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Image Transforms

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

Fourier Transform Pair:

∞ ∞
F (u , v) = ∫∫ f ( x, y )e − j 2π (ux + vyy ) dxdy
d d
−∞ −∞
∞ ∞
f ( x, y ) = ∫∫ F (u , v)e j 2π ( ux + vy ) dudv
−∞ −∞

Same properties as in 1D apply

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

Fourier Transform Pair:
We can show that for a “box” image of finite size X by Y
and of a constant value A:

X 2 Y 2
− j 2π ( ux + vy ) ⎡ sin (π uX ) ⎤ ⎡ sin (π vY ) ⎤
F (u, v) = ∫ ∫
− X 2 −Y 2
Ae dxdy = AXY ⎢ ⎥⎢
⎣ π uX ⎦ ⎣ π vY ⎦

The magnitude (spectrum) is:

sin (π uX ) sin (π vY )
F (u, v) = AXY
π uX π vY

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

maxima of:
cos 2π (ux+vy)

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

Discrete Fourier Transform Pair:

M −1 N −1 ⎛ ux vy ⎞
− j 2π ⎜ + ⎟
F (u , v) = ∑ ∑ f ( x, y )e ⎝M N ⎠

x =0 y =0

M −1 N −1 ⎛ ux vy ⎞ kernels
j 2π ⎜ + ⎟
f ( x, y ) = ∑ ∑ F (u, v)e ⎝M N ⎠

x =0 y =0

For an M x N image

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

The Fourier Transform kernel is

separable: -2π jux -2π jvy
exp exp
• Separability gives rise to processing
advantages in the computer. The transform
may be performed as a single dimensional
computation on the rows and columns.
• The Fourier matrix can be factored into the
product of 2 log2 N sparse and diagonal
matrices (observed by Good in 1958). This is
the basis for the Fast Fourier Transform.

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

Fast Fourier Transform

To approximate a function by samples, and to
approximate the Fourier integral by the discrete Fourier
transform, requires applying a matrix whose order is the
number sample points n n.
Since multiplying an n x n matrix by a vector costs on the
order of n2 arithmetic operations, the problem gets quickly
worse as the number of sample points increases.
However, if the samples are uniformly spaced, then the
Fourier matrix can be factored into a product of just a few
sparse matrices, and the resulting factors can be applied
to a vector in a total of order n log n arithmetic operations.

This is the so-called fast Fourier transform or FFT.

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler
A separable transform can be written as:
M −1 N −1
T (u , v) = ∑ ∑ f ( x, y ) g1 ( x, u ) g 2 ( y, v)
x =0 y =0
M −1 N −1
f ( x, y ) = ∑ ∑ T (u, v)h1 ( x, u )h2 ( y, v)
u =0 v =0

The kernel is symmetric if:

g 1 (x,u)= g 2 (y,v)
copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

A separable transform can be computed in

two steps:
N −1
T ( x, v ) = ∑ f ( x, y ) g 2 ( y , v )
y =0
M −1
T (u , v) = ∑ T ( x, v) g1 ( x, u )
x =0

This means that the transform can be

computed on the rows of the image, and
then on the columns.

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

This means that the transform can be
computed on the rows of the image, and
then on the columns.
f(x,y) process T(x,v)

T(u,v) process

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

2D DFT example

Bright spots
in the corners


copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

2D DFT examples with enhanced details

Details were enhanced

by the log
Both spectrum of the
translated rectangle is
identical to the spectrum
of the initial rectangle
(previous slide).
The spectrum of the
rotated image also
rotates by the same

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

Walsh Transform:
n −1
g ( x, u ) = ∑ ( −1)
bi ( x ) bn−1−i ( u )

N i =0

b k z is the kth bit from the binary

representation of z.

e.g., let z=13, then z=1101 binary.

b z =11 b 0 z =1

b z =1 b 1 z =0

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

• The Walsh transform uses square‐waves as 
it's basis functions, and these vary from ‐1 
to +1.
• We talk of sequency instead of frequency 
• We talk of sequency instead of frequency
when discussing the Walsh.
• The advantage of the Walsh transform is 
that it does not require floating‐point math 
or transcendental functions.
• The inverse Walsh kernel is identical to the 
forward kernel.

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

Hadamard Transform:
The Hadamard transform is similar to the Walsh 
in that it uses square waves of ‐1 to +1 in 
The transform is easily derived from 
multiplication of the image with the 
Hadamard matrix:

The lowest order Hadamard matrices are given 
by: ⎡1 1 1 1 ⎤
⎢ ⎥
1 ⎡1 1 ⎤ 1 ⎢1 −1 1 −1⎥
H 0 = 1; H1 = ⎢ ⎥ ; H =
2 ⎣1 −1⎦ 2 ⎢1 1 1 1 ⎥

⎢ ⎥
copyright 2002©H. R. Myler
⎣1 −1 1 −1⎦
Any order of 2N Hadamard matrix can 
now be derived from:

1 ⎡HN HN ⎤
= ⎢H − H N ⎥⎦
2⎣ N

Sometimes, the normalization factor is 
Sometimes the normalization factor is

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

Discrete Cosine Transform(DCT):

Kernel: g(x,u) = 2 cos 2x+1uπ

N 2N
M −1 N −1
⎡π ⎛ 1⎞ ⎤ ⎡π ⎛ 1⎞ ⎤
2D: F (u , v) = ∑ ∑ f ( x, y) cos ⎢⎣ M ⎜⎝ x + 2 ⎟⎠ u ⎥⎦ cos ⎢⎣ N ⎜⎝ y + 2 ⎟⎠ v ⎥⎦
x =0 y =0

•This transform is simpler than the Fourier as it does not require complex 
numbers. The DCT has the added advantage of mirror‐symmetry.

•If the DCT is used for block‐encoding, where the image is partitioned into 
sub‐pictures prior to transforming, the DCT has less edge degredation 
because of it's symmetry properties.

• The inverse kernel is identical to the forward form.

copyright 2002©H. R. Myler

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