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[Student Name]

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Abstract: .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction: ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Literature review:.................................................................................................................................... 3
What is big Data? ................................................................................................................................ 3
Big Data tools? .................................................................................................................................... 4
How it helps the companies? .............................................................................................................. 4
Ways in which Big Data help an Organization: ................................................................................... 4
Limitation: ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Management of Big Data ........................................................................................................................ 5
Web Mining......................................................................................................................................... 5
Hadoop:............................................................................................................................................... 5
In memory computing: ....................................................................................................................... 6
Analytical Platform:............................................................................................................................. 6
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 6
References: ............................................................................................................................................. 7
This era is considered as information era because a huge and enormous amounts or required
data is available on hand which can be used for decision making. Big data does not only means the
data that is only big but also high in variety and velocity, which cannot be accessed and handled by
using the traditional ways of data saving. The excess use and growth of data makes it compulsory to
find a solution that helps in extracting the useful and needed information out of whole data base

The decision makers are of the concern to be able to know the ways of extracting valuable
data from such rapidly changing data. This can be done only by using proper analytics, which itself is
a technique used in the big data. The purpose of this method is to identify and provide the best
analytical techniques and tools which can be used in big data. Other than this, we have discussed
several benefits and limitations that can help business in analyzing big source of data.

Just imagine that data storage is lost; from now onward there would be no record of a person,
an organization and those performed transactions which could be documented are all lost. The
organizations would no longer be able to select and extract the useful data out of the stored data,
perform several useful analysis and information about the future opportunities and advantages that can
be obtained. As this era is considered as IT era and all the organization are based on the information.
Even the online services are a huge source of data storage and information providing. The consumers
can check in to the flight schedule including its arrival and departure. The information about hotels
can also be checked and the customers can easily reserve the hotels of their choice and location. A
good example of such platform is Sky scanner Ltd. An app which is specially designed for this
purpose and contains data of more than 300 airlines. Now a storage containing such a huge data is not
an easy task to handle. In this study we have discussed all the useful tools and techniques which can
be used in handling big data easily.

Literature review:
While the term “big data” is relatively new because it was first introduced by the industrial
analyst Doug Laney. The main purpose of this step was that the day to day usage of data storage and
its requirements were increasing so rapidly that it was difficult for large businesses to store their data.
Even if the data was stored but still its manipulation and usage was very complicated for the users.
The concept of big data was introduced in early 2000 and was dined with three Vs. i.e., Volume,
Velocity and Variety. Elgendy, N., & Elragal, A. (2014, July).

What is big Data?

The word big data refers to the data stored in different sets and too large and complex to be
handled by the data-processing application software. The data having more rows may strengthen the
data to deal with but the excess of columns and attributes may cause the system to cause several
problems including capturing data, data storage and higher possibilities of false discovery rate.
Zikopoulos, P., & Eaton, C. (2011).

Big Data tools?

Storing large and complex sets of data that is exceeding Terabytes in size, is a challenge for most
of the organizations. To overcome this challenge, we have discussed the following eight top tools
which can help in store and analyze the data. Katal, A., Wazid, M., & Goudar, R. H. (2013, August).

1. Apache Hadoop
2. Apache Spark
3. Apache Storm
4. Apache Cassandra
5. MongoDB
6. R Programming Environment ‘
7. Neo4j
8. Apache SAMOA

How it helps the companies?

 Big data plays a very important role when it comes to understand the target audience, their
preferences and their needs so that you can deliver them accordingly.
 It helps the company to analyze and present the data properly.
 It enables the company to collect the feedback and use it to bring changes to the product
according to the requirements of the customer.
 It is essential for a company to have complete information of the market and its latest trends
and developments to keep the business dealings accordingly. Big data is a great source of
analyzing and scanning the social media and new feeds properly and keep you up to date.
 It allows you to analyze the internal threats of the company so you can keep the confidential
and important information safe.
 It helps in widening the business dealings and provides new revenue streams. Davenport, T. H.,
Barth, P., & Bean, R. (2012).

Ways in which Big Data help an Organization:

 Information technology:
Most organizations lack staff who are moderately and significantly deficient in data
management and analysis skills. Big data helps in providing IT training to the employees to
enhance productivity.
 Product development:
When it comes to R&D department, the company requires more authentic information about
the market trends and demands. Big data enables the company to get information regarding
the touch points of the product including design, manufacturing, quality, warranty and other
 Finance:
It helps in training the employees to control big changes regarding finance in the
 Human resource:
The selection of employees sometimes lack proper selection tools but big data can be used to
select and hire the most qualified employee.
 Marketing:
Employees are trained according to a systematic approach through big data.
 Supply chain and Logistics:
Organization can use big data to make delivery of the products to the customers on time.
Gandomi, A., & Haider, M. (2015).


 Logistical issue: companies dealing with big data have to modify their data on daily basis
rather than periodic in order to make the flow of data confirm.
 Real-time big data analysis: large and complex data needs a sophisticated analysis because if
a company fails to do complete analysis, they will let the company to make entirely incorrect
strategies throughout the organization.
 Misrepresentation of data: misrepresentation of data is observed specially when conducting a
market research. For instance a recent review faced criticism because in the geographic
algorithm a specific group was target to charge them more than others.
 Security concerns: the use of big data faces limitations because of the security concerns by
many companies. Glaeser, E. L., Kominers, S. D., Luca, M., & Naik, N. (2018).

Management of Big Data

As big data contains data of terabytes or even petabytes including both structured and
unstructured data. The management involves ensuring a high level of data quality by defining several
strategies for this purpose. The companies are urged to keep the following points under consideration
to manage its database. George, G., Haas, M. R., & Pentland, A. (2014).

1. Outline your goals

2. Data protection
3. Adapt to the new changes
4. Interlink your data
5. Never overlook Audit Regulations

Web Mining
Web mining is the process of extracting the desired and useful data from the contents of web
documents and pages. The information may be in the form of text, images, video or audio etc.
Sharma, K., Shrivastava, G., & Kumar, V. (2011, April).

Hadoop is an open source software framework which helps the organizations to store large
data and operate it through running applications with the help of commodity softwares. It is basically
used to search for millions of web pages and their relevant results, but instead of this use the
organizations are looking forward to make it their next big data platform. White, T. (2012).

In memory computing:
Storage of useful information in the main random access memory (RAM) is called IN-
Memory Computing. Instead of storing it on other servers which are complicated, on comparatively
slow disk drives. It helps the customers, retailers and banks and utilities to analyze and detect massive
volume of data in no time. Zikopoulos, P., & Eaton, C. (2011).

Analytical Platform:
A big data analytical platform provides a source to extract the valuable data. Data is useful
when it helps us to derive a beneficial data for business. To extract a valuable data from a database it
requires proper measures and analysis to be adopted. For all these measures to be adopted to extract
the useful data an analytical platform is required which can be measured through its veracity, volume,
variety and velocity. Zikopoulos, P., & Eaton, C. (2011).

This era is considered as information era because a huge and enormous amounts or required
data is available on hand which can be used for decision making. The decision makers are of the
concern to be able to know the ways of extracting valuable data from such rapidly changing data. This
can be done only by using proper analytics, which itself is a technique used in the big data. The
purpose of this method is to identify and provide the best analytical techniques and tools which can be
used in big data. The data having more rows may strengthen the data to deal with but the excess of
columns and attributes may cause the system to cause several problems including capturing data, data
storage and higher possibilities of false discovery rate. Along with best usage and advantages of big
data, there are also several limitations of the use of big data but these limitations cannot overcome the
advantages of the big data.
Source: Zikopoulos, P., & Eaton, C. (2011). Understanding big data: Analytics for enterprise class hadoop and streaming
data. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.

Source: Elgendy, N., & Elragal, A. (2014, July). Big data analytics: a literature review paper. In Industrial Conference on Data
Mining (pp. 214-227). Springer, Cham.

Source: Katal, A., Wazid, M., & Goudar, R. H. (2013, August). Big data: issues, challenges, tools and good practices.
In Contemporary Computing (IC3), 2013 Sixth International Conference on (pp. 404-409). IEEE.

Source: Davenport, T. H., Barth, P., & Bean, R. (2012). How'big data'is different. MIT Sloan Management Review.

Source: Gandomi, A., & Haider, M. (2015). Beyond the hype: Big data concepts, methods, and analytics. International Journal
of Information Management, 35(2), 137-144.

Source: Glaeser, E. L., Kominers, S. D., Luca, M., & Naik, N. (2018). Big data and big cities: The promises and limitations of
improved measures of urban life. Economic Inquiry, 56(1), 114-137.

Source: George, G., Haas, M. R., & Pentland, A. (2014). Big data and management.

Source: Sharma, K., Shrivastava, G., & Kumar, V. (2011, April). Web mining: Today and tomorrow. In Electronics Computer
Technology (ICECT), 2011 3rd International Conference on(Vol. 1, pp. 399-403). IEEE.

Source: White, T. (2012). Hadoop: The definitive guide. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".

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