Bryan Finals Structure of English Language

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Justice system is a systematic and comprehensive system of procedures

which involves criminal, civil and customary laws to promote balance , peace
and harmony in the society. Justice system in our country is very controversial
and has lots of things to develop and improve with. The main and soul purpose
of litigation and trial is to prove ones innocence or guilt beyond reasonable
doubt with just and speedy trial. However, in our justice system most of the time
trials and cases takes years before the competent court could render its
decision thus, justice is being delayed and somewhat denied. Impartiality and
speedy disposition on trials are the focal points which can improve our justice
system drastically and may brought about change in the judiciary as a whole.
When our justice system becomes impartial a diligent and trustworthy judgment
will always prevail, the innocent will be freed and the guilty shall serve his/ her
sentence. Speedy trial when adopted and incorporated in our justice system will
make our justice system fast and effective, and trails will not be prolonged thus,
their will be an immediate resolve to cases and trials.


Lawyers have existed since ancient times, developing rules in an attempt

to maintain peace and order in communities. Today, lawyers can be found all
over the world. What does it take to be successful in this demanding field? A
great lawyer has excellent analytical skills and is able to readily make sense of a
large volume of information. A great lawyer is creative and able to think of
reasonable solutions when problems and unique situations arise. Preparing a
legal strategy generally requires an extensive amount of research. Anyone
involved in the legal profession should have excellent research skills to be able
to find and comprehend pertinent information. Great lawyers and paralegals
have excellent interpersonal skills and can develop trusting relationships with
everyone they work with. A great lawyer is able to think logically and make
reasonable judgments and assumptions based on information presented. Those
working in the legal profession must have perseverance. Often, cases require
many hours of work with heavy research and lots of writing. A good lawyer or
legal assistant must be willing to put in the time it takes to get the job done. A
great lawyer has excellent public speaking skills and is comfortable addressing a
courtroom. They can also easily handle speaking in front of other groups. Great
lawyers stay on top of developments in the legal field and also pursue
continuing training. In fact, 48 states require lawyers to earn continuing
education credits annually. Lawyers, paralegals, and other legal professionals
should have strong reading comprehension skills to easily understand the
complex information encountered in legal research and documents. A great
lawyer or legal assistant has excellent writing skills which are used in preparing
compelling arguments, briefs, motions, and other legal documents. But most
importantly a good lawyer should have the heart to help and assist at all times
and shall serve with diligence without considering profit or self gain.

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