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International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 75 (2015) 119–131

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Shear strength of discontinuities in sedimentary rock masses based

on direct shear tests
Manouchehr Sanei a,n, Lohrasb Faramarzi a, Ahmad Fahimifar b, Sareh Goli c,
Abolfazl Mehinrad d, Asghar Rahmati a
Department of Mining Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
Project Management Team, Bakhtiary Joint Venture Consultants (BJVC), Tehran, Iran

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Accurate estimation of the shear strength of rock discontinuities is of great importance in many rock
Received 5 June 2013 engineering practices, especially for the stability assessment of dam foundations and rock slopes. This
Received in revised form study was conducted through both in-situ and laboratory direct shear tests on rock discontinuities,
9 September 2014
under the constant normal load (CNL) boundary condition, focusing on the influence of the length of
Accepted 20 November 2014
discontinuities on the shear strength. The results of more than 109 direct shear tests carried out on rock
discontinuities at the Bakhtiary dam site were analyzed to consider the size effect on rock discontinuities
Keywords: strength. The surface roughness of discontinuities was described by fractal dimension using a modified
In-situ and laboratory direct shear test divider method. Moreover, numerical simulations of direct shear tests were carried out on disconti-
Shear strength
nuities with different lengths in order to establish an empirical relationship that can link the shear
Size effect
strength of discontinuities of laboratory scale to in-situ scale. From the experimental and numerical
Sedimentary rock
results, it was confirmed that the peak shear strength of the discontinuity decreases as a function of the
discontinuity length.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction models have been developed to predict the shear strength of

discontinuities in rock masses, such as Patton [1,2], Goodman [3,4],
The most commonly used method for shear testing of disconti- Jaeger [5], Barton [6–10], Jing et al. [11], Grassellia and Egger [12],
nuities in rocks is the direct shear test. This type of test is commonly Samadhiya et al. [13], Asadollahi and Tonon [14], Tang et al. [15], etc.
carried out in the laboratory, but it may also be carried out in the Asperity degradation of rock discontinuities has been carried out by
field. Direct shear tests are usually carried out at constant normal Ladanyi and Archambault [16], Hutson and Dowding [17], and Lee
load (CNL) or in constant normal stiffness (CNS) boundary conditions. et al. [18]. Also, dilatation effects on prediction of shear strength of
In the field of rock engineering, underground construction, dam non-planar rock discontinuities have been investigated by Jaeger
foundation, and slope stability are some examples that require direct [19], Lane and Heck [20], and Patton [2]. As stated by Bandis et al.
shear testing. It is widely accepted that the mechanical behavior of [21] and Fardin et al. [22], the mechanical properties of rock joints are
rock discontinuities is scale dependent. Therefore, understanding the different on different scales. Because of technical limitations, it is
scale effect on the mechanical behavior of a single rock discontinuity more difficult to evaluate the properties on the in-situ scale. The first
is still very important in rock engineering. Description of the study which considered the scale effect on rock joints has been
mechanical properties of rock discontinuities is provided by two conducted by Pratt et al. [23], through direct shear tests on natural
approaches: (a) the theoretical approach, which adopts some well- joints. Their results showed a linear decrease in the peak shear
known theories (e.g. plasticity, contact theory, etc.) to simulate the strength as a function of the joint area. Later, a more comprehensive
observed behavior of a discontinuity; and (b) the empirical approach, investigation of scale effects was carried out by Bandis et al. [21]. By
in which experimental data are analyzed to derive correlations increasing the joint size, they observed a decrease in the peak friction
between influential variables, and models are formulated according angle, a decrease in the peak shear stress, and a decrease in the
to the observed behavior. To date, several empirical and theoretical dilation angle. Some years later, another study on the scale effect was
carried out by Barton et al. [9], who developed an empirical model to
predict rock mass joint behavior and arrived at the same conclusions.
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 98 9128011230; fax: þ 98 311 3912776. Also, Barton et al. [8], Muralha and Pinto da Cunha [24,25] have
E-mail address: (M. Sanei). shown that the strength of rock joints is dependent on the size of the
1365-1609/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
120 M. Sanei et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 75 (2015) 119–131

test samples. Moreover, Indraratna and Haque [26] studied the joint proposed that can link the shear strength of discontinuities of
size effect on the shear strength, peak shear displacement, and peak laboratory scale to in-situ scale in sedimentary rock masses.
dilation angle of non-planar joints. Murata and Saito [27] have
investigated the effect of scale on the surface roughness of rock
joints using similar approaches. Giani et al. [28] showed that the 2. Bakhtiary dam site
shear strength of rock joints was decreased by increasing the speci-
men size, but in other cases, e.g., Brown et al. [29], the strength was The site of Bakhtiary dam and hydroelectric power project is
increased by increasing the specimen size. Furthermore, the scale located in Lorestan Province, southwest of Iran, at the coordinates
effect on shear strength has been investigated by Desheng Deng et al. of 48.7801E longitude and 32.9611N latitude. The hydroelectric
[30], Vallier et al. [31], and Ueng et al. [32]. Cunha [33] carried out a power plant project includes the design and construction of a
study on several dam foundations showing that the shear strength of 315 m high, double curvature, concrete dam and an underground
joints decreases with an increase in the joint size. Following the same power house, with a nominal capacity of 1500 MW [46].
idea, Yoshinaka et al. [34] also observed a reduction of the shear
strength with the increasing size of the specimen. However, in their 2.1. Geological characterization of the dam site
experiments, Ohnishi et al. [35] observed no scale effects from
repeated tests on regular or irregular rock joints. Along the same Limestone layers of Sarvak formation, which are Mid-Cretaceous
line, Castelli et al. [36] found a decrease in the percentage of the marine sediments, form the foundation of the dam, powerhouse and
contact area with respect to the total area when the scale was other appurtenant structures (Fig. 1). These layers are generally
increased. Fardin et al. [22,37] demonstrated a scale dependency of tightly folded. The bed rock consists of limestone and marly lime-
the mechanical and geometrical properties of rock joints using fractal stone that contains nodules of siliceous limestone (or Chert). The
geometry tools. The consequences of scale effects can be very limestone also contains dolomitic material. These deposits, sedi-
significant in mining and civil engineering, especially when design- mented between the formations of Garau (at the bottom) and Gurpi
ing many structures in and on rocks, from underground openings to (at the top), are marked as Bangestan Group (Kazhdomi, Sarvak,
foundations. Surgah and Ilam formations) of cretaceous age. The Sarvak forma-
A number of researchers have investigated the applicability of tion is divided into seven geological units, namely Sv1–Sv7, with Sv1
various conventional statistical parameters in quantifying rough- being the oldest with no outcrop at the dam axis, and Sv7 the
ness. They have pointed out that the values obtained for conven- youngest. The six units, which are within the dam area, can be
tional statistical parameters vary with the measurement scale. regarded as Sarvak formation.
Therefore, the surface roughness of rock joints needs to be
characterized using scale invariant parameters such as fractal 2.2. Intact rock properties
parameters. Several researchers have suggested using the fractal
dimension to quantify rock joint roughness. A number of methods Based on laboratory tests on core samples of the six Sarvak
have been suggested in the literature to estimate fractal dimension formation units, namely Sv2–Sv7 (162 unconfined compression tests,
of roughness profiles of a rock joint surface. The methods include 125 triaxial compression tests, and 47 Brazilian tests), the mechanical
the divider [38], box counting [39], variogram [40], spectral [41], characteristics of the intact rocks were measured. Table 1 shows the
roughness-length [42], and the line scaling [43] methods. In this physical and mechanical properties of intact rock specimens.
paper, the modified divider technique is used to quantify natural
rock joint roughness. Several researches have investigated the 2.3. Discontinuities
mechanical characteristics of joints and all these studies have been
mainly done with the laboratory and in-situ tests using theoretical In this study, the orientation (dip direction/dip) of rock disconti-
analyses. However, the laboratory and in-situ tests are costly, and nuities was measured by surface outcrop mapping and the measure-
the theoretical analyses suffer from their own limitations due to ments were done by a geological compass. In order to obtain the
the assumptions limiting the generalizability of the results. In characterization of discontinuities, the geotechnical site investiga-
recent years, rapid advances in computer technology and sus- tions, including borehole drilling, extension of exploration galleries,
tained development have pushed the numerical analysis methods surface and gallery mapping, geophysics and in-situ rock mechanics
in the geotechnical works as a useful method [44,45]. tests as well as laboratory tests were performed. The rock mass of the
Considering the above discussions, the aim of this work is the project area is intersected by four main discontinuity types, which
development of a new empirical relationship for estimating peak affect its stability and the bearing capacity. Systematic discontinuities
shear strength of discontinuities in sedimentary rock masses at the dam site consist of bedding surfaces and two joint sets
based on direct shear tests under the CNL boundary condition. (J1 and J2) that intersect at almost right angles and form a conjugate
The shear strength of rock discontinuities, involving both bedding perpendicular system. A further joint set (J3) is observed at a few
planes and joints at the Bakhtiary dam site located in Lorestan locations but its occurrence is not common throughout the site.
Province, in the southwest of Iran, was measured through 106 Bedding surfaces are characterized as planar and persistent
laboratory and 3 in-situ direct shear tests. The mechanical proper- with average spacing of 6–60 cm. The bedding has a dip direction/
ties related to the laboratory scale were obtained in the laboratory dip of 2151/751 on the downstream limb of the anticline and 0301/
through specific mechanical tests and morphological measure- 501 on the upstream limb. The main joint set running through the
ments. Next, based on the research presented by Fardin et al. [22] dam site is J1 (3101/40–701). Joints in this set have a persistency of
on surface roughness, which indicated that the maximum range of several to tens of meters. A second joint set J2 (1251/35–751) exists
the scale dependency was about 300 cm, the numerical modeling with persistency from a few centimeters to a few meters. The joint
study using the Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC) was set characteristics are summarized in Table 2.
carried out up to the length of 300 cm. Due to the lack of samples A large number of discontinuities whose orientations were
in different lengths, the numerical simulations of direct shear tests measured at a particular field site are used to facilitate regional
were carried out on discontinuities with different lengths in structural analysis. For this purpose, we analyzed the data for the
direction of shear. Then, based on the results of laboratory tests, individual discontinuities involved: 344 measurements for bed-
in-situ tests, and numerical simulations, the scale effect on shear ding, 577 for joint set J1, 562 for joint set J2, and 140 measurements
strength was obtained. Finally, a new empirical relationship was for joint set J3.
M. Sanei et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 75 (2015) 119–131 121

Fig. 1. Geological section of Bakhtiary dam axis and geological units of the Sarvak formation [46].

Table 1 Table 2
Summary of physical and mechanical properties of intact rock specimens. Characteristics of bedding planes and joint sets.

Physical and mechanical properties Index Unit Value Mean value Value or description Frequency (%)

Density ρ g=cm3 2.61–2.74 2.65 Bedding J1 J2 J3

Uniaxial compressive strength σc MPa 77–133 108
Modulus of elasticity E GPa 55–73 65 Aperture (mm) 0.1–1 90 90 95 95
Poisson’s ratio ν – 0.28–0.32 0.3 1–5 10 10 5 5
Tensile strength σt MPa 6.3–11.2 8.8 Spacing (cm) 2–6 1.5 25 3 6
Cohesion C MPa 29–36 32 6–20 47 48.5 52 25
Friction angle ϕ 1 35–45 40 20–60 44.5 45 43.5 62.5
60–200 3.5 4 1.5 6.5
200–600 3.5 0 0 0
Infilling Clay 42.5 10 2 0
3. Direct shear tests on rock discontinuities
Calcite 46 67.5 55 43
Bitumen 4.5 1 0 0
3.1. Laboratory direct shear tests Limonite 2 0 0 0
Tight 5 21.5 43 57
The most commonly used method for the shear testing of Roughness Undulating–Ss 19 2 0 0
Planar–Ss 41 2 1 0
discontinuities in rocks is the direct shear test. Direct shear tests
Undulating–Sm 5 1 1 0
(DST) on core specimens containing both bedding planes and Planar–Sm 18 47 54.5 72.5
joint surfaces were performed using the instrumented SBEL Undulating–Ro 1 0 0 0
direct shear machine (DR-44). Fig. 2 shows (a) the direct shear Planar–Ro 16 48 43.5 27.5
test apparatus, (b) the joint surfaces after shearing, and (c) the
Ss: Slickenside, Sm: Smooth, Ro: Rough.
profile gauge for measurement of discontinuities roughness.
The purpose of this test was to measure peak and residual direct
shear strengths as a function of stress normal to the sheared plane. For the specimen were fixed inside the shear box using a cement mortar.
conducting a shear test on joint surfaces, at first the lower half and The shear tests were conducted by applying manually operated,
then the upper half were encapsulated in separate molds. Two sides of normal, and shear loads. Methods of preparing samples and carrying
122 M. Sanei et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 75 (2015) 119–131

Fig. 2. Laboratory direct shear test; (a) photograph of the shear test apparatus, (b) joint surfaces after shearing, (c) the profile gauge tool.

out these various tests are discussed by the ISRM Commission [47]. The Bakhtiary dam site (Fig. 4). The length of bedding planes along the
direct shear test on a specimen provided the peak shear strength value direction of shearing was 70 cm. Also, the shear test was performed in
corresponding to the applied normal load. Afterwards, at least three the direction of the discontinuity with a horizontal orientation. The
direct tests were performed on the test specimen for estimating the rate of shear displacement for in-situ tests ranging from 0.1 mm/min
residual shear strength parameters. In other words, more than 106 to 0.5 mm/min between sets of readings proved that the peak
direct shear tests were performed on core samples containing both strength itself is adequately recorded. On the other hand, the normal
bedding planes (fifty samples) and rock joints (fifty-six samples) of the force was applied on the specimen via hydraulic jacks and also the
six units (Sv2–Sv7) at the Bakhtiary dam site. shear force was applied to the specimen via a pressure distribution
The laboratory test samples range from 5.4 to 14.8 cm lengths plate. Shear and normal displacements were measured with digital
in direction of shear. Also, shear tests under constant normal load transducers (LVDT). In these tests, the normal stress applied ranged
(CNL) conditions were carried out. In addition, the normal stress from 0.59 to 7.03 MPa. The mechanical properties of bedding planes
ranged between 0.47 and 3.2 MPa. The shear force was applied obtained from in-situ tests are given in Table 5. One of the in-situ
continuously in such a way as to control the rate of shear direct shear tests carried out on bedding plane at the Bakhtiary dam
displacement. Approximately, more than ten sets of reading were site using the above-proposed test procedure will be described in the
taken before reaching the peak strength. Moreover, surface char- following.
acteristics of each test sample as joint roughness coefficient (JRC)
and joint compressive strength (JCS) were measured.
For each test specimen, graphs of shear stress versus shear
displacement were plotted. Values of the peak and residual shear 4. Estimating the shear strength of rock discontinuity
strength, normal stress, and shear displacement were abstracted
from these graphs. Graphs of the peak and residual shear strengths First, shear strength of rock discontinuities, i.e. bedding planes and
versus normal stress were plotted from the combined results for rock joints at the Bakhtiary dam site, were measured through 109
all the test specimens. Also, distribution of cohesion, residual direct shear tests. Second, the surface characteristics of rock joints
friction angle, and peak friction angle were abstracted from these including roughness coefficient, joint compressive strength, cohesion,
graphs as shown in Fig. 3. According to the test program, on each residual friction angle, and peak friction angle were determined.
test specimen both peak and residual tests were carried out. The Detailed results of direct shear tests are derived from the plots of peak
first direct shear test on a specimen provided the peak shear and residual shear strength values versus applied normal stresses on
strength value corresponding to the applied normal load. Subse- bedding planes. Then based on Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion, peak
quently, direct shear tests in residual state were performed for and residual shear strength parameters were calculated and compared
estimating the residual shear strength parameters. Results of the with the values estimated by Barton criterion. Finally, using statistical
first all direct shear tests on bedding planes and joints are analyses the most appropriate empirical criterion for estimating the
summarized in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. shear strength at the Bakhtiary dam was decided to be Barton criterion.
Barton [6–10] suggested the following empirical criterion for
3.2. In-situ direct shear test estimating the shear strength of rock joints:
The in-situ direct shear test is the established method for dete- τ ¼ σ n tan JRC log 10 þ ϕr ð1Þ
rmining the peak and residual shear strength along the rock dis-
continuity. In this study, three in-situ direct shear tests on bedding where τ, σ n , ϕr , JCS and JRC are shear strength, normal stress, residual
planes with the dimensions of 70  70  35 cm3 were performed in friction angle, joint compressive strength, and joint roughness coeffi-
accordance with ISRM [48] in GR2 gallery of the Sv3 unit at the cient, respectively. For unweathered rock fractures, the residual
M. Sanei et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 75 (2015) 119–131 123

20 20
Distribution of cohesion of 50 direct shear Distribution of cohesion of 56 direct shear
tests on bedding planes tests on rock joints

15 15
Number of Cases

Number of Cases
10 10

5 5

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
Cohesion, KPa Cohesion, KPa

14 14
Distribution of residual friction angles of 50 direct shear Distribution of residual friction angles of 56 direct shear
tests on bedding planes tests on rock joints

12 12

10 10
Number of Cases

Number of Cases

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Residual friction angle, degree Residual friction angle, degree

12 16
Distribution of peak friction angles of 50 direct shear Distribution of peak friction angles of 56 direct shear
tests on bedding planes tests on rock joints

Number of Cases

Number of Cases


6 8



0 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Peak friction angle, degree Peak friction angle, degree

Fig. 3. Distribution of Mohr–Coulomb strength parameters of discontinuities at the Bakhtiary dam site; (a) cohesion of bedding, (b) cohesion of rock joints, (c) residual
friction angle of bedding, (d) residual friction angle of rock joints, (e) peak friction angle of bedding, (f) peak friction angle of rock joints.
124 M. Sanei et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 75 (2015) 119–131

Table 3 Table 4
Database of laboratory direct shear tests on bedding planes at the Bakhtiary Database of laboratory direct shear tests on rock joints at the Bakhtiary dam site.
dam site.
No L (cm) JRC σ n ðMPaÞ τpeak ðMPaÞ τresdual ðMPaÞ
No L (cm) JRC σ n ðMPaÞ τpeak ðMPaÞ τresdual ðMPaÞ
1 7.9 7.18 0.53 0.45 0.27
1 13.5 2.96 0.55 0.36 0.34 2 8.8 4.53 1.04 0.88 0.57
2 8.6 3.98 1 1.05 0.55 3 10.4 2.96 1.51 0.89 0.73
3 10.2 2.02 1.5 0.89 0.76 4 13.6 2.25 2.05 2 1.23
4 7.4 15.57 1.03 2.26 0.9 5 8.1 2.08 0.56 0.35 0.33
5 6.5 14.18 1.02 1.78 1.17 6 7.6 4.7 1.05 0.66 0.6
6 7.6 12.02 0.48 0.53 0.38 7 7.3 4.3 1.64 1.07 1.03
7 11.4 16.48 1.55 2.40 2.14 8 6.7 2.3 0.62 0.56 0.56
8 7.3 11.97 1.05 0.9 0.68 9 9.8 4.09 0.98 0.9 0.47
9 9 4.15 0.51 0.39 0.22 10 11.6 7.12 2.01 1.21 1
10 7.6 7.23 0.55 0.7 0.31 11 6.8 5.68 0.47 0.95 0.47
11 10.4 7.98 1.08 1.19 0.8 12 7.5 3.1 1.02 0.55 0.47
12 8.1 5.06 1.05 0.61 0.52 13 7.8 3.52 0.54 0.29 0.27
13 12.2 5.74 1.01 0.74 0.46 14 7.7 2.15 1.02 0.86 0.71
14 13.7 5.97 2.72 1.46 1.46 15 10.2 2.43 0.61 0.8 0.8
15 13.6 3.94 1.52 0.7 0.6 16 11.8 2.84 1.2 0.84 0.83
16 9.1 2.88 1.05 0.61 0.5 17 10.4 3.76 0.56 0.45 0.45
17 13.6 11.32 2.07 1.35 1.15 18 10.2 2.97 1.13 0.37 0.35
18 9.8 3.12 1.53 0.68 0.63 19 7.9 4.03 0.79 0.73 0.53
19 14.4 4.03 1.55 1.28 1.05 20 5.7 2.5 0.84 0.6 0.43
20 14.6 6.34 2.2 2.05 1.46 21 6.1 5.74 1.02 1.22 0.98
21 14 9.56 1.04 1.05 0.39 22 10.3 6.87 1.1 1.54 0.93
22 14.8 4.07 2.06 1.24 1.08 23 12.8 5.65 2.09 2.6 1.88
23 14.6 13.78 2.1 1.27 1.09 24 9.6 7.85 1.04 0.59 0.49
24 13.8 3.99 0.99 0.93 0.42 25 6.1 8.08 2.2 1.34 1.32
25 10.9 3.24 1.04 0.69 0.52 26 8.7 9.14 1.74 1.84 1.75
26 7.9 2.85 1.06 0.45 0.34 27 11.4 8.59 2.12 2.13 1.79
27 10.7 4.69 1.8 0.57 0.51 28 10.9 15.78 1.7 1.44 1.38
28 13.7 3.91 2.55 0.98 0.75 29 7.1 6.51 0.54 0.72 0.65
29 13.6 6.24 0.99 0.82 0.47 30 12.7 9.85 2.09 2.74 1.9
30 7.9 3.25 1.08 0.46 0.44 31 6.1 7.47 0.59 0.83 0.43
31 14.4 4.17 1.04 1.6 0.81 32 6.1 7.33 0.77 1.45 0.77
32 14.2 6.36 2.07 2.33 1.25 33 7.4 9.57 0.57 0.85 0.7
33 12.3 3.99 1.98 1.8 1.62 34 9.6 14.8 1.05 1.22 0.97
34 12.1 3.83 2.01 1.2 1.04 35 7.9 10.12 0.52 0.59 0.48
35 8.9 8.52 3.06 1.19 1.88 36 8.2 16.77 0.54 0.69 0.41
36 10.1 2.43 0.62 0.8 0.8 37 13 18.12 1.01 1.05 0.51
37 7.1 8.08 2.22 1.34 1.32 38 8.8 8.45 2 2.07 1.24
38 8.3 4.32 1.64 1.07 1.03 39 9.6 5.98 2.14 1.82 1.81
39 8.1 3.8 1.13 0.93 0.93 40 12 8.41 0.52 0.59 0.48
40 10.8 12.16 1.64 1.81 1.72 41 12.2 8.76 0.54 0.69 0.41
41 10.3 5.6 0.54 0.32 0.34 42 8.1 3.8 1.13 0.93 0.93
42 6.2 4.42 1.05 0.51 0.51 43 12.8 5.68 1.24 0.9 0.9
43 6.4 3.65 1.57 0.65 0.65 44 6.8 6.53 0.58 0.66 0.66
44 9.4 7.77 1.66 1.21 1.21 45 9.7 3.95 0.61 0.62 0.62
45 7.1 6.94 1.18 0.82 0.82 46 6.8 3.67 1.16 0.65 0.65
46 8.6 8.44 0.63 0.49 0.49 47 12.8 9.35 1.73 0.66 0.66
47 7.9 2.22 0.63 0.44 0.44 48 7.2 5.55 3.20 1.05 1.03
48 5.5 12 0.73 0.79 0.79 49 8.3 5.53 0.52 0.32 0.32
49 6 5.17 1.06 0.66 0.66 50 5.8 4.76 1.18 0.97 0.97
50 12.6 6.66 1.18 0.66 0.66 51 8.9 9.29 0.61 0.6 0.6
52 13.9 5.27 0.59 0.4 0.4
53 6.2 7.56 1.18 1.32 1.32
54 9.9 8.48 1.18 0.97 0.97
friction angle, ðϕr Þ is equal to base friction angle ðϕb Þ, which can be 55 6.2 6.86 2.05 2.13 2.13
obtained from shear tests on the flat unweathered rock surfaces. 56 8.5 6.42 0.85 0.4 0.4

4.1. Measurement of joint roughness coefficient (JRC)

but also is simple to use. In fact, the roughness profile was divided
The joint roughness coefficient is a number estimated by compar- by equal horizontal divider span and then length in each divider
ing the appearance of a discontinuity surface with standard profiles span was measured [53]. Finally, the value of dimension was
published by Barton and Choubey [7]. To assign a JRC value to the obtained using Eqs. (2) and (3). Therefore,
discontinuity, the roughness profile is compared with standard
roughness profiles. However, it is obvious that JRC determined by Lðr Þ ¼ ar ð1  DÞ ð2Þ
visual comparison is subjective and sometimes erratic. Many
where L(r), r, a, and D are the length of the profile, a divider span, a
researchers have attempted to calculate the JRC value from the profile
proportionality constant, and the fractal dimension, respectively.
geometry such as root mean square (RMS), RMS of the first
derivatives (Z2), RMS of the second derivatives (Z3), structure func- log Lðr Þ ¼ log a þ ð1  DÞlog r ð3Þ
tion (SF), roughness profile index (RP), and fractal dimension [49–52].
In this study, the fractal dimension method was used because The parameters (1-D) and loga can be estimated from the slope
of its accuracy in measuring JRC and also the modified divider and intercept, respectively, of the plot between logL(r) and logr. A
method was selected since it has not only proved to be accurate plot of the modified divider method is shown in Fig. 5.
M. Sanei et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 75 (2015) 119–131 125

Moreover, the fractal dimension was determined by a new and GIF) format, and the output of programming code was the
code, written in Microsoft Visual Studio C# language. This new value of fractal dimension. In other words, the image of surface
code used the modified divider method to determine the fractal roughness of rock discontinuity was taken using a profile gauge
dimension. In fact, this method requests a lot of divider spans (see Fig. 2c) in shear direction and was scanned for the new
ranging from least to most from roughness profiles order to come programming code. The surface topography was mapped using a
up with a suitable answer. Therefore, the fractal dimension of profile gauge in shear direction of the sample test and at 1 cm
standard roughness profiles of Barton with 10 cm length was distance along the perpendicular direction to the shear direction.
determined using the modified divider method. On the other The surface roughness of each sample was obtained from the
hand, the input data for new programming code, named FDM average surface roughness of 2 dimensional cross-sectional lines.
(Fractal Dimension Measurement), was the image of roughness This was done because the average surface roughness of each
profile obtained by scanning the roughness profile in (BMP, JPG sample can be an appropriate representative of the discontinuity
roughness. Also, the surface roughness of each sample was drawn
on the white paper and the result of drawing was scanned in (BMP,
JPG and GIF) format. Then, in FDM program, the image of profile as
an input data was received, and the value of L(r) was determined
based on the different values of divider spans (r). In addition, the
fractal dimension was determined from the slope logL(r)  logr
plot. The selected value of divider span (r) has a significant effect
on the value of fractal dimension. And as the value more or less
than the selected range would result in errors in the answers, in
this research, r values which ranged from 0.8 to 6 mm were
The values of fractal dimension (D) of Barton’s joint roughness
profiles were measured using the modified divider method. The
results showed that the D values were in good agreement with the
previous works. Fig. 6 shows the fractal dimensions (D) measured
by different methods compared with the values measured in
this study.
Using statistical analyses, the new empirical relationship for
estimating the value of JRC was developed based on the fractal
Fig. 4. The in-situ direct shear test setup in gallery GR2 at the Bakhtiary dam site. dimension of Barton’s profiles. Eq. (4) was developed between
fractal dimension and JRC values and the best behavior displayed
represented the second-order polynomial. Also, the correlation
Table 5
coefficient r2 and the standard error calculated for this equation
Database of in-situ direct shear tests on bedding planes at the Bakhtiary dam site.
were 0.984 and 0.941, respectively.
No cp ðKPaÞ ϕp ð3 Þ ϕr ð 3 Þ JCS JRC σ n ðMPaÞ τpeak ðMPaÞ τresdual ðMPaÞ
JRC ¼ 37580D2 þ 77018D 39438 ð4Þ
1 362.9 31.93 31.73 27 6.37 1.05 0.935 0.927 where JRC and D are the joint roughness coefficient and fractal
2 308.8 34.62 34.51 20 8.69 1.55 1.325 1.312
dimension, respectively. The relationship between fractal dimen-
3 103 32.98 32.32 26 7.12 0.892 0.600 0.588
sion D and JRC of Barton’s profiles is shown in Fig. 7. The vertical

Fig. 5. Modified divider method: (a) divider applied to profile, (b) logL(r)–logr plot [54].
126 M. Sanei et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 75 (2015) 119–131

1.02 20
Turk et al. (1987)
Lee et al. (1990) 18
Seidel et al. (1995)
Kulatilake et al. (1997) 16
Fractal Dimension, D

Jang et al. (2006)

This study 14
12 JRC = -39438 + 77018D - 37580D
r = 0.984

1.008 10

1.004 6

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2
JRC Range
Fig. 6. Comparison of fractal dimensions (D) measured by different methods 1 1.005 1.01 1.015 1.02
[54-58] with the values obtained in this study.
Fractal Dimension (D)
Fig. 7. Fractal dimension (D) vs JRC range.
axis is the JRC range presented by Barton and Choubey [7] and the
horizontal axis is the fractal dimensions of Barton roughness
profiles measured in this study. where τ, c, σ n and ϕ are shear strength, cohesion, normal stress
The values of JRC of the surface roughness profile of more than and friction angle, respectively [61]. The successful result of in-situ
109 rock discontinuities including laboratory and in-situ tests at direct shear testing on bedding plane is presented in Fig. 8c and d.
the Bakhtiary dam site were measured by Eq. (4). In fact, the The bedding plane is absolutely planar, having no surface irregu-
values of fractal dimension of all 109 rock discontinuities were first larities or undulations. As illustrated in Fig. 8c, the shear stress will
measured and then the values of JRC were obtained based on the increase rapidly until the peak strength is reached. This corre-
values of fractal dimension. sponds to the sum of the strength of the cementing material
bonding the two halves of the bedding plane together and the
frictional resistance of the matching surfaces. As the displacement
4.2. Measurement of joint compressive strength (JCS) continues, the shear stress will fall to some residual value that will
then remain constant, even for large shear displacements. Plotting
The suggested methods for estimating JCS have been published by the peak and residual shear strengths for different normal stresses
the ISRM [59]. In the present research, the values of JCS were measured results in the two lines illustrated in Fig. 8d. The relationship
using Schmidt rebound hammer method proposed by Deere and Miller between the peak and residual shear strengths and the normal
[60]. The values of JCS of more than 109 rock discontinuities both stress are represented by the Mohr–Coulomb criterion, Eq. (5).
laboratory and in-situ tests at the Bakhtiary dam site were measured In this study, for all 109 specimens of rock discontinuities at
using the Schmidt rebound hammer method. both laboratory and in-situ scales at the Bakhtiary dam site, the
diagram of peak τp and residual τr shear strength versus different
4.3. Measurement of residual friction angle ðϕr Þ but constant normal stress σn was plotted. Then, based on what
was mentioned above, the values of residual and peak friction
The usual test procedure adopted for performing direct shear tests angle were measured.
calls for a constant normal load to be applied with the shear force
being gradually increased until sliding takes place. As illustrated in
Fig. 8a and based on the ISRM suggested methods, the peak shear
strength τp of the test surface is reached under the chosen normal
stress σn by applying the shear force continuously as to control the rate 5. Numerical modeling of direct shear test
of shear displacement. After reaching the peak strength τp, the shear
stress-shear displacement curve is plotted as shearing is continued 5.1. Model geometry
under the same constant normal stress up to obtaining the correspond-
ing residual shear strength τr. As stated in the ISRM suggested The numerical simulation was conducted by using the Universal
methods, the normal stress is increased and shearing is continued to Distinct Element Code (UDEC) [62]. The isotropic elastic model as a
obtain additional residual strength values. This stepwise procedure is constitutive model for rock block and Barton–Bandis joint model as
carried out at three normal stress levels. a joint constitutive model were adopted. Model geometry, boundary
Diagram of peak τp and residual τr shear strength versus condition of direct shear test and load application are shown in
normal stress σn has been plotted as shown in Fig. 8b based on Fig. 9a. The mechanical parameters for rock and joints as input data
the data made available from one laboratory direct shear test for numerical simulation are listed in Table 6. The upper block of the
conducted at the Bakhtiary dam site. One may now use the Mohr– model is loaded by a constant normal load. During shearing, the
Coulomb criterion (Eq. (5)) to express the peak and residual shear upper block was moved forward with a constant velocity while
strengths versus the normal stress as shown in Fig. 8b according to lower block remained stationary. The whole model was fixed in
the obtained cohesion and friction angle: three directions on the lower block, and in horizontal direction on
each side to prevent any movement. The discrete element mesh of
τ ¼ c þ σ n tan ϕ ð5Þ the model is shown in Fig. 9b.
M. Sanei et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 75 (2015) 119–131 127

3 2.5


Shear strength, MPa

Shear strength, MPa





0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Shear displacement, mm Normal stress, MPa

5 5

4 4
Shear strength, MPa
Shear strength, MPa

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Shear displacement, mm Normal stress, MPa
Fig. 8. Results of laboratory and in-situ direct shear test on discontinuity at the Bakhtiary dam site: (a) plot of shear strength vs. shear displacement of laboratory direct shear
test, (b) plot of shear strength vs. normal stress, peak and residual Mohr–Coulomb envelopes of laboratory direct shear test, (c) plot of shear strength vs. shear displacement
of in-situ direct shear test, (d) plot of shear strength vs. normal stress, peak and residual Mohr–Coulomb envelopes of in-situ direct shear test.

5.2. Definition of the model After the calibration of numerical models with experimental data
obtained from the laboratory and in-situ direct shear tests mentioned
For numerical modeling of the direct shear test, the model before, 36 direct shear tests were chosen as the representative of
geometry was built according to the laboratory and in-situ direct discontinuities for further analyses. In addition, the constant normal
shear tests. The rock material and condition of the joint were assigned, stress for these tests ranged from 0.51 to 2.09 MPa. The analysis
initial boundary conditions were applied, and a stepwise procedure carried out for normal stress of 2 MPa by numerical modeling is
was followed for the model to reach the equilibrium condition. The shown in Fig. 9c. The results are in a good agreement with experi-
analysis was carried out in two steps. In the first step, only normal mental data.
stress was applied on the top surface of the model and in the second
step, shear stress was also applied. All of the analyses were performed
using normal stresses ranging from 0.51 to 2.09 MPa. 6. Results and discussion
In this study, more than 109, 2D distinct element analyses were
conducted to simulate the large-scale direct shear tests using In this study, the roughness surface parameters were optimized
UDEC and predict the shear strength of the rock discontinuities for evaluation of the shear strength of rock discontinuities in
with different lengths under constant normal load (CNL) boundary numerical modeling. Also, the effects of the rock discontinuities with
conditions. The geometry of each model was the same as the size different lengths under constant normal load (CNL) were evaluated by
of direct shear test on rock specimens. Therefore, the constant using experimental data and numerical modeling. Then, the results of
normal stress applied ranged from 0.47 to 3.2 MPa and 0.59 to 36 direct shear tests as the representative of discontinuities both in
7.03 MPa for laboratory and in-situ direct shear tests, respectively. bedding planes and rock joints were selected for further analyses.
128 M. Sanei et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 75 (2015) 119–131


1.2 Normal Stress = 2 MPa

Shear stress, MPa



Numerical Simulation

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Shear displacement, mm
Fig. 9. Numerical model of direct shear test; (a) boundary condition of the model, (b) mesh of the model, (c) graph of shear stress vs. shear displacement.

Table 6 sample. As can be seen, from point A to point B, the values of shear
Input data for numerical simulation of direct shear tests.
strength gradient decline sharply. But, from point B to point C, the
Description Index Unit Value values of shear strength decline slowly. Finally, from point C to point D,
the values of shear strength decrease gradually and reach a constant
Block mass density ρ kg=m3 2640–2650 level. Thus, we can consider this constant level as a representative of
Bulk modulus of block K GPa 3.542–25.556
shear strength of discontinuity in rock masses. The results of the
Shear modulus of block G GPa 1.635–11.795
Joint normal stiffness Kn GPa=m 5.293–5.960
numerical modeling showed that the peak shear strength vanishes for
Joint shear stiffness Ks GPa=m 0.182–2.739 the joints longer than 200 cm. As shown in Fig. 10, it can be concluded
Lab-scale roughness coefficient JRC 0 – 2.02–17.11 that the sample size of 20  10 cm2 is suitable for laboratory direct
Lab-scale joint wall compressive strength JCS0 MPa 11–44 shear test. In fact, it must be emphasized that the more suitable sample
Residual angle of friction ϕr 3 14.9–41.2
size can be 20  20  20 cm3 (3D) for a laboratory direct shear test.
Intact rock uniaxial compressive strength σc MPa 77–116
Lab-scale joint length L0 m 0.09–0.142 Also, the size of in-situ direct shear test 70  70  35 cm3 presented by
Normal stress σn MPa 0.51–2.09 ISRM [48] is reliable because the shear strength estimated can almost
represent the shear strength of rock mass discontinuities of the
dam site.
6.1. The effect of discontinuity length
6.2. The relationship between shear strength and discontinuity
Based on the research conducted by Fardin et al. [22] and due to the length
lack of samples in different lengths, the numerical simulations of direct
shear tests were carried out up to the length of 300 cm. For numerical In order to take care of a large number of shear test data sets, all
analyses, 324 direct shear tests were modeled for the length range the data can be summarized in the mean values. Then, the mean
from 10 to 300 cm with an increment of 10 cm. In this study UDEC was values as a representative of all the data can be used to obtain the
used to predict the shear strength of rock discontinuities with different relation between τ and L. As illustrated in Fig. 10, the mean values of
lengths under constant normal load (CNL) boundary conditions and shear strength for each size of test specimen were separately
based on the Barton–Bandis joint model. The predicted shear strength determined for bedding planes and rock joints. Then, based on the
was compared with the experimental results, indicating that the statistical analysis, the relationship between the mean shear
predicted peak shear stress based on UDEC was in a close agreement strength and discontinuity length was investigated. The empirical
with the experimental results. The effect of discontinuity length on relationship between the mean shear strength τmean and the
shear strength based on experimental results and numerical modeling discontinuity lengths was defined by
is illustrated in Fig. 10. As shown in this figure, the shear strength of
discontinuity is decreased with an increase in the length. Moreover, the
τmean ¼ 1:2957Ln  0:17212 ð6Þ
shear strength of rock discontinuity was almost representative of shear where τmean and Ln are the mean shear strength and discontinuity
strength of discontinuity in rock mass by increasing the size of the length, respectively. The correlation coefficient and the standard
M. Sanei et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 75 (2015) 119–131 129

3 1
Simulation Results
τ = 1.2957L
Minimum r = 0.9292
2.4 0.8
Shear strenght , MPa

Mean shear strength, MPa

B Maybe
1.8 representative of shear strength
of discontinuity in rock mass 0.6


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Discontinuity length ( Ln), cm 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Fig. 10. Variation of shear strength vs discontinuity length. Discontinuity length, cm

Fig. 11. Mean values of shear strength of discontinuities vs. discontinuity length.

error were 0.9292 and 0.033756, respectively. Mean values of shear

strength of discontinuities versus discontinuity lengths are shown in Based on the new empirical equation, the value of in-situ shear
Fig. 11. strength of discontinuity was predicted by laboratory shear strength.
Therefore, the in-situ shear strength of discontinuity was estimated by
6.3. Development of a new equation for estimating shear strength of Eq. (9), the input data of which included the value of laboratory shear
discontinuities in sedimentary rock masses strength, the laboratory sample length (L0 ¼10 cm), and the length of
in-situ direct shear tests (L0 ¼70 cm). The results compared with the
Estimation of shear strength of discontinuities in rock masses is data of three in-situ direct shear tests were found to be in a good
a very difficult task in the field of geotechnical engineering due to agreement with the data obtained from in-situ shear tests. Also, the
the problems associated with the in-situ scale and also technical linear regression analysis was used between both parameters which
limitations. In this study, however, a new empirical relationship resulted in a linear equation (Eq. (10)) with r 2 ¼ 0:9874. Input data for
for linking the shear strength of discontinuities of laboratory scale estimating the shear strength and the prediction values of shear
to in-situ scale using the results both from direct shear tests and strength along the discontinuity length (Ln ¼70 cm) at the Bakhtiary
numerical modeling at the Bakhtiary dam site has been proposed. dam are given in Table 7. The predicted shear strength τpr versus the
As illustrated in Fig. 10, the relation between τ and L was non- measured shear strength τme obtained from a rock discontinuity at the
linear. This non-linear relationship may be expressed in the Bakhtiary dam site is shown in Fig. 12a.
general form:
τpr ¼ 0:74988τme þ 0:12913 ð10Þ
τn ¼ a þ bLn ð7Þ
where τn ¼ Ln τ and Ln ¼ Ln L. The constants a and b and the
correlation coefficient can be determined by linear regression
analysis. The relationships between the shear strength ðτn Þ and 6.4. Validation of the new model for estimating shear strength
the discontinuity length ðLn Þ are defined by the following equa-
tion: In order to validate the new Eq. (9) for estimating shear strength,
Ln ðτn Þ ¼ 0:218  0:143Ln ðLn Þ ð8Þ the data of another case (i.e., Karun IV dam) in Iran was used. Then,
based on the data of laboratory and in-situ direct shear tests at the
Using the statistical
 analyses of all the data, the correction
Karun IV dam in Iran, Eq. (9) was validated. It must be noted that the
coefficient r 2 and the standard error of these analyses were
rock masses of Karun IV dam site are composed of limestone and
obtained 0.976 and 0.02832, respectively.
marble intersected by several bedding planes, joints and faults,
The closer the value of r 2 is to 1, the better the fit of the
which are similar to the characteristics of Bakhtiary dam.
empirical equation to the shear test data. By substituting the
In this particular case (Karun IV dam), the same processes as
average value of laboratory shear strength and the average value of
those for Bakhtiary dam discussed above were used and the shear
laboratory length (L0 ¼10 cm) into Eq. (8), the new empirical
strength along the length Ln ¼ 70 cm was predicted based on the
relationship is proposed as follows:
shear strength along the length L0 ¼10 cm. Also, the linear regres-
L sion analysis was used between the predicted and measured shear
τn ¼ τ0 n ð9Þ strengths and a linear equation with r 2 ¼ 0:7866 was obtained.
where τn is the shear strength of the discontinuity with the length τpr ¼ 0:31708τme þ0:48621 ð11Þ
of ðLn Þ and τ0 is the laboratory based shear strength of the
discontinuity with the length of ðL0 Þ. Ln and L0 refer to in-situ Input data for prediction of shear strength and the measured
block size and laboratory sample size, respectively. values of shear strength along the discontinuity length (Ln ¼70 cm) at
In this study, the lengths of laboratory samples were in the range the Karun IV dam site are given in Table 8. Also, the relationship τpr
of 5.4–14.8 cm and the average laboratory sample length was almost versus τme of a rock discontinuity at the Karun IV dam site is shown in
10 cm. Furthermore, the length of in-situ test sample was 70 cm. Fig. 12b.
130 M. Sanei et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 75 (2015) 119–131

Table 7
Input data for estimating shear strength and the prediction of shear strength along the length Ln on rock discontinuity at the Bakhtiary dam site.

Num JRC 0 JCS0 ðMPaÞ ϕr ð 3 Þ JRC n JCSn ðMPaÞ σ n ðMPaÞ τL0 measured ðMPaÞ τLn measured ðMPaÞ τLn predicted ðMPaÞ

1 10.12 47 31.73 6.37 27 1.05 1.221 0.935 0.835

2 16.48 52 34.51 8.69 20 1.55 2.404 1.325 1.137
3 12.16 51 32.32 7.12 26 1.64 1.814 1.228 1.031

1.5 1.5

Predicted shear strength, τ , MPa

Predicted shear strength, τ , MPa

1.25 1.25


1 1

0.75 0.75

0.5 0.5

0.25 0.25

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Measured shear strength, τ , MPa Measured shear strength, τm , MPa

Fig. 12. Plot of τpredicted vs τmeasured on rock discontinuity: (a) at the Bakhtiary dam site, (b) at the Karun IV dam site, Iran.

Table 8
Input data for estimating shear strength and the prediction of shear strength along the length Ln on rock discontinuity at the Karun IV dam site.

Num JRC 0 JCS0 ðMPaÞ ϕr ð 3 Þ JRC n JCSn ðMPaÞ σ n ðMPaÞ τL0 measured ðMPaÞ τLn measured ðMPaÞ τLn predicted ðMPaÞ

1 15.2 39 30.5 8.4 16 1.25 1.552 0.918 0.957

2 14.1 38 30 8.1 16.5 0.36 0.584 0.405 0.484
3 12 41 31 7.5 20 2.94 2.653 2.283 1.161

7. Conclusions decrease until they reach a constant value, which is taken as the
representative of shear strength of discontinuity in rock masses.
In this study, the shear strength of discontinuities with different Further, based on the experimental data and numerical simula-
lengths has been investigated. Based on the experimental test results, tions it can be concluded that the size of in-situ direct shear test
a new empirical relationship for estimating the shear strength of (70  70  35 cm3) suggested by ISRM is reliable and can almost
discontinuities in sedimentary rock masses was developed and show the representative shear strength of discontinuity in rock
validated by another identical case study. The input data for numerical masses. Also, the sample size of 20  20  10 cm3 was found
modeling was obtained from laboratory and in-situ direct shear tests. suitable for the laboratory direct shear test.
The following points have been considered in this study:
First, the shear strength of rock discontinuities from more than
109 laboratory and in-situ direct shear tests under the constant Acknowledgements
normal load (CNL) at the Bakhtiary dam site was measured. Then,
the roughness surface parameters were optimized for evaluation
The authors express their thanks to the Iran Water and Power
of the shear strength of rock discontinuities in numerical model-
Resources Development Committee staff, Poyry Cu. Engineering
ing. Also, the effect of the rock discontinuities with different
Staff, Moshanir Cu. Engineering Staff, Dezab Cu. Engineering Staff,
lengths under constant normal load (CNL) was evaluated using
Stucky Pars Cu. Engineering Staff, Mahab Ghodss Cu. Engineering
experimental data and 324 numerical modeling data sets.
Staff, Khak Azma Laboratory Engineering Staff for providing data,
In this study, capability of UDEC in predicting the shear strength
Computer Programming Team for image processing, and Isfahan
of rock discontinuities with different roughness values under con-
University of Technology, where the study was carried out.
stant normal load (CNL) boundary conditions was evaluated. The
predicted shear strength was compared with the experimental
results, indicating that the predicted peak shear stress based on References
UDEC is in a close agreement with the experimental results.
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