Dalton Post-Reading Lep

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Lesson Plan Template rev 1/22/18

Date: March 10th, 2019 Teacher’s Name: Tyler Dalton

Subject: U.S. History Grade level: 11
Unit: Industrialization and Urbanization Length of lesson: 45 Minutes

Central Focus: The central focus of this lesson is for students to find similarities and differences
between the rise of organized labor in the united states (1870-1920), and the current workers’
rights movements being seen in the garment industry. The previous lessons have been used to
give the students an understanding of workers’ rights issues and organized labor movements
seen in the early 1900’s, so this will be built upon by comparing it to modern day issues. This
will provide the students the chance to discuss current issues, while referencing them to the
historical issues that they have been learning about.
Lesson Title:
For unit 11, 5 out of 6:

Essential Question(s): What issues are seen in the garment industry in Cambodia? How are the
issues similar to those that were seen in the United States? How are the issues different than
those that were seen in the United States?

Learning Standards: NYS content standards, professional standards (CEC, NCSS etc.)
11.5b Rapid industrialization and urbanization created significant challenges and societal problems
that were addressed by a variety of reform efforts.
 Students will examine the attempts of workers to unionize from 1870 to 1920 in
response to industrial working conditions, including the Knights of Labor, the American
Federation of Labor, the American Railway Union, the International Ladies Garment
Workers’ Union, and the Industrial Workers of the World, considering actions taken by
the unions and the responses to these actions.

Common Core
RH. 11-12.7. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse
formats and media in order to address a question or solve a problem.

WHST. 11-12.4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization,
and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Pre-Assessment: The Anticipatory Set will be the Pre-Assessment activity for this lesson. The
quiz will be used to see how well the students remember “The Rise of Organized Labor in the
United States” article, and the video will be used to quickly review the material that was
covered in the previous lesson. This lesson involves comparing “The Rise of Organized Labor in
the United States” article, which was read in the previous lesson, and the “Workers in the
Garment Industry Live with Harsh Conditions and Very Low Pay” article, which will be read in
this lesson. The students must have an understanding of the previous article and content so
that they can compare it to the article being covered in this lesson.
Lesson Plan Template rev 1/22/18

Learning Objectives: Assessments: Ways of evaluating each

1. Students will describe the different labor learning objective
movements seen in the early 1900s The Venn Diagram will be used to evaluate
2. Students will compare the movements how well the students understood the
seen in the garment industry to the readings. They will complete Venn
movements seen in the United States Diagrams as a group, and then will share
3. Students will list similarities and their points with the class. The Venn
differences between the two movements Diagram created as a class will show how
4. Students will present the different well the students understood the
similarities and differences that they saw similarities and differences between the
two articles. The writing activity for
homework will show how well each student
individually understood the content from
the lesson.

Differentiation: There are multiple different forms of differentiation that are seen within this
lesson. Newsela provides different articles based off reading level, and this is one form of
differentiation that is used. The main content of the article will always be the same, but the
vocabulary used and structure of the sentences changes based off which reading level is used.
This will allow for students to be able to read an article that meets their reading needs, while
still being able to work with other students and contribute to the class discussions. The video
used during the Anticipatory Set is another form of differentiation, since it allows the visual
students to be able to see what content is being covered. The Initial Phase of this lesson is
another form of differentiation, which caters to Kinesthetic learners. The Venn Diagram activity
will allow for the students to move around the classroom, and physically act out being the
different points in a Venn Diagram.

Academic Language: Venn Diagram is one vocabulary function that the students will need to
understand for this lesson. The Initial Phase will introduce the students to this concept in a
relaxed setting where the students will be able to act out how a Venn Diagram works.
Cambodia is a content based vocabulary word that the students will need to learn. Cambodia is
where the article is written about, and the students will be shown a map so that they
understand where Cambodia is. Students are also encouraged to ask about any words they
don’t understand, so that we can go over it as a class.


Anticipatory Set (hook, motivation, etc. to engage students)

a. Newsela Quiz on “The Rise of Organized Labor in the United States: The students
will log into their Newsela account and take a quick four question quiz on the
article that they read in the previous lesson. This will be a four-point quiz, and
will go towards the student’s participation grade for the day. The quiz results will
be used to see if there are any themes that we need to review before moving on.
Lesson Plan Template rev 1/22/18

b. After the students take the quiz show them this YouTube video.
This video will reinforce the concepts from the previous lesson. These two
methods (quiz and video) will be used to gauge the students’ understanding of
the previous article, which is important because this lesson involves them
comparing that article to the one they will read during this lesson.

Initial Phase
a. Introduction to Venn Diagram: For this lesson the students will need to have an
understanding of the Venn Diagram method, and this activity will introduce the
students to Venn Diagrams. For this activity, place two circles made out of tape
onto the floor to create a Venn Diagram. Over the left circle put a “1”, and over
the right circle put a “2”. This diagram should be large enough for the students
to stand in.
b. Ask the students to stand around the Venn Diagram. Explain to them that the
two circles together are a Venn Diagram, and that this method can be used to
compare and contrast two or more things. This could refer to anything like two
texts, or even two people. Explain that the students will be comparing food for
this activity. List two different foods, and tell the students to stand in section 1 if
they like the food listed first, section 2 if they liked the food listed second, the
middle if they like both foods, or outside the circle if they don’t like either food.
An example of foods to list are included in the “materials” document. This will be
a very simple way to introduce students to the Venn Diagram, and it will give the
Kinesthetic learners a chance to learn the Venn Diagram by acting it out.

Middle Phase
a. Independent Reading: The students will read the “Workers in the Garment
Industry Live with Harsh Conditions and Very Low Pay” article, and compare it to
the “The Rise of Organized Labor in the United States” article. Cambodia is the
setting of this article, so start the activity off by showing them where Cambodia
is on a world map (included in “Materials” document). After showing them the
map give them around 10 minutes to independently read the article. Remind the
students that they should be highlighting important information and writing
some similarities and differences between the articles in the margins.
b. Group Activity: The students will be broken up into groups of four. The students
will be provided with a blank Venn Diagram (included in “Assessments”
document), where they will be asked to add at least three items to each category
of the Venn Diagram (“Rise of Organized Labor in the United States”, “Garment
Industry Conditions”, and “Similarities”). The students will need to include page
numbers next to each point, so that they can show where the information was
seen in the text.
Lesson Plan Template rev 1/22/18

Concluding Phase
a. Class Discussion: We will finish the lesson by having a class discussion on the
similarities and differences between the two articles. A Venn Diagram will be
drawn on the whiteboard, and this will be used to complete this activity. Each
group will be required to write one point under each section, and they will
explain where it can be found in the document, and how it shows a significant
similarity or difference between the two articles. An example of a possible
completed Venn Diagram is included in the “Materials” document.
Follow up: Homework: For homework the students will be required to write a paragraph where
they describe at least two differences, and one similarity, between the articles. The students
will be graded off a four-point scale, which consists of one point for attempting the homework,
and one point for each difference (2) and similarity (1) that they describe. The template for the
homework is included in the “Assessments” document.

Materials: Computers are needed to access the articles and a whiteboard is needed for the
Venn Diagram to be completed as a class. Tape is also needed for the Venn Diagram activity in
the Initial Phase.

References and Resources:

(2017, May 2nd). The Rise of Organized Labor in the United States. Retrieved from

(2017, July 5th). Workers in the Garment Industry Live with Harsh Conditions and Very Low Pay.
Retrieved from https://newsela.com/read/lib-convo-sweatshop-protests/id/32335/
Lesson Plan Template rev 1/22/18


Cambodia on World Map

Cambodia on Map of Asia

Lesson Plan Template rev 1/22/18

Example of Foods for Initial Phase Activity

1 2

Pizza Fries

Bananas Carrots

Mac & Cheese Hot Dogs

Salmon Chicken

Eggs Apples

Example of Completed Venn Diagram (On Whiteboard)

Assessments are on the following Pages

Lesson Plan Template rev 1/22/18

Name: _______________________ Date: ___________

Venn Diagram
Lesson Plan Template rev 1/22/18

Name: _______________________ Date: ___________


In a paragraph (5-6 sentences), list and describe at least 2 differences

and one similarity between the articles. You will be given 1 point for

attempting the homework, and an addition point for each

similarity/difference that you list.












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