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Alcala 1

Jordan Alcala

Emily Litle

ENG 121.001

2 May 2019

Reflective Essay

English 121 has been a very useful and handy class for me this year. I believe as a student

I have improved in my writing skills and my overall thinking process while writing an essay.

There were many aspects of writing I needed to work on. Those aspects being grammar, critical

thinking, MLA formatting, annotated bibliographies, and how to cite paper properly. My teacher

Emily Litle really had a huge part on my improvements on writing. Writing an essay isn’t easy

but, I defiantly feel like English 121 has helped me tremendously.

Before I got into English 121, I knew how to write a paper, but they weren’t very good. I

didn’t know how to properly format and title the pages nor did I know what MLA formatting

was. I have always struggled with papers in high school because I never knew how to do MLA

papers. It wasn’t easy passing English in high school as well but, if I were to go back, I know I

would do a lot better.

Now that I have learned how to write a paper in the correct formatting, I feel that if I

were to go back to high school and write my essays again, I would for sure pass them. Learning

how to write a paper isn’t easy, due to the fact that there is so many things you need to know.

One aspect that has really helped me was citing resources. This is a huge part in writing. If you

don’t know how to properly cite your resources, then risk failing the essay. Not citing your

resources leads to plagiarism. Plagiarism is a big due because you are taking someone else’s
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information/work that they have written and putting it into your own paper by not giving them

any credit for it. This can lead into many problems such as failing your paper.

Mrs. Litle has helped me understand all the aspects of citing resources. Not only did she

help me cite my resources, but she also helped me with all the new information I know now

about writing a paper. I feel I have grown and improved my skills as a writer and have a better

understanding on writing an essay. English 121 has really helped me and I am glad I had the

class/teacher I did. I love to write and now that I know more about writing, it has boosted my

love for it.

Writing papers isn’t easy and school isn’t easy also. But, when you have a teacher who

walks through and breaks everything down on writing, it makes the class a lot easier. Writing

plays a huge part in school and it Is important to know how to write one. I am grateful for

actually absorbing all the information I have learning about English in this class. Like I said

before, it helped my overall skills as a student and has taught me a lot of great things.

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