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British Lituare

19 March 2019

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Here’s happens to your brain when you die Series by PETER DOCKRILL 25 DEC 2017

Here’s what happens to your brain when you die by Peter Dockrill We realize the mind

can't work when the heart has quit pulsating, yet for this situation cognizant mindfulness seems

to have proceeded for as long as three minutes into the period when the heart wasn't thumping,"

Parnia disclosed to The National Post, "despite the fact that the cerebrum normally closes down

inside 20 to 30 seconds after the heart has ceased.". Seeing as to any living them has its own core

ours as “humans “ being our brain along with our hearts . They string us from life and death . In

some cases people can be saved with a simple pulse of electricity same for our counterparts

being animals . Taking from that we all know death is common . 2010-2019 Ecology

Communications Group, Inc. (ECG). Statics says 8 deaths/1,000 population ,55.3 million people

die each year, 151,600 people die each day,6,316 people die each hour,105 people die each

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minute ,Nearly two people die each second. If nearly two people die each second it stops

becoming common and becomes the daily reality we face each second and each year . I know

you might think to yourself “What else is there to know about dying? you die you die “ The point


Death effects more than the person who is taken by it . It can breed inspiration , revolution and

evolution . Most of all Death is a process but the same for all stricken by it. The purpose of my

paper is not to be dark and marry evil intent that death seems to have of people . Instead i

am here to perch you thought on death as it is something we all have to go through and for some

of us something we have been affected by in one way or another . As in the passing of one of our

loved ones, mass genocides , suicides, the dying out of animals and the cream of the crop the

death of our own spirits .

Death or dying is defined by the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a

person or organism. Now what is a organism?an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life

form.Now what are these single-celled life forms, well organism that consists of only one cell,

unlike a multicellular organism that consists of more than one cell. Unicellular organisms fall

into two general categories: prokaryotic organisms and eukaryotic organisms. Taking a moment

to get out of the mind set that us humans are the only ones that deal with death . Death can be

defined as the end . Even stars die How Do Stars Die ?By: Maria Temming | July 15, 2014 .

From this article I can compare the life of a star to our lives . To be more direct I focus this

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around the way a stars die . They exhaust their fuel supply and explode . In our case we do not

exactly explode we die . Fuel is something that produces power or energy .

Example If something living doesn't eat it will die . Eating that said thing creates fuel. Dying is

so normal that even the stars do it

This word goes by many things but all originates from Etymology. The word death comes

from Old English dēaþ, which in turn comes from Proto-Germanic *dauþuz (reconstructed by

etymological analysis). This comes from the Proto-Indo-European stem *dheu- meaning the

"process, act, condition of dying". We shall strip the negativity from death by calling it

something else . For the rest of this paper I shall refer to it as quietus. Quietus can be seen as

negative because it takes away our loved ones away .Humans are not the only ones affected by

quietus people and animals both go through the 7 stages of grief . Theses stages tend to always

be because of quietus . Based on Understanding The Stages Of Grief By Julia Thomas Updated

January 02, 2019 Reviewer Deborah Horton these seven stages includes shock, denial,anger

,barging ,depression,appetence,and testing. The main one I would like to focus on the heavily

deals with this research paper . This being denial when you're willfully ignorant about the

misfortune, you attempt to persuade yourself or others that the occasion hasn't occurred or isn't

lasting. You know the actualities, obviously. In the event that your companion has kicked the

bucket, you may acknowledge that it happened yet then accept for a period that the demise

makes no difference to you.

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There is always a issue or a problem and from the topic of death there is sure to be a problem as

in how people or animals deal with their grief in unhealthy ways as well as the effects it can have

on the mind . Afolabi, Oladayo, Death, Grief and Family Dynamics: The Impact of Family
Member's Death and Delayed Grief Resolution on the Family System. (May 2, 2014). Delayed

grief resolution is one of those things . This in tells how effect of non-regularizing startling

passings on the family framework, suffering procedures of lamenting as it influences change

in the elements and structure of family, factors which influence the family's adjustment to loss

and ultimately, the psychological well-being outcomes of deprivation with reference to delayed

despondency issue. Which is just my take on this article . Getting over death is a process just like

going through death . Seeking help in these times can very important to one's health . Now as i

mentioned earlier the value of the death can be seen differently .A child or a young teen passing

excites a staggering feeling of unfairness — for lost potential, unfulfilled dreams and silly

affliction. Guardians may feel in charge of the kid's demise, regardless of how silly that may

appear. Guardians may likewise feel that they have lost their very own crucial piece character.

Then when a spouse passes it is "awful not to mention the serious passionate stun, the demise

may cause a potential monetary emergency if the life partner was the family's principal pay

source. The passing may require significant social alterations requiring the enduring companion

to parent alone, change in accordance with single life and perhaps come back to work.


Old individuals might be particularly powerless when they lose a life partner since it implies

losing a lifetime of shared encounters. As of now, sentiments of dejection might be aggravated

by the passing of dear companions.

A misfortune because of suicide can be among the most troublesome misfortunes to hold up

under. They may leave the survivors with an enormous weight of blame, outrage and disgrace.

Survivors may even feel in charge of the demise. Looking for directing amid the primary weeks
after the suicide is especially useful and fitting. This all according to Mental Health America

Article Title Coping with Loss: Bereavement and Grief Date Published May 01, 2015.Death

seems to not have a type it comes for all thus is the greatest equalizer of all . You can not buy

immortality . Death can not be reversed it is a single motion that triggers manny emotions .

Myths can be endless when it surrounds death . Introducing the grim reaper known for have a

tasking job . Since forever there have been distinctive portrayals of death, from the Valkyries of

Norse folklore, to the god Thanatos of the Greeks, however a standout amongst the most

unavoidable symbols in popular culture is the Grim Reaper. Portrayed as a skeletal figure

shrouded in dark, streaming robes who hauls a grass shearer, this vision of death did not spring

out of the blue, in truth every little thing about him is loaded up with imagery.

This feared figure originates from a feared time. The Black Death broke out amid the fourteenth

century, and was one of the deadliest pandemics ever. No less than 25 million individuals kicked

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the bucket at its flare-up, and millions progressively kept on dying as it erupted over and over.

Of course, a dread of death started to invade society as individuals saw the agony the ailment

caused, combined with the darkened, gangrenous tissue it would expedite.

Thus craftsmanship started to portray passing as a” skeletal figure’, this symbolism is thought to

have been pulled from the heaps of bodies individuals would discover littering the boulevards.

Generally demise would be appeared some sort of weapon, regardless of whether it was a
crossbow, dart or something different completely. Eventually, the weapon was consistently made

a sickle, a cultivating instrument with a long handle and bended sharp edge at the top. The sickle

was received as the weapon of decision as it felt as if passing was cutting down people as

though they were grain in a field, and a few bits of craftsmanship portrayed only that.

The Grim Reaper's dark shroud utilizes its shading in two different ways. For one, it is the shade

of grieving, customarily worn at memorial services and by friends and family still in a grieving

period, normally the one that brings such bitterness covers itself in dark. Too, passing shrouds

itself in the shadows and haziness to play off the dread of the obscure. This being my take on the

following article Origin of the Grim Reaper by J-Touchette April 21, 2019. Of course this is just

the myth . That is a myth of course but there are only really 4 ways to die not counting the

circumstance Mitchell, Gareth. “How Many Ways Can You Die?” BBC Science Focus


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“However if you ignore the circumstances leading up to the death and simply consider the

proximal mechanism itself, there are basically four different ways to cause total and irreversible

loss of brain stem function” As in oxygen starvation, high temperature, concoction poison and

physical harm. So on the off chance that you seep to death, what really executes you is the way

that your mind is famished of oxygen. On the off chance that you bite the dust of meningitis, it's

a blend of the physical harm to the neurons by the swelling of the cerebrum, in addition to the
direct lethal impact of bacterial mixes. In the event that you are hit by a vehicle, you may kick

the bucket from the physical harm to your mind, oxygen starvation because of dying, or even the

lethality of a resulting bacterial contamination. All these can be easily proven unlike the myth of

the grim reaper. The reaper of mortal endings is ever so real . The problem is how negative

death- appears but what about the good it brings ? “Gone from our sight, but never from our

hearts.” A mysterious quote by a mysterious person . This small quote is used to cope with this

loss . Death can bring positive things don't be fooled into boxing up death as a spiral to negative

emotions . Where there is a day there ia a night where there is a shadow there is a ray of light”

Mercury , 4,21,2019 “. Sounds off but studies have shown thinking about death makes life

better."The dance with death can be a delicate but potentially elegant stride toward living the

good life," write American and Dutch researchers in a study published online April 5 in the

journal Personality and Social Psychology Review. The cognizant consciousness of death can

inspire individuals to care more of their physical well-being and prioritize individual objectives

wow oblivious mindfulness can rouse individuals to satisfy


positive measures and conventions fabricate positive connections become engaged with the

network's blister tranquil conjugations advance in their own lives. Parry, Wynne. “Why

Thoughts of Death May Be Good For You.” LiveScience, Purch, 2 May 2012,

Death can make people see that time can be short you never know when it might come for you .

So knowing this and accepting this humans tend to reach out to what that want in live to create

new goals for themselves what give them a sense of for fillment . Death is only a state of being .

Death makes us value being alive . When alive we can reach almost anywhere . Death helps us

appreciate life from the smallest things . We as humans seem to have near death appearances
which change us forever The occasion is so profound that it does adjust the experiencer’s

existence. perhaps the maximum common after effect of an NDE is the lack of the concern of

dying and a bolstered notion in the afterlife. there's a brand new cognizance of that means and

purpose of their lives. a brand new experience of self with increased shallowness is suggested.

Experiencers also display a marked alternate of their mind-set, not only toward their existence

but closer to others as nicely. They tend to be more open, caring, and loving. but, they'll also

reexamine their current relationships, finishing a few which can be not compatible with their new

beliefs and attitudes.Noyes,Jr. R., Fenwick,P, Holden,J. & Christian,S.(2009). Aftereffects of

Pleasurable Western Adult Near-Death Experiences. In Holden, Janice Miner, EdD, Greyson,

Bruce, MD. and James, Debbie, RN/MSN. (Eds.) 2009, The Handbook of Near-Death

Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation. California: Praeger Publishers.

Expanding our minds to see what else death can bring can be fairly easy to most . Famous artist

use the figure of death to cultivate their emotions and put it into art .

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Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Triumph of Death an art piece that inspired many to this day to

display there dark and twisted art inspired by the demise of man . His painting was seen to be An

military of skeletons attacks peasants and royalty alike in Bruegel's The Triumph of loss of life.

each inch of the portray presents some new horror committed by the navy of dying, and lots of

easily missed info can be seen via looking at a complete-sized illustration of the piece. although

it's normally fallacious as being an outline of the Black Plague, it turned into surely painted over

2 hundred years later. Not to mentions how the death of one black child caused a whole black

uprising of course it didn't last long but it keep that thought in a african americans mind to be

careful of the white man . This being the death of trayvon martin which put in effect a closer eye
on the law enforcement the news spread across social media like wildfire . This death changed

manny .To the way people addressed there own kids about how to be safe when dealing with

officers . The fear that this put in parents knowing their own kids could be killed at in moment

helped them wake up and inreturn becoming more active in the law .Pilkington, Ed, and Richard

Luscombe. “Trayvon Martin: How a Teenager's Death Sparked a National Debate.” The

Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 14 July 2013. Death can be very controversial from how

people choose to mourn death . Some see certain traditions practiced by others to be

disrespectful . Death is even unique to the way it is treated as it can be handled with celebration

to a time od ultimate sorrow“Cultures Around The World That Celebrate Death.” TalkDeath, 25

Oct. 2018, .Each traditional can be very special to the culture. Death is never the same it is just

as different as the people death is culture . No matter where we go death follows and where it

follows we react

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Moving onto a conclusion the stigma that is given to death is a very powerful one . It varies

from the person , culture and personal beliefs . Death has been around since well everything .

Based off my research death is a function of ending . Death affects people in many ways . For

some it helps them better themselves . Death can even trigger fashion choices and ideas for even

art . That art last for centuries telling someone's story . It is important to know that humans are

not the only ones that suffer from grief . Everything living meets its own death . But death

doesn't have to be seen as a negative thing . Death is treated differently every where some

welcome it and some fear from it . Death can not be said to be some shadow figure lurking over

your grandma as she sleeps . There is no cure for death nor cheating the end . Dealing with death
can be traumatizing if not dealt with in the right away. Getting through the stages of grief can

be key . The stigma might be too strong too remove but it is worth a try. Recapping on the

compasion i made to our lives being like stars we are bound to run out of food some day . Here

is the bright side of dying according too “Looking on Bright Side of Death Makes You

Healthier.” The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 1 May 2012”.Another examination has

indicated how considering passing can result in constructive practices, diminishing forceful

dispositions and increment people groups' eagerness to unselfishly help other people.


Past work into mortality has recommended contemplating passing could make individuals feel

morose, forceful, or feel other negative practices.

Notwithstanding, after disastrous occasions, for example, the psychological oppressor assaults of

9/11 and the Oklahoma City besieging that executed 168, individuals' uplifted dread and

attention to death had both positive and negative impacts.

Prof Jamie Arndt stated: "Both the news media and analysts would in general spotlight on the

pessimistic response to these demonstrations of fear based oppression, for example, viciousness

and victimization Muslims, however thinks about additionally discovered that individuals

offered higher degrees of thanks, expectation, thoughtfulness and authority after 9/11. Finally It

is important to seek help when dealing with a sensitive death . Also It is okay to be dismissive
and sad for all we know you only live once . The strong stigma can be made into a simple phrase

to express the obvious .

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