Disorder Outline

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Matthew Kim

2B Psychology


Defining psychological disorders - pg 562

 Psychological disorders: Thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that are abnormal
 ADHD is debated whether or not its a disorder
o Diagnoses are sometimes inconsistent

Understanding psychological disorders - pg 564

 Therapy used to be violent
 People thought psychological disorders were because of demons of something
 There used to be no moral standards on treatment
 There are both biological and psychological influences on disorders

Classifying Psychological disorders - pg 565

 DSM-IV-TR helps classify disorders
o 16 clinical syndromes
 Some people critic psychiatry and diagnoses
 Values in Action Classification of Strengths
o Wisdom and knowledge
o Courage
o Humanity
o Justice
o Temperance
o Transcendence

Labeling Psychological disorders - pg 567

 Labels create preconceptions
 Misdiagnosis is very common
o When told a misdiagnosed sickness is cured, patients immediately feel better
 Stereotypes of psychological disorders cause violence

Ask Yourself: No
Test Yourself: Takes into account psychology and inheritance. It helps us offer better diagnosis

Generalized Anxiety Disorder - pg 570

 Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Generic anxiety; Characterized by worrying, fidgeting,
anger, and sleep-deprivation

Panic Disorder - pg 571

 Panic Disorder: Violent anxiety disorder that produces panic attacks with heart
palpitation and choking sensations

Phobias - pg 571
 Phobia: Anxiety disorder characterized by irrational fear of a specific thing
o Some fears, like water, are stronger than others
o Can be caused by traumatic events

OCD - pg 571
 Obsessive-compulsive disorder - Anxiety disorder characterized by obsessiveness over
particular actions like cleaning
o More common among teen and young adults

PTSD - pg 572
 Post-traumatic stress disorder - Anxiety caused by traumatic events
o War is a very common source
o 19% of all Vietnam vets have it
 Can be suppressed with extensive treatment, but can never be erased
 Emotional distress is responsible for many symptoms
 Post-traumatic growth: Appreciation for things after a traumatic event

Understanding Anxiety Disorders - pg 574

 People can be conditioned to fear certain things
o Linked by trauma and misfortune
 Observational learning can make us fear things that didn’t even happen to us
o Like guns
 Modern fear is a product of natural selection
 Genes predispose some people to anxiety, and make others resistant
o This can be confirmed using brain scanning
 Fear can change our brain

Ask Yourself - Yes. I heard that drowning is painful so I observationally learned to fear drowning
Test Yourself - They’re fear caused by different sources

Somatoform Disorders - pg 576

 Somatoform disorders: Disorders in which symptoms can’t be fully explained by one
underlying condition or disorder
 Culture has an effect on reporting disorders
o Complaining about disorders is frowned upon in Asia
 Conversion Disorder: Anxiety is converted into physical symptoms
 Hypochondriasis: People interpret normal sensations as symptoms of a dreaded disease

Ask Yourself: Yes

Test Yourself: Symptoms can’t be explained by an underlying condition

Dissociative Disorders - pg 578

 Dissociative Disorders are disorders of consciousness
o Loss of identity/memory

Dissociative Identity Disorder - pg 578

 Dissociative identity disorder - Multiple distinct identities alternatively control a person’s
 Skeptics don’t think its a disorder
o THey say it’s natural or a cultural phenomenon
 Other psychologists think its legit
o Handedness is contingent with personality

Test Yourself - Yeah

Test Yourself - Unconscious and conscious

Major Depressive Disorder - pg 580

 Major depressive disorder: Occurs when at least 5 signs of depression last two or more
 Signs of depression
o Lethargy
o Worthlessness
o Loss of family interest
o Loss of friends interest
o Loss of interest in activities

Bipolar disorder - pg 581

 Bipolar disorder: Alternating between depression and mania
o Mood swings
 Manic
o Overtalkitivity
o Overactivity
o Elatedness
 Bipolar disorder can cause creativity

Understanding mood disorders - pg 582

 Many behavioral and cognitive changes accompany depression
o Depression is widespread
 Women are twice as likely to experience depression
 Most major depressive episodes self-terminate
 Stressful events precede depression
 With each new generation, depression happens earlier
 Some argue depression happens biologically
o Genetic influences

 National differences: The Chinese kill themselves a lot more than the Spanish
 Racial differences: Whites kill themselves a lot more than blacks
 Gender differences: Women more than men
 Age differences: Old more than young
 Depression makes suicide far more likely
o Social suggestions also have large influence
 2 neurotransmitters are especially important for mood disorders
o Norepinephrine: Increases arousal and boosts mood
o Serotonin: Creativity and mood
 Social-cognitive perspective is popular for evaluating depression and suicide
o Negative thoughts and negative moods interact
 Explanatory style influences depression
o Totalizing or contingent
 Stress leads to negative explainations leads to depression leads to corresponding

Ask yourself: No. Don’t be depressed.

Test: It comes and goes

Schizophrenia - pg 590
 Delusions and paranoia are very commonplace
 Hallucinations happen
 Schizo strikes as young people mature into adulthood
o For some it happens suddenly
 Subtypes of schizo
o Paranoid
o Disorganized
o Catatonic
o Undifferentiated
o Residual
 Some brain abnormalities may explain Schizo
o Dopamine overactivity
 Hallucinations explicitly activate areas of the brain
 Maternal virus during pregnancy could be an explaination
 Genetic factors are also a possibility
o Adoption studies prove
 Environmental conditions can also be possible

Ask: No. They think they’re insane

Test: They’re all factors, but none are the only one

Antisocial personality disorder - pg 597

 Somebody who demonstrates antisocial personality is a sociopath
 More common in men
o Begins to show at young age
 Symptoms
o Lies
o Fights
o Stealing
o Unrestrained sexuality
 About half of children who show these symptoms become antisocial adults
 Antisocial people don’t feel a lot of stress when they kill
 Murderers have different brain structure

Ask: A lot
Test: Predisposition

Rates of psychological disorder - pg 599

 The US has the most disorders
 Psychologists have identifies risk factors and protective factors for the development of

Ask: Yes. Yes

Test: Poverty is an environmental factor that can make disorders more likely

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