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Kristan Hernandez

Humanities 1010

Professor Claire Peterson

April 1, 2019


I started going to college late in my life and I always had in the back of my head maybe I’m too

old and not smart enough to catch on with the subject. I found that I do have problems of

understanding some of the subjects and just seem to get through them, but really didn’t

understand it completely to stay we me after finishing the class. But then I took a music class and

really understood the teacher and information she was teaching, which was music but it was the

different years of how music was created and what it represented for each era. This is where I

really started to understand that the history of time was what I was really was interested in.

So in my eyes I see humanities and music class as kind of one of the same, because it provides a

lot of history and helps you to understand what it is all about and how to interpret it which I

really enjoy. This experience by reading, writing the journals and discussions and doing the

quizzes helped me to understand and keep the knowledge I learned going beyond this class.

Civic Engagement
Activity: Women in the Money, Utah Financial Empowerment Conference
Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel, April 22, 2019, Time: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
The conference was about empowering Utah women to achieve financial security, it provided

financial information, valuable resources and new mentors that could become life time friends.

The focus is on women as there are millions of America women that live in poverty, more than ½

of financial decisions are made by women, two-thirds of household breadwinners are women,

women live longer than men, average age of widowhood is mid 50’s and social security are most

likely the only source of retirement benefits of retired Utah women.

This conference I attended reminded me of what was in the text book for MISSinterpreted

Gender Redefined Section 8. Such as being a woman (The F word section) and how women

suffer from time poverty in higher rates (working more than 12 hours per day) such as when

completing a job and going home to do more work in the home. But still do not have the same

advantages of a man even at the time of retirement. I believe females do the same amount of

work as men over the same period of time and should be able to take care of themselves


The Women in the Money event connected with topic I choose from MissInterpreted Gender

Redefined as equal rights to pay for women and the event gave you many different advices to

handle your money and be able to handle your own affairs instead of with a male partner. This

events taught leadership in women and how to take control such as budgeting, saving, paying

and borrowing for your child’s education, what you need to have in place before the

unspeakable, teacher your daughter’s money lessons they will never forget, things you should

know about money, and ideas to take action to start your own business. (Women in Politics from

the course) shows that by women learning and trying to do new things can help make women

stronger and allows women to be heard of what they believe in and how they can make a

difference in the world.

I felt like when I participated and attended the event for Women in money, this helped me to

understand the importance of how women need to take a stand and try to help themselves to the

fullest and know they have the capability of becoming someone just as important as a man. It

gave me confidence that I could be responsible and be able to take care of my own financial

needs and what I should do to be more comfortable in my life and at retirement so I may live life

to the fullest. It also gave me the confidence to show others what can be done and hoe to help

other women become more independent and be able to see their financial out come to a positive.

I did really enjoy the event it opened my eyes to new things about how to be financially stable

and what you should do to make your life more comfortable. It helped me to understand some

course material as well and see why women take a stand and become women of power and what

they have to deal with trying to reach that position. Also what their mind frame is when working

to make a better life for themselves and others. Live the life comfortable and retire knowing they

will be okay. This event is something I would take again it gave me the opportunity and

knowledge about handling your finance for the future.

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