Project 5

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Williams 1

Destiny Williams

Professor Cuddy

Written Communicans II

30 April 2019

Reflective Narrative Essay

Self evaluation and reflection is extremely important. So many times we go through a

process and never stop to think back to our successes and failures. One way that people reach

their ultimate idea of success is by analyzing what they did wrong, correcting it, and always

striving to learn from their mistakes. At the beginning of English 102 I found myself always

dwelling on what I was doing incorrectly due to the difference in my performance in 101 and this

course. It was not often that I stopped to think about what I could learn from my mistakes. The

idea that the higher you go, greater is expected of you has most definitely been my testimony. I

do believe that the intensity level has risen since the previous class.

While in English 101, I just about received A's on every project that I submitted so it

caused me to be somewhat relaxed because I knew that I would be fine. Whereas this semester,

that has not been my story but I do feel as if I have definitely grown as a writer. So, this has

really proved to me that good grades do not mean much if I am not learning anything. I believe

that I have gotten so much better on thesis statements and making strong arguments. The very

things that I was struggling with last semester, I gained a better understanding of this semester.

The projects that I was responsible for this time around were much more challenging than that of

last semester.
Williams 2

I am exceedingly grateful for a wider variety of assignments. I was able to learn how to

create an infographic, website, and how to write a strong narrative. I really enjoyed all the

different types of things that were required of me while enrolled in this course. I feel like I was

able to showcase my creative side a whole lot more this semester. Even though these media

platforms were just created for class, I gained knowledge that will help me in the future. In order

to be able to complete all of the tasks for this semester, I needed the foundational things from last

semester. I do find that it is helpful that Written Communication I is an intro to Written

Communication II.

Peer Critiques were so beneficial for me because it allowed me to receive solid feedback

on my papers as well as get a few extra participation points towards my final grade in the course.

This also assisted me in staying on track with my assignments and held me accountable to my

plan for time management. I believe that these are so effective because it brings your attention to

errors that you may not have caught when writing the first draft. Between creating an outline for

planning my papers and our in class Peer Critiques, there was nothing that could stop me from

developing a coherent essay.

In the future my plan is to utilize every strategy that I have learned in this course to

continue on the path of success. The next English course that I will be taking is Children's

Literature. I am extremely excited to embark on this new journey. This class is pushing me one

step closer to earning my degree as an Educator. I highly anticipate my success in my next

English class. Another thing that made this past semester in English so great was having

professor Cuddy as my teacher. I really enjoy her teaching style and her personality. All in all I

have some amazing takeaways from this course and I am going to miss it.

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