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Interview Questions

Student Name: Leah Kuiper

Date: 4/25/2019
Desired Position: PTA
Organization: Mercy Health

● Provide your best response to a minimum of ten of the following interview questions.
● Students should follow the STAR method when providing their best possible response.
○ Situation: Present a situation or challenge you recently faced.
○ Task: Describe the task/goal you were trying to achieve in that situation.
○ Action: Describe the action you took to attempt to resolve the situation (who, what, where,
why, or how)
○ Result: Describe the result/outcome of the situation and what you learned from the
● Complete the following assignment.

Interview Question Best Possible Response

Describe your career interests, goals, I am currently an SPTA, working toward PTA licensure. I am very
and qualifications for this position. excited to enter the tight nit world of physical therapy with one of
my main goals to be a PTA that patients and therapists depend on
to get results. I would love to continue to become more
specialized and learn from those around me with more
Why are you interested in working for Mercy Health has a phenomenal staff and have such a dedication
our organization? to the whole person throughout their hospital stay. I love that the
staff at Mercy Health focuses more on the wellness of the patient
as a whole, rather than just one aspect of their health.
How has your education and training
prepared you for this position?

Describe one of your greatest One of my greatest strengths is my passion to achieve excellence. I
strengths. often find myself not being able to accept what others might see
as failure. In each experience I refuse to let challenges stop me
from achieving my goals and find the silver lining that is a success
in each circumstance.
Describe a situation in which you have
attempted to overcome a work-related
What do you like most about your I really love the work dynamic at my current job. Everyone is
current job or a previous job? always willing to help each other out, and it is a fun environment
What would you change? when we can work together as co-workers and as friends. If I could
change anything I would want to update the technology, which
would increase the efficiency of our restaurant.
Tell me about a time you worked within The other day I customer ordered 3 pies and we had to make
a team or group to accomplish a task or them as quickly as possible. Using our limited resources by and my
goal. coworker used an assembly line approach where I made the base
of the pie and she added the fancy detailing. This method worked
very well, and we were able to get the pies out to the customer in
record time.
Describe a situation in which you had to
work independently.
What was the outcome?

What expectations do you have for I expect a professional work environment in which my coworkers
your place of employment? For your respect each other and our customers. I want the environment to
supervisor? be a relaxed learning experience, but still maintain the intensity
needed to provide excellent service for our customers. I want my
supervisor to be encouraging, but also willing to push me to be the
best employee I can possibly be.
Describe a situation in which you had to As a restaurant manager, working with many younger employees
solve a problem for a coworker? at their first job means there are often many problems to solve.
Whether it be fixing a broken vacuum or finding a better way to
restock the salt and pepper. There are always problems that come
up and need to be solved as quickly as possible.
Describe a situation in which you had to
solve a problem for a customer/client?

Tell me about your ability to work Pressure gives me a thrill. When I know something must get done I
under pressure. get a sort of adrenaline that gives me the energy to complete the
task to perfection. I love having a calm take charge attitude during
situations of pressure and making sure everything is under control
can be fun.
What would your current (or previous) My current supervisor and I have worked together for the past 5
supervisor tell me about you? years and have a great relationship with each other. She would tell
you I am always willing to do whatever it takes to help, and will
come in to work early, stay late, and come in on days off. She
would tell you I love to consistently learn and get better at what I
do each day and come in to work thrilled to be there.
Describe a situation in which you had to
deal with criticism.

What motivates you to do your best? I find myself very motivated by my family and my faith. I have four
older siblings that are each very successful in their chosen career
path and I feel a great amount of pressure to continue this trend
for myself. My family is extremely encouraging as I take on this
endeavor. I also have a deep desire to work to the best of my
ability as relates to my morals and values found within my faith.

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