 : R.r'r' coilector F'eerr bacri- ri iasi,g ci rcrr it

IlxPe.i,rcrt 4: IlJr- vortage Divider-Biasi,g circrrit

Ilxperirnerrt 5: Common-Emitter AnrpIifier

fi)xperirn ent 6 : Comrnon-[Jase Ampli lier

l)xporirnerrt 7: Cornnron Collector Arnplilier

l')rPt:t'irttctrr 8: 'lo sttrtll' llrc Operaliou ol'lrrvcrtirrg

operalirirrll Arrr,liliers

Ilx;rc'irrrcrr( 9: 'l'o i,r,esrigate trrc opcrarir,

orrrrvertirrg I,rogrator.

llx;rcrinrc,t l0: lfo in'estigate the oper.ati., of t|.IT current


llxpelirucnt t I: .lFll'[': Characteristics a

l')xpcri,rcr t l 2 : cascarclccl'r'ransisrrr. A,rpl i ricr.: r)irecr c.rrpred

llxpr:rirrre,t 13: cascaded '|l'aursistor Arrprifi"r, nc;

Fllee{rical Circuits - II
I, rst o f' Ijrlrqfi!-iqlll$ _

llxperime,t I: rtr ,,erir\, l'heve,i,,s theorem i, it*orl<

IIxllel'inlcnt 2: l-o veril)'It.laximum Power'li'ausl'cr theorcnr
in a DC nelworli
Ilxpcriurcrrt 3: 'r-o study the pulse lr,esponse of
a ser.ics li.c ,e trryork

l'lxPclirnenr J: 'lo sttrtly the r)ulse Ircsporrse,l'a

scr.ius rir,,

Ir'r;tet'ilrtctlt 5: '['o sltow the liequency response

or'an [U,C networ.k alcl yerify its
rnathcniatical relation

Iixperi,e,t 6: l-o st,dy the sinusoiclal resp.nse oran I{r-c circuit

IixPcrirrtetrt 7: l'o plot the rttagnitutlc ancl lllrtrse rcspuns.: of'a sir,,le [,orv l)ass Itc liller
Ilxpcrimerrt 8: J'o plot the magnituile and
Plrasc.r'cspousu ot'a simple I1igh pass ltC filter
l')xperiment 9: fo strrdy the freclueucy characteristics
of a sinrprle Lorv pass lilter ci'crrit
ancl to unclerstanal lhe behavior of ttre circuit with respect tcl the pole zcrg loc,ation
l'lx;let'itrtcttl l0: I'o sltttll'lltc lrcqrrency clraractcrisl ics ,ll'a sirnplc lliglr
,ass filrcr
circtrit antl to ttuclersletnclthe behavior of the circuit
rvith respccl 1o lhe pole zc:ro looation
'lixpc.iltrerrt I l: Plol tltc r,agniturle ancl 1;hase response <rf a series resonrrnl 6antl pass

Il I t.'r'

llxPc'irtreut l2: 'l'o Plol the nragnitttcle ancl phaso response of a seriss res.nnnt
bancl stop
li lter

Iixperirnent I i: "l'o verify principle of superposition using AC and DC sources

t{xperilnent l4t To plot the overdamped, uncrerdampecl, criticaHy damped and

oscillatory respollse


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;; "ll-r"

I{lectronie l}evires & Circuits *I

List of ljXperiments
Experiment l: Introduction to solderless bread board, electrical syrnbols, cligital
multimeter, CRO (Cathode Ray Oscilloscope).
Experiment 2: To study the characteristics of silicon and germanium diodes.
Experiment 3: To shrdy the characteristics of Zener cliode and the voltage
regulation in
Zener diode regulation circuit.

Experimeut 4: To calculate and draw the DC output voltages of half-wave

Experiment 5: To calculate and draw the DC output voltages of full-wave

Experiment 6: To obtain the characteristics of Light emitting diode (I-ED).

Experiment 7: ci'en a DC powe. suppty VCC, generate a DC supply
voltage vour
Vour = 2Vcc (voltage doubler)
Experiment 8: To check the effect of filter capacitance on pulsating DC of
Half Wave
Experiment 9: To study the waveforms of series unbiasecl clipper ancl its waveforms
Experiment l0: To develop an idea of parallel clipping action
Experiment I I: To study the operation of unbiased clamper
Experiment 12: To study the operation of ,nbiased clamper
Experiment 13: To graph the collector characteristics of a transistor using experimental
methods :

Experiment 14: To study and verifv biasing techhiclues of BJT"

Experiment 15: To measure AC and DC voltages in a cornmon-emitter amplifier


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