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The Spheres

There are five spheres of influence which govern all existence within the current universe. These spheres
are those of Matter, Energy, Thought, Time, and Entropy. The presence of these spheres and their importance is a
closely guarded secret known only to a select few mages and historians across the world. The exact nature of their
relationship with the world of Etrius is unknown, but it is thought that magic and existence itself is derived from
these spheres of influence.
The fiends across the world are actually spawn creatures of the sphere of Entropy which have corrupted
(neutral) Etrius energy from the planet itself. These creatures are a part of an elaborate quest which Richtor
Selgaunt is attempting to fulfill to complete his path of immortality and become a god among the immortal

Demon (Entropy)
This is the Path to the Sphere of Entropy. It favors no particular class over another, and most
of the undead creatures embark on this path.
The Demon must Quest for and recover an artifact of the Sphere of Entropy that is in the
hands of a follower of another Sphere. The exact details of the artifact and nature of its
recovery are up to the DM. Preferably, this should be an artifact in the hands of an Epic Hero,
thus foiling his chances of becoming Immortal quickly.
The Demon must bring about the downfall of a dominion dedicated to any Sphere other than
Entropy. The Demon may cause this downfall in any way they see fit (the more creative, the
better). Preferably, this should be a dominion founded by a Dynast, thus foiling her chances of
becoming Immortal quickly.
The Demon must cause massive destruction to a large plot of land (the larger the better!). This
can be accomplished by a number of methods, either by outright attacks and pillaging of cities
or by the creation of a race that perverts the landscape around where they live (such as
magically creating the first elven vampire in a sacred wood). Preferably, this should be land
controlled by a Paragon, thus foiling his chances of becoming Immortal quickly.
The Demon must infiltrate and gain the trust of a group of adventurers all while hiding her
true evil nature. Once the adventurers trust the Demon, he should betray them one by one,
usually with only the one betrayed knowing it, and slowly whittle the group down.
Alternatively, the Demon may corrupt these heroes to the forces of darkness slowly, making
them unfit for the group they are in. Preferably, this should be a group adventuring with a
Polymath, thus foiling his chances of becoming Immortal quickly.
The Demon and Other PCs
This Path is one of wanton destruction and evil. While the Trial requires the Demon to travel
alone, the other PCs can and probably should help the Demon on the other parts of the Path, if
they are of that nature, of course. The act of destroying land and corrupting a dominion is
made all the merrier by the addition of willing helpers.
On Richtor Selgaunt
Richtor is currently in the “Testimony” aspect of his path to immortality. He has been working in this universe for
approximately 10 years. Richtor is working under the guidance of the outer world demon, “Kelvorathak.” [Kell-
Vor-Ath-Ick] Richtor needs to unleash five Entropy avatars upon the world to complete his task. The avatars are as

T’rheleod the avatar of Disease [Ttt-trell-E-ode]

Mu’phoud the avatar of Discord [Moo-Fowd]
Taaloughe the avatar of Hatred [Tal’-Oaf]
Narravigne the avatar of Perversion [Nar-Ah-Vin-Je]
Bukhev the avatar of Darkness [Boo-Kev]

The five of these individuals can bring about a pure demon into the world of Etrius who will be known as “He who
will not be named.”
The Encounter with Taaloughe
The PC’s have previously encountered Taaloughe in the past. Originally the PC’s encountered
this entitiy when it possessed Miranda Tolwynn who was Qale Radcliffe’s long time love
interest. Miranda used her influence to corrupt Qale Radcliffe which triggered the breakdown
of diplomatic relations between Alescik and the surrounding city-states.

PC's are Fiends
In actuality, the PC's are part fiend. Any creature on Etrius is actually infused with energy that
allows them to wield and be affected by magic. Magic truly is a side-effect of the presence of Etrius
energy. Fiends are pure Etrius energy but modified in some ways. For whatever reason, the energy
surrounding the planet has been surging and creating abhorrations and creatures alien to the existing

The Avatar of Etrius

A growing segment of the population now believes in the concept of a grand fiend that is the
living embodiment of the spirit of the planet. This creature is said to give birth to the fiends.

Who are the Six?

The PC’s are three of six members indoctrinated together into a secret society known as “The
Ithican Authority.” The IA is a super secretive group of ancients who use their agents to seek out men
and women of power and ability. They install these individuals into seats of power and influence and
teach them the secrets of the Ithican race. Routinely, the Ithican use their pawns to maintain the
Ithican’s own power structure and to extend their own influence. The PC’s are unaware they are part of
the Ithican Authority.

Who are the Ithicans?

The Ithicans are immortal creatures and one of the first races of Etrius itself. They were
incredibly powerful individuals who can tap into the lifeforce of the planet itself to power their spells and

What was the Incident of the Sixth?

The complete group of six became aware that the Brotherhood of the Fiends was preparing a
powerful ritual to strengthen themselves and the abilities of the fiends on a planetwide scale. The
Brotherhood sought out and captured Qale Radcliffe. Qale’s senior most bodyguard betrayed him at a
crucial moment, and Qale was taken by the cultists. Qale’s friends undertook a quest to rescue him and
they ultimately found him deep inside a cultist underground cavern. They had raised forth a powerful
fiend, a being made of gray shadows using Qale’s stored Etrius energy. During the battle, the group
saved Qale from destruction but the Gray Fiend attacked and merged with Miranda Tolwynn. The group
was unaware of what happened to Miranda or the fiend but they quickly dispatched the cultists and
returned home. Unbeknownst to them however, Miranda became corrupted however by the influence of
the Gray one. She separated from Qale shortly thereafter and began using her powers and her ability to
absorb Etrius energy in conjunction with the fiends ability to sacrifice the entire population of Alescik to
the fiends. Miranda used her Etrius powers to summon forth from the planet itself a grand fiend. The
PC’s intervened in time to stop Miranda and the rise of this grand fiend. Qale himself allowed the grand
fiend to consume him where he destroyed the Sovereign Staff of Alescik in a retributive strike. The blast
bound the creature back into the ground beneath the city and opened a portal that threw the group
through it and into Marip’s Crossing.

What are we doing in Marip’s Crossing?

Marip’s Crossing was the site where the Sovereign Staff of Alescik was originally created
centuries ago by the great wizard Alescik. When the artifact was destroyed, the portal opened to the site
where it was originally created.

Why did we lose our Memories?

The destruction of the Staff imprisoned the grand fiend beneath the earth. This prison is created
out of the mental energy of those who were in the vicinity. The act of remembering the grand fiend will
release it from its prison.
Treasure Contents
Marcus Senegal has within his possession a small locked chest. This chest is magically locked
and warded against spells in general. There is an enchanted key that was in the possession of Cyrix
Markham but it was buried with him upon his death. Contained inside this chest is

Who are the Grand Fiends?

Gemstone: Topaz
Color: Yellow
School: Divination

Gemstone: Ruby
Color: Red
School: Invocation/Evocation

Gemstone: Sapphire
Color: Blue
School: Conjuration/Summoning

Gemstone: Emerald
Color: Green
School: Abjuration

Gemstone: Onyx
Color: Black
School: Evil
Gemstone: Jacinth
Color: Orange
School: Enchantment/Charm

Font: Gismonda
Size: 36
Letter: “i” ()
Gemstone: Diamond
Color: Colorless/Transparent
School: Divination

Gemstone: Aquamarine
Color: Blue-Green
School: Alteration

Gemstone: Amethyst
Color: Purple
School: Necromancy

Gemstone: Pearl
Color: White
School: Divine

1. The PC’s memory blocks are voluntary.
2. The PC’s used ancient magic to get to Marip’s Crossing.
3. The PC’s were under a strict deadline.
4. The PC’s were three of six who journeyed.
5. The sixth member was the woman in the picture that Qale has within his possession.
6. This woman is Qale’s lover and betrothed, Miranda Tolwynn.
7. The mark on the small bracelet is from an organization known as the Brotherhood of the Fiends.
8. The PC’s homes are about 1200 miles away.

Marcus Senegal
City: Kharyk Vex of Thracia bordering the Magstavil Desert
Relations: Kalesira Senegal, Twin sister

Qale Radcliffe
City: Alescik off the gigantic River Silhn
Relations: Ivis Radcliffe (sick father)

Lucian Jalor
City: Korr Morev under Forest Endritch
Relations: Of the Morrevisti of the 1st Circle

Cyrix Markham
City: Pelagrid Dostenary
Notes: Holds the Brotherhood of Evenhandedness and Justice

Meghan Gr’haram
City: Zazck
Notes: Racial Harmony

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