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Structural – Functionalism Determined manifest and latent functions and

dysfunctions of sociocultural phenomena

Compared and contrasted the various Social Science disciplines and their fields,
main areas of inquiry, and methods.

Distinguished Social and Natural Science

Evaluate the person’s personality using the core values of Sikolohiyang Pilipino
Human-Environment Systems
9.1. distinguish the ways by which human-environment interactions shape
cultural and natural landscapes
9.2. interpret thematic and mental maps to understand landscape changes and
an individual’s sense of place
9.3. explain environmental and social issues through the analysis of spatial
distributions and spatial processes
Examine the social ideas of Filipino thinkers starting from Isabelo de los Reyes,
Jose Rizal, and other Filipino intellectuals.
Value the role of interpersonal relations in Philippine culture
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Name ________________________________________________ Date ____________

Grade & Section _____________________________________ Score ___________

Objective: Distinguish the ways by which human-environment

interactions shape cultural and natural landscapes

One of the Five Themes of Geography is Human/Environment
Interaction: Shaping the Landscape
The physical and human characteristics of a place provide keys
to understanding the interrelationships between people and their
environments. This geographic theme addresses this question: What
is the relationship between humans and the environment? Three key
concepts underlie human/environment relationships:
• Humans depend on the environment: The natural
environment is made up of living things and non living
things. Humans depend on the natural environment for
their basic needs; food, shelter, and clothing.
• Humans modify the environment: People modify the natural
environment to meet their needs. For example, they build
dams, plow and irrigate fields, and dig mines. They build
houses, schools, and shopping centers on land.
• Humans adapt to the environment: Humans have settled in
virtually every corner of the world by successfully
adapting to various natural settings.

For example, people who live in Baguio City use heating units
to keep their homes warm in cooler months. People in other parts of
the country like Dagupan City use air conditioning much of the year
to stay cool in the heat. The ways people choose to adapt to their
settings reflect their economic and political circumstances and their
technological abilities. Studying geography furthers appreciation of
our natural environment and of our cultural differences.
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Name ________________________________________________ Date ____________

Grade & Section _____________________________________ Score ___________

Objective: Distinguish the ways by which human-environment

interactions shape cultural and natural landscapes

Instruction: Choose a partner among your classmates and discuss

answers to these questions about the human/environment
interaction where you live. Write down your answers in the space
provided after each question.

1. What examples of human/environment interaction do you see

in your area?

2. Do you see evidence of exploited resources? What are these? In

How were they exploited?

3. Do you see changes in the landscape in animal habitats? What

are they and how did these changes affected the lives of the

4. Are there changes in the air, water, and soil? Specify.

Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Name ________________________________________________ Date ____________

Grade & Section _____________________________________ Score ___________

Objective: Evaluate the person’s personality using the core values of

Sikolohiyang Pilipino

How well do you know our language?

Directions: Match the Filipino words in column A with its meaning

in English in column B. write down your answer before the numbers
in Column A.

Column A Column B
_____ 1. hiya A. shared inner perception
_____ 2. bahala na B. dignity
_____ 3. karangalan C. resistance
_____ 4. utang na loob D. shared humanity
_____ 5. sama/lakas ng loob E. justice
_____ 6. pakiramdam F. shared identity
_____ 7. kapwa G. freedom
_____ 8. kagandahang-loob H. determination
_____ 9. katarungan I. companionship/esteem
_____ 10. pakikisama J. propriety
_____ 11. pakikibaka K. gratitude/solidarity
_____ 12. kalayaan L. resentment/guts

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