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The grubby deed
It is called in our schools 'beastliness', and
this is about the best name for it...should it
become a habit it quickly destroys both health
and spirits; he becomes feeble in body and
mind, and often ends in a lunatic asylum.

11:09:13 PM

How to Stop Masturbation No. It’s not your age that’s causing all your problems with
exhaustion, pains, and quickly ejaculating in the first five
Addiction All of this is linked to your masturbation.

Knowing how to stop masturbation addiction can help you The act of masturbating and the subsequent expenditure of
gain new respect for yourself. Masturbation is not a harmless semen can be very draining on the body. It takes several
pastime because it affects the whole being-body, mind, and neuro-chemicals and hormones to power an erection and to
spirit. It can damage your relationship with your partner and hold back the urge of ejaculation. It takes even more to
others in your life. Learning how to stop masturbation produce and deliver ejaculate upon orgasm.
addiction involves changing the way you think about sex.
Θ The first step is to identify that you have By masturbating constantly, on top of the sex you are
a problem. Masturbation is usually normal. You already having with your wife, your body doesn’t have
enough resources to run your entire body.
know it is out of control and an addiction when it
interferes with your daily life and with your
As a result, there are insufficient neurotransmitters for your
relationships with others in your life. If it is an
parasympathetic nerves to delay orgasm. Your five minutes
addiction, then you need to identify the cause.
will only get shorter at the rate you’re going. Masturbation
Some people who masturbate very frequently were
also causes your sympathetic nerves (the ones that make
abused as children and this is a way to feel good, or
you orgasm) to react faster. Like a boxer who spars to
a way to escape. You may need to seek therapy to
increase his reflexes, you are training your penis what feels
find out how to stop masturbation addiction.
good and how to climax faster to that stimulation.
Θ If you are masturbating out of
boredom, you will need to schedule The pain in your pubic area and legs is caused from the
different things to take up your strain of tissues from inadequate nutrients and overuse from
time. Identify the time of day when you most often sexual activities.
become bored and try to stay busy at that time. You
may take up a new hobby such as model making or The pain in your lower back is a direct result of your sexual
some other artistic outlet. Learning to stop parasympathetic nerves being too weak (which is
masturbation addiction means focusing your mental concentrated in the lower back). Your feeling of exhaustion
energies elsewhere. and lack of sleep is caused by low levels of serotonin, a
Θ Retiring for the night is most often when neurotransmitter. Serotonin is converted into the melatonin
people masturbate, so stay up until you're that allows you to sleep.
really tired and ready for sleep. Exercising
is a good way to burn off excess energy and Your sore eyes and lack of concentration are again all very
testosterone. Try weight lifting or jogging and you common symptoms of over masturbation.
will find you sleep better at night. To stop
masturbation addiction, you must replace the act The obvious solution to your dilemma is to reduce or even
with other physical activities. stop masturbation. At least, stop for a little while. Let your
Θ Install security software on your body rest and replenish itself. Although, it seems you’ve
carried on this practice far too long and your body may not
computer. This is a very important step in learning
be able to heal itself on its own.
how to stop masturbation addiction. Even if you
know the password to get around the security
After you’ve stopped masturbation (and sex, if you truly want
program, it will still remind you to stop and rethink
to be healed) for a few weeks, come back to it with a lower
whether or not you want to be tempted.
frequency. A healthy habit is to masturbate and have sex a
Θ The most powerful tool you have for total of three to four times a week. If you ejaculate more than
breaking any addiction is your mind. When once during the sessions with your wife, then you should
you see that you are being tempted to masturbate, consider reducing it to two to three times a week.
simply tell yourself that you're strong enough not to
do it. Tell yourself you cannot and will not be You’ll need to regulate your diet while adding dietary
controlled by this physical, selfish act. You can supplements to bring back the nutrients you lose during sex.
become a better person each day.
Normal multi-vitamins you pick up at the store will help, but
The Pains of Masturbation an herbal blend specifically created to target your problems
would be better. Find products that contain American
ginseng and maca to help rejuvenate your entire body.
I think I get too excited and stressed out when having sex. It
makes me want to ejaculate in the first five minutes,
Horny goat weed and yohimbe will help increase flood flow
especially when the Mrs. starts making noises or asks me to
and nutrient absorption for a harder erection and better
go faster.
ejaculation control.
Lately, I have been having pains around the pubic area,
Damiana and saw palmetto will heal your prostate
lower back, and legs. I masturbate often and feel exhausted
(responsible for producing and releasing semen), which is
or in need of sleep. I get sore eyes and lose concentration. I
most likely overworked with your excessive masturbation.
love sex but I'm getting tired. Is it the age?
These herbs contain more nutrients than vitamins to not only
bring your body back to a healthy state, but they will also
help you enhance your sexual abilities and endurance.

his refusal to provide his deceased brother with an
Masturbation Addiction - What is heir. It took Jesus' radical statement in Matthew
5:28 to show the sinful nature of masturbation: "But
Masturbation Addiction? I tell you that anyone that looks at a woman lustfully
Masturbation addiction is, simply put, the compulsive need to has already committed adultery in his heart." Since
masturbate. The need becomes so overwhelming that the masturbation is nearly always accompanied by
addict does not have the power to keep from masturbating. lustful thoughts, by Jesus' words it is the same as
This overpowering desire is at the base of most forms of adultery, which is most definitely a sin.
sexual addiction. The need to view pornography is usually a Θ Masturbation Addiction - How do I Know if I'm
precursor to masturbation. The more advanced forms of Addicted?
sexual addiction, such as multiple affairs, sex with The easiest way to tell if you have an addiction to
prostitutes, or other illegal activities, generally have their masturbation would be to stop. Try to abstain from
beginnings in masturbation. Masturbation addiction is masturbation, or any other form of sex outside of
referred to as a "process" addiction, as opposed to a marriage, for 30 days. If you are able to go this long
substance addiction like alcohol, or drugs. In a process without masturbating on your first try, you are
addiction, the euphoric feeling, or high, comes from probably not addicted. However you may want to
chemicals released into the brain, rather than from an consider quitting anyway for the sake of your
external source. As the mind becomes accustomed to the relationships. If, like me, you find yourself barely
release of these chemicals, it searches out for continued able to go more than two or three days, you appear
sources of that high. to have an addiction problem. Since masturbation
affects the body, soul, and spirit; recovery must take
On the surface, masturbation would seem to be harmless. place in all three areas. The physical recovery
After all, it's just sex with yourself. But there is more to involves abstinence. We've already mentioned
masturbation than meets the eye. Since we are three part above that this is a difficult or impossible thing on
beings - body, soul, and spirit - masturbation affects us our own. So we need the emotional support that
physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Before we get into the can only come from reaching out to other people for
negative effects of masturbation, let me assure you that accountability. This could include counseling with
these are real, and I have experienced them in my own life. a Christian counselor experienced in sexual
addiction issues. This can be a frightening step, in
that masturbation addiction tends to be a secret sin,
Θ Masturbation Addiction - Physical Aspects
and there is a feeling of shame in admitting this
As mentioned above, the "high" from masturbation
struggle. And that feeling of shame can also keep
addiction comes from the flood of chemicals that
us from asking forgiveness from the One who
are released into the brain during orgasm. As the
gives it freely. But that spiritual healing and renewal
brain begins to crave this "high," the addict trains
is a critical part of the recovery process
himself to climax quicker and more often. In
addition, the addict becomes accustomed to the
sensations of masturbation, sometimes to the point
that "normal" sexual activity is not satisfying. Woody The Dangers of
Allen had a line in one of his movies: "I'm good at
sex; I practice a lot when I'm alone." While that may
come across as a funny line, it underscores the
physical problem with masturbation. By practicing
masturbation, the addict becomes accomplished at
short, intense activity with a quick climax.
In Men:
1 Bent penis
Unfortunately, this isn't very satisfying to a spouse
2 Smaller penis
in a sexual relationship.
3 Broken penis
Θ Masturbation Addiction - Emotional/Spiritual
4 Lack of feeling during sex
5 Sex becomes painful
Masturbation, by its very nature, is a selfish act.
6 Tiredness in work and life
Since you are having sex with yourself, there is no
7 No erection due to “brain burnout”
need to please anyone else. The emotional nature
8 Obsessive thoughts / lack of concentration
tends to follow the same course. As sex becomes
9 Filthiness (Physical and/ or mental)
little more than another way to meet your own
10 Guilt feelings / depression
physical needs, the tendency is to ignore the
11 Development of piles or hemorrhoids
emotional needs of your spouse as well. She
becomes nothing more than an object for your
sexual satisfaction. In my own marriage, this led to Explanation:
a point where I didn't need my wife physically or
emotionally, so I started to completely shut down
from her. This led to separation and divorce after 13
years of marriage. Ø Bent penis
Many people are quick to point out that A right handed man pushes his penis left during
masturbation is not specifically mentioned in the masturbation thus causing bending damage. This
Bible, so there must not be anything wrong with it. can cause an erect penis to bend to his left when
Some would point to the story of Onan in Genesis erect (and even when hanging). It may be due to
38:8-10 as an example of masturbation being tendons holding the penis becoming stretched or
condemned in the Bible. However, in the context, it breakage scars in the sponge tissue of the penis.
can be argued that Onan's wickedness stems from

Ø Smaller penis problem...
Doctors say that masturbation reduces a penis'
size every-time just a little. So you will have a Ø Development of piles or hemorrhoids
smaller penis if you masturbate. This is a scary Due to prolonged erections, clenching the renal
medical fact for most men. muscles and the physical exersion during masturbation the veins in the anus can become
masturbation/truth-about--masturbation.htm damaged and this may lead to the formation of
piles. There is no complete evidence of this
Ø Broken penis presented by doctors as yet - but people who
Dennis Rodman (basketball legend) broke his experience these problems link the two. With piles
penis during sex. He had to have surgery to fix it, the veins in the anus become enlarged and even
but it will never be the same. Many men have bleed. The anus becomes itchy and going to the
broken there penises through masturbation. It may toilet can become painful.
even be so severe that one will have no erection
due to the physical damage caused by the jerking
and pulling of the penis. The penis is not muscle In Women
but soft spongy tissue that fills with blood that can 1. Lack of feeling over time
be snapped – leaving scars that don't let blood 2. Sex becomes painful
enter – keeping the penis weak. Masturbation can 3. Obsessive thoughts / lack of concentration
break a penis. The spongy tissue breaks, the penis 4. Filthiness (Physical and/ or mental)
bleeds internally, scar tissue develops. Sex 5. Guilt feelings / depression
becomes sore and unpleasant, some men even 6. Stretching the vagina
become impotent.

Ø Lack of feeling during sex

The nerves of the penis become damaged making
the penis numb to pleasure. Ø Lack of feeling over time
The use of a vibrator is extremely damaging. A
woman's internal nerves are very sensitive and
Ø Sex becomes painful
more numerous than a man's. A vibrator damages
Scars and breakages caused by masturbation
nerves and causes a woman to experience less
cause sex (or masturbation) to become painful
sensation with time. Don't listen to lying magazines
like cosmo who say every woman should own a
Ø Tiredness
vibrator... that's a lie from hell. Those people just
Masturbation uses a lot of energy and can cause
want to destroy your life and/or sell magazines...
one's work and/or studies to suffer. A man can
loose his energy to get out into the world and do
Ø Sex becomes painful
important things that would bring him his dream life
and dream wife.
Ø Obsessive thoughts / lack of concentration
Ø No erection due to brain burnout.
Ø Filthiness (Physical and/ or mental)
The “sex” part of the brain uses energy and can
A woman is far more prone to filthiness and
become burnt-out. The brain gives energy,
disease because of the internal nature of her
hormones and nutrients which need to be
replenished and over-use can cause it to fail (like a vagina. A Vagina can develop funguses and
infections through the insertion of foreign objects.
burnt out thyroid gland). Masturbation also
One girl wrote that after starting to masturbate she
damages the brain by removing a lot of energy –
developed a condition whereby a strange smelly,
that's why doctor's suggest zinc supplements. This
brown liquid began to leak out of her vagina.
loss of power can cause the penis to atrophy.
Ø Obsessive thoughts / lack of concentration
Men can become obsessed with sex so that they
Side note: It takes time for a woman to become
can't focus on other things: like work or life-goals.
accustomed to one man and his semen. Her body
Your dreams take a back-seat to wasting time
fights of all intruders. But over time it responds to
masturbating and looking at pornography or
her husband's semen as “friendly”. If she has
thinking about sex. Again you loose out on creating
multiple partners her body may never become
your perfect life and finding your perfect wife.
tolerant and she may even become infertile.
Ø Filthiness
Ø Guilt feelings / depression
You will need to wash clothes stained by semen
and take a bath. Semen can stain clothing. Your
mind also becomes cluttered with sexual thoughts Ø Stretching the vagina
The vagina can become stretched and disfigured
and you may find you can't look at people without
by using a dildo. The bigger it is the more harm it
your mind bringing up sexual images of them.
can cause.
Ø Guilt feelings / depression
Please be careful if you masturbate. You could do
Masturbation often leads to these feelings... Why?
permanent damage to yourself that only God can
Maybe there is something wrong with it. The media
heal. Jesus Christ can heal anything – run to Him
tries to put a band aid on it by saying it's normal
and wait on Him.
and good for you but that only masks the

Θ DENIAL: Does your child look guilty or deny
It amazes me how many people say masturbation masturbating? Very few teenaged masturbators will
is healthy – but they ignore the dangers. TV and openly admit to their sickness!
media seems to be pushing people into pursuing Θ EVIDENCE: Have you caught your child
masturbation but few warn of the problems and
masturbating? If you walk into your son's bedroom
how to fix them. Our modern age has become without knocking and he's in there with his pants
over-sexed. We are bombarded with sexual images down stroking his erect penis, he's probably
and thoughts. I believe that only by knowing the masturbating.
dangers will we be able to start learning to control
ourselves. But we need God's help to fully
overcome. If your child masturbates, there are steps you can take to
stop the problem. If your child doesn't masturbate, there are
We are sexual beings but our sexuality is being things you can do to prevent it.
awakened far too early. It is better if one can wait
till marriage and try to masturbate as little as 1. Remove your child's bedroom door. Privacy is one
possible until then. Don't fall into the trap. If you're of the leading causes of masturbation.
already in this destructive cycle then keep trying to 2. Monitor your family's use of the restroom. Not only
get out and once free keep trying to stay free. It's will this prevent masturbation, it will prepare your
just another dangerous addiction but one must face teens for today's workplace, where corporations are
in silent shame or out in ignorant flamboyance. stepping up their surveillance of employees'
bathroom usage.
3. Throw away your television. There is absolutely
If you're going to masturbate – and nothing will nothing of value on television. Everyone should be
stop you, then please do it in a way that will inflict reading their Bibles or working, not watching filth
the least amount of stress on your body... like Baywatch or Star Trek.
4. Control your child's reading material. Screen
everything your child brings into the house. Do not
allow anything even remotely stimulating. Get up
President and Mrs. Bush hope that you never have to deal early in the morning and go through the newspaper
with the tragic heartbreak of a child who masturbates. But cutting out all of the pictures in the underwear ads.
the sad fact is masturbation is rampant among today's youth. Burn them before your teenager wakes up.
The first step towards dealing with a problem is to recognize 5. Be sensible about the music your child listens to.
that the problem exists. Here are some of the most common There is hardly any music in existence that is really
warning signs that your child may be masturbating: suitable, because anything with a "Rock," "Country"
or "Gospel" beat to it (even if it is labeled
Θ ACNE: Does your teenager have acne? "Christian!") is designed to incite sexual desire and
Masturbation often leads to excessive hormone summon demons from the Pit of Hell straight into
production, which is the primary cause of acne. your lovely suburban home. Practically all music
Very few teenagers who don't masturbate have CDs, tapes or MP3 files in your child's possession
acne. must be destroyed, especially if they are by
Θ DEPRESSION: Is your teenager depressed? If a pornographic "Rap-Hop" artists such as Garth
teenager acts sullen, withdrawn or unhappy – the Brooks, Britney Spears or Clay Aiken. Consider
most likely cause is chronic masturbation. collaborating with your fellow churchgoers to turn
Θ DESIRE FOR PRIVACY: Does your child lock his or the event into a wonderfully festive bonfire and
her bedroom door? It is not healthy for a teen to prayer meeting!
desire privacy. Chances are he or she is in there 6. Use corporal punishment. Spare the rod and spoil
masturbating. the child! Although outlawed by Socialists in many
places, a good sound thrashing has always been
Θ "ROCK" MUSIC: Does your child listen to "Rock the best cure for the unruly child.
And Roll" music? If a teenager has rebelled against 7. Buy and use commercially available anti-
God far enough to listen to the Devil's music, then masturbation devices. President Bush has made it
he or she has almost certainly rebelled enough to one of the goals of the U.S. Department of Faith to
try masturbation. fund private Christian companies to develop an
Θ BOY JUICES: Are there semen stains on your son's effective anti-masturbation device for girls.
bed sheets or underwear? There's only one way 8. Understand your child's language. There are
they could have been deposited there. So line up all dozens of slang terms for masturbation in use by
of your sons at least twice a day for a family prayer today's teenagers. You should be familiar with
meeting and underwear check! them. Click here for a list. There are many other
Θ IDEALISM: Does your teenager have liberal or lists available on the Web. Don't use these slang
otherwise idealistic political opinions? The terms around your children! If you must refer to
weakness of mind brought on by self-abuse often masturbation, use the term "self-abuse."
leads to left-wing sympathies. 9. Scientifically test your children for signs of
Θ FADDISM: Does your child wear fashionable masturbation. The same liberal naysayers who
clothing or hairstyles? If your child can't resist the insist we can't build a missile shield scoffed until
peer pressure to look a certain way, he or she they were bleeding when the Americans for Purity
probably can't resist the peer pressure to group revealed that scientists were hard at work on
masturbate, either. an test that would reveal signs of masturbation in
your children, but it's here. TeenScreen

scientifically detects a protein enzyme produced by
the male prostate gland to reveal traces of semen
on clothing, sheets, ceilings, keyboards, Saltines,
etc. It apparently won't detect masturbation in girls
(consultants assure the Bush Administration that
females have no prostate glands, although the Bible
suggests otherwise), but will uncover sexual activity
in daughters by detecting traces of semen in
panties, hair, etc. For additional security, you may
easily buy a $10.00 microscope from Toys R Us
and a $500.00 centrifuge from Fisher Scientific that
ONLY!!!!) to examine your son's urine for signs of
the Sin of Onan. The slightest decline in a boy's
urinary spermatozoa count should be met with
instant and total humiliation (and hospitalization if
10. Insist that your children wear boxing gloves to bed.
Boxing gloves are nearly impossible to remove
without assistance. If you do this you can sleep
soundly, knowing that your children aren't on the
other side of the wall touching their smelly little
giblets in an impure fashion.

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