Types of Grammar

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Understanding grammar types can be a difficult task because they possess a

vast number of rules, patterns and in some cases the context is crucial for the
interpretation. Teaching them is a complex process because it involves distinguishing
similarities and the differences that they have. It can also be especially troublesome
for foreign language learners since they have to interpret what they learn with their
native language. A short explanation of the grammars is necessary in order to
properly unveil them or make a fresh learner understand at least the basic concepts.
There are three types of grammar, Structural Grammar, Transformational
Grammar and Systemic Grammar. Structural Grammar focuses on analyzing the
language through small parts. Concepts such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, phrases,
clauses are what mostly represent this grammar. This can be observed in the next

I dislike monkeys

The sentence was divided into three small parts that show the most basic level
of analysis, the representation of noun, verb and direct object but it can go further
than that. More complex sentences might include different types of phrases and
clauses which are analyzed in levels that would go below the first basic analysis.
Transformational Grammar deals with sentences in a different way. It is not as
intimate with details and levels of analysis as Structural Grammar since it focuses
mostly about the structures of sentences. These types of structures are the Surface
Structure and the Deep Structure. Deep Structure ones consist of affirmative, active,
simple and grammatically correct sentences. The surface ones are interrogative,
negative, complex and any other attribute that makes it different from the deep one.
The transformational analysis can be seen in the next example

I dislike Apes
N.P Aux Vp
Ppn No

I Sg

As seen in the example above, the division of the sentence consisted on the
usage of one particular pattern, the personal pronoun and number one. It also shows
the sentence analysis which uses Noun Phrase, Auxiliar and Verb Phrase instead of
the minimalistic analysis of Structural Grammar. The example however, is not the
only pattern that belongs to this grammar, there are others but the division of the
sentence into Np, Aux and Vp is mandatory and there is only one. There are also
more processes within this grammar, such as the flip/flop rule –one of the mandatory
rules of this grammar- which consist in transforming the verbs depending on the
information gathered and it is made below the patterns shown in the example.
Systemic Grammar focuses on analyzing texts rather than just sentences
because it needs context information to make the analysis possible. The elements
used by this grammar regarding context can be, field, tenor and mode. The analyzed
text possesses textual, interpersonal and ideational facets. It also shares certain
characteristic with structural grammar like the usage of auxiliaries -which is different
in Structural Grammar- and the same usage of prepositions. In order to know how
systemic views texts, we can take a look at the following example.

Our cars are the best! Come and buy them or you will miss the chance of your
You will not find better cars anywhere! Come to our shop for the deal of your

The Field of the text shown above is cars because that is the topic that can be
seen in the commercial, the Tenor is a busyness/customer relationship which is being
aired probably by television and the mode can be a combination of speaking and
writing in the television commercial.
In conclusion, the three grammars share certain characteristics such as the
effort to analyze sentences and the grammatical correctness that lies within their
efforts to understand the language. However, they do it in their own way. Structural
strips the language to the minimum, Functional focuses mostly on patterns and
Systemic deals mostly with context and uses certain aspects of Structural Grammar.
Foreign learners could use this text in order to get an idea of the basic aspects of these




Grammars Essay


Quiroz, Marcel


Barquisimeto, November, 2013

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