Archive Guidebook Final

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Archive of Modern

Political Communication

Glass Box Archive Purdue University

Glass Box Archive Purdue University

Politicians and public officials transcribe their ideas and beliefs on current issues through social
media and other platforms. The public use these platforms to determine our views on those officials.
It is important that the public has easy access to their political leaders’ thoughts and actions on
current topics in order to ensure that their elected representatives remain accountable to their
constituents. Also, politicians’ posts across multiple platforms make it difficult for constituents
to view all comments made by their representatives. The Glass Box Archive of Modern Political
Communication offers a way to compare past and present views of officials.

Mission Statement
Our goal is to fill a gap in the historical record, documenting politicians’ growing use of social media platforms to
provide another reference point for historians, journalists, action groups, and constituents alike.

Guiding Principles
• Be practical and accessible to use
• Be adaptable as more content is published and new platforms emerge
• Be transparent

The Team

Creighton Suter Hudson Huth Jacob Glidden

Creighton is a senior in Hudson is a senior in Jacob is a junior in
Professional Writing at Technical Writing at Computer Graphics
Purdue with experience Purdue. He is using his Technology at Purdue.
in the journalism indus- experience writing for He is using his past de-
try. His past work as a advocacy organizations sign work to inform the
reporter inspired him to design the Glass Box user-centered design of
to create the Glass Box Archive as a tool for a the Glass Box Archive.
Archive. more informed public.

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Glass Box Archive Purdue University

Selection of material for the

archive will occur on a hier-
Content Selection Criteria archical basis and expand as
the archive’s resources grow.
Priority based on position in government, constituency size, and
breadth of influence Three priority levels have
been identified to aid the se-
lection process.

Who to Include?
High Priority Public officials from the des-
ignated categories will have
their social media accounts
archived. Posts will be col-
Federal Elected Officials President & Vice President
lected from verified accounts
unless archivists are able to
Federal Appointed Officials Executive Cabinet guarantee the legitimacy of
Executive Agency Heads the account.
Federal Judges
State Elected Officials Governors, Congress People How long are posts
State Agency Heads
Mayors pop. >100,000
Contents will remain in the
archive forever. Once offi-
cials have left office, their
posts will continue to be ar-
Medium Priority chived for two term lengths.

High-Ranking Public Officials Joint Chiefs of Staff Presidents and Vice Presi-
Federal Reserve Board Members dents will have their posts
archived forever.
Large Cities Officials Mayors pop. 25,000 - 100,000
City Councilors pop. >100,000 Archivist Discretion
Glass Box archivist have dis-
Top 10 Largest Cities Municipal Department Heads cretion to collect posts from
current or former public of-
ficial who may not meet the
selection criteria. Accounts
that see high levels of activi-
Low Priority ty and follower counts make
for good inclusions in the ar-
Middle-America Officials Mayors pop. <25,000
Head of Municipal Organizations
City Councilors

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Glass Box Archive Purdue University

The archive is designed with

usability in mind. To ensure
Organization System information is accessible, all
posts are accompanied with
Organized within a tag-based infrastructure. Four tags areman-
datory. Others are adaptive. a series of tags. Four tags
are mandatory. Additional,
adaptive tags, can be added
by users of the archive.

Mandatory Tags Creating Structure?

A digital archive should
remain adaptive, but a
Date Day, Month, Year foundation needs to be
established to ensure
the end goal is not lost.
Platform Twitter, Facebook
Mandatory tags establish a
basic, searchable database.
Poster’s Elected Position Governor, Senator,
State Representative
User generated tags?
Poster’s Party Affiliaton Democrat, Republican,
The archive’s database-
Libertarian, etc.
inspired structure allows
its contents to be endlessly
searchable. The addition of
user generated tags expands
search capabilities without
Adaptive Tags damaging the integrity of
the original organization.

Event 2016 Rio Olympics, Arab

Spring, Hurricane Katrina Search
Both basic and advanced
Topic LGBTQ, Immigration
search functions are
Healthcare, Military
available. The basic search
Location Indiana, U.S. Capitol Build- function operates as a basic
ing, Federal Reserve keyword search. Advanced
search funtions allow users
to narrow their search by
media type, date range,
Search member organization, etc.

Keyword Tags, Text of Post

Archivist curated collections
will be featured on the
Advanced Date Range, Media Type, Category,
archive’s homepage.

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Glass Box Archive Purdue University

Content Examples
An example of archive contents with appropriate tags. Taken
from users from the “High Priority” of the hierarchy

User: Marco Rubio User: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Affiliation: RNC Affiliation: DNC
Date: April 17, 2019 Date: February 6, 2019
Medium: Twitter Medium: Instagram
User account: @marcorubio; User Account: @ocasio2018; https://www.instagram.
marcorubio com/ocasio2018/?hl=en
Link: Link:
tus/1118540046078967808 Post Type: Image
Post Type: Text
Walking into #SOTU like
By allowing US citizens to sue #CastroRegime for .
property stolen from them in #Cuba @realDon- .
aldTrump is ending almost 6 decades of injustice w/ @cpdaction

It also punishes regime for its criminal support of

#MaduroRegime & honors veterans of #Brigade2506
on this 58th anniversary of #BayofPigs

217 Comments, 1114 Shares, 2560 Likes

Tags: Cuba, Donald Trump, Castro, Bay of Pigs, 680425 Likes
Maduro, Venezuela Tags: State of the Union, Women’s Protest, Women
of Congress, House Democratic Women’s Working

Historians and Journalists studying Cuban Historians and Journalists can use this post
relations may be interested to see this post while studying the women’s movement in
from Marco Rubio. Constituents can see how congress. Constituents will be able to un-
Senator Rubio stands on the issues of US-Cu- derstand Ocasio-Cortez’s group affiliation in
ban and -Venezuelan relations. congress.

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