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Destiny Williams

Professor Cuddy

Written Communications

February 19, 2019

Research Proposal

The concept of technology in the classroom has been and continues to be a widely

debated topic. In my research paper I will discuss the impact that integrating technology in the

classroom has on elementary school students. This subject matter directly relates to the major in

which I decided to study here at Hampton University , which is Interdisciplinary Studies with the

endorsement of elementary Education. My love for learning and children made it extremely easy

to cover a topic on how they are impacted by technology in a particular learning environment.

My thesis statement will be centered on the idea that children are negatively affected by

technology if exposed to it to early.

As I am doing research on this topic, I find that it is a bit more challenging to discuss

why technology should not be integrated versus why it should. I find this to be the case because

anytime you go against the grain it can cause problems but ultimately because I believe in my

stance, the challenge is worth it. One huge problem with allowing young students to have access

to technology is the lack of balance. Our generation has access to this stuff non stop. If they are

opposed at home as well as at school , where they spend 80 percent of their day then when will

they get a “Brain” break or a chance to unplug? This is an interesting perspective because there

are so many avenues in which I will be able to successfully persuade my reader as to why we

should just stick to the basics in the classroom. Sticking to the basics speaks to a point that is
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made in An article entitled, “​Education and Teaching Reform”​ when it speaks to the purpose of

teachers in a classroom where technology is present.(SRI International) Students in these classes

will lack dependency of the adult in the room due to their obsession with the technology.

The information and data that I will present in my paper will be beneficial to the reader in

many ways. This will allow the individual to consider the impact that technology had on them as

an elementary school student and it will also allow them to see the disposition of today's

generation. Technology has definitely wedged its way into the education system and is often

seen as not only a blessing but a curse as well. The ultimate goal of my research paper is to

convince the reader that technology really does not have a place in an elementary school

classroom. I will include a variety of sources that show how technology has negative effects on

the young, partially developed brain.

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International, SRI. “Technology and Education Reform.” ​Home​, US Department of Education


Klaus, Julia. “Negative Effects of Using Technology in Today's Classroom.” ​Synonym,​ 25

June 2018,

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