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ME 6019 – Non destructive testing and material

Unit -1
Part – A:
1.Descibe the non destructive testing.

2.List the advantages of NDT

3.Demonstrate the methods of NDT

4.Differentiate destructive testing and non destructive testing

5.Define brittleness and hardness

6.Define direct viewing

7.what are the applications of visual inspection?

8.classify the types of fracture in materials

9.List the important destructive test carried out on material

10.Define ductile fracture .

Part – B:
1.Illustrate the working principle of VT with suitable sketch.

2.Compare the destructive testing and non destructive method with respect to following ;

i.Based on it’s advantages and limitation.

ii.Based on it’s application.

3.Write short notes on allotropic transformation.

4.Explain the followings:

i.Application of visual inspection.

ii.Advantages and disadvantages of visual inspection.

5.Explain with suitable sketch about the welding defects during welding process.
Unit -2
Part – A:
1.Name the different liquid penetrants.

2. Classify the types of IR sensor

3. Summarize the types of liquid penetrant inspection steps

4. Define developers.

5. What are the advantage of LPT

6. Name the magnetic particle used in MPT

7. Define direct current techniques

8. Describe the principle of MPT

9. Point out the method used to remove the excess penetrant during inspection

10. List the types of defects analysis in LPT method

Part – B:
1.Illustrate with neat sketching about the principle of liquid penetrant testing

2.Explain with suitable sketch of various stages of liquid penetrant testing.

3. illustrate with suitable sketch about following:

(i) Magnetization of irregular parts .

(ii) Demagnetization.

4. Discuss in detail about the general procedure of magnetic particle test.

5. Explain with suitable sketch about following:

(i) Circular Magnetization.

(ii) Longitudinal Magnetization.

Unit -3
Part – A:
1. Define thermography

2. Summarize the limitation of eddy current inspection method

3. Define liquid crystal

4. Write the PDM application

5. Describe the application of thermography

6. Classify eddy current measurements

7. Classify liquid crystal nesophase topology

8. Demonstrate the principle hall effect

9. List the eddy current sensing elements

10. Describe pulse thermography

Part – B:
1. Illustrate with suitable sketch about types of thermography.

2. Write short notes on the following:

(i) Inductance (ii) Induction (iii) Inductive reactance

3. Demonstrate about contact and Non-contact inspection techniques used in


4. Explain with neat sketch about the types of eddy current instrument based

on probes in eddy current non destructive testing.

5. Describe with suitable sketch about working principle of Infrared Sensor.

Unit -4
Part – A:
1. Define ultrasonic.

2. Describe straight beam testing techniques

3. Describe the principle of magnetostruction oscillator

4. Illustrate pulse echo method briefly.

5. Define cavitation

6. Name the types of ultrasonic transducer’

7. Describe piezo electric effect

8. Name the method used for detecting the ultrasonic waves

9. Define acoustic emission technique

10. Define transducer

Part – B:
1. Briefly explain with suitable sketch about working principle of

Ultrasonic testing.

2. Illustrate with neat sketch about the angle beam shear wave

transducer in Ultrasonic testing

3. Illustrate with neat sketch about Reflection and Transmission of

sound waves

4. With suitable sketch about Acoustic emission testing technique.

5. (i) Explain with neat sketch about Barkausen effect.

(ii) Limitation of Pulse echo techniques.

Unit -5
Part – A:
1. Describe radiography testing

2. Describe about Diagnostic digital radiography

3. Define X ray radiography

4. Explain about working principle of CT

5. List the factor to be considered for film selection

6. Define transmitted density

7. What are the disadvantage of radiography testing

8. Define transmitted density

9. Define square law

10. What are the disadvantage of radiography testing

Part – B:
1. Briefly explain with suitable sketch about working principle of Radio

graphic testing technique.

2. Write short notes on the following:

(i) Radiographic density.

(ii) Radiographic contrast.

3. Explain the various types of radiation detection image in

Radiographic testing techniques.

4. Explain with neat sketch about the Computed Radiography

5. Explain with neat sketch about the Exposure charts in Radiography

testing technique.

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