Business Analytics Capstone Framework For Strategy: Jeeyeon Choi April 2019

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Business Analytics Capstone

Framework for Strategy

April 2019
Problem Statement
Problem Statement–
Describe the Problem Adblockers present to GYF

• Like many other companies, GYF has put ad revenue at risk.

• The ad-blocking companies, which will eliminate many disadvantages and hassles that
consumers have received, have come up with the problem of reducing the revenue of
existing Internet advertising.

• The company must seriously consider how they should cope with it and cope with it.
Problem Statement–
Application Exercise 1 – Research Methods and Tools (Optional)

Descriptive analysis is required. Exploratory analysis is not important, because we know from
the company profile that ad-blocking is already a problem. Descriptive analysis is about
knowing what is already there and know what to do about it. It is important to note that some
people are using GYF's services, who is using the other's services, observing people's
behaviours and collecting and analysing data, A descriptive analysis is required.

To do this, I think the following things are appropriate among the various methods.

• Traditional Surveys: Regularly used for gathering customer attitudes, purchase habits, or
satisfaction scores. This data can help to segment customers and helps to think that GYF
needs to understand to set the company’s marketing strategy.
• Mobile surveys: it allows the capture customer’s reactions.
• Net Promoter Score: This 0-10 scale help to easily understand the customer’s likeliness and
company's reputations and brand preference in the market.
• Customer self-reporting: Company can actually ask customers directly to self-report some of
those surveys.

Also, Passive(unobstructed) collection, Scanner data, Social media analytics, Mobile data
analytics can be the appropriate data collection tools for the GYF.
Describe your proposed strategy

I’d like to suggest the adaptive approach. Because of this internet advertising environment
changes fast and hard to provide a good prediction. So, the company need to create variation
and test the market continuously. With building capabilities, such as the adaptive capability,
the shaping capability, and the capability of ambidexterity, the company can adjust their
• Creating new environment for the company: environments such as policies, regulations, and
consumer's preferences changes very rapidly. Therefore, creating various and dynamic
approaches related to bring more revenue to the company is important.(when, which, and
how advertisement can bring revenue to the company, etc.)
• Selecting the right staff at the right place: For example, hiring the right person in important.
Among the given candidates for the DATA team at GYF, I would choose Carrie Candidate as a
new Senior Associate Director. It is because, although both of their abilities seems good,
Carrie seems more appropriate in terms of job-related tests as well as her experiences. The
gob needs a Senior Associate Director, then, more widen personality which helps to see
holistic view would be better for this position.
• Testing, evaluating, and creating(switching) alternatives continuously
Application Exercise 2 – Hiring a Team Leader (Optional)

Among the given candidates for the DATA team at GYF, I would choose Carrie Candidate as a
new Senior Associate Director. It is because, although both of their abilities seems good, Carrie
seems more appropriate in terms of job-related tests as well as her experiences. The job needs
a Senior Associate Director, then, more widen personality which helps to see holistic view
would be better for this position.
Effects and Measurement
Describe the anticipated effects of your strategy

• Please describe the anticipated effects of your strategy. Make sure you address the effects on customers, revenue, and the internal organization.
Application Exercise 3 – Designing a Deterministic Optimization Model

According this model, if the company spend $65000 like above, the total productivity
return will be $39,000. It also satisfy the three requirements which are given.
Describe the anticipated effects of your strategy and how you will measure them

• Please outline your plan for measuring these effects using data. Make sure you use techniques you learned about in the courses
To measure customers satisfactions, traditional and mobile data collection and analyse the
data is appropriate methods. Net Promoter Score also effective way. By analysing these
data, the company evaluate the customer satisfactions and their purchase behaviour, and
can predict their demands.

For the measurement of revenue, financial outcomes is most effective.

For the measurement of internal organization’s productivity or performance, all kinds of

things need to be measured. Such as, set up a spreadsheet and begin to log their output
daily, looking for high achievers, underperformers, and patterns among both groups. The
important point of this is, do this on a continuous basis. Also, measurement of
communication through all departments is needed. This can be measured using 0-10 scale
in the organization.
Application Exercise 4 – Identifying Key Drivers

Capability of managing workforce and building organizational environment is the one of the key
drivers. My hypothesis are follow:
1) If the company build more mobile friendly environment, customers get used mobile ads than
before. It will lead a benefit for the company as well as its' customers.
2) Hiring the right person and training them effectively will lead more effective interactions
between the company and customers.

With these perspectives, my strategy cab be explained like below.

• Summarize your key points from the preceding slides

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