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Kahriman Elmar IV-2

Teenagers and sport

Sports and games are very beneficial to us as they teach us to be patient, discipline,
teamwork and dedication. Playing sports help us in building and improving confidence level. If we
practice sports on regular basis, we can be more active and healthy. Being involved in the sports
activities help us in getting protected with numerous diseases such as arthritis,heart problems, diabetes,
etc. Football is a most popular game of the world even in the modern time. It is a most exciting and
challenging game generally played by two teams for the entertainment and enjoyment of the youths. I
love the game of football, it is a fun game to watch and play. The game is also a physical game to play; I
love to be physical. That’s probably why I like it; also, football brings people together. There’s nothing
better than getting together on thanksgiving to watch football. I like every sport, but football is my
favorite because of the love I have for the game, the physicality of the game, and the way the game
brings people together. All my life I’ve been playing football, from the backyard to high school. Football
was the first sport I ever played. There would be days when there was nothing to do, so my friends and I
would just go to the field and play football all day long; in some instances we would stay out there all
night too.

Beside football I also like winter sports like skiing. Skiing is one of the most popular sports
nowadays. Even non-professionals can get into them. I have been skiing for about five years and I find it
to be one of the most fun and challenging sports there is.I also like snowboarding.Snowboarding is
considered to be a kind of sport for young people. To great extent it is determined by the young age of
this sport itself, that started to gain popularity only about ten to twelve years ago as an extreme
alternative to skiing. It is, however, especially pleasant and interesting to see people from previous
generations that are interested in practicing snowboarding. The reason why I highly appreciate older
people adopting snowboarding, is their ability to accept and face changes and go along with the
development and new inventions. It is much easier to start snowboarding when you are young and have
not tried any other winter sports before.

Sports helps an individual much more than in the physical aspects alone. It builds character,
teaches and develops strategic thinking, analytical thinking, leadership skills, goal setting and risk
taking.My opinion is that playing a sport teaches teenagers many valuable life skills including leadership,
the value of teamwork and cooperation. Athletic teens also learn how to handle stress and pressure, set
goals and work hard to reach a goal. Playing a sport allows teenagers to build relationships with their
coaches and peers. All of these experiences will help teenagers learn how to work with others as well as
become easy to work with later in life, whether it's at home, at school or on the job.

My advice to young people is that sport and physical activity make you fitter and improve
your mental health. Exercise helps you deal with stress and can help you overcome new challenges.And
sport isn't only for people who are really ‘sporty’ or competitive. It’s important to find what you like
doing. It could be a team sport like football, netball or hockey. Or it could be individual like running or
yoga.We also know sport can sometimes be stressful. You might get picked for the team last. Or it might
feel like there's loads of pressure on you. But that is life.

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